Carry on my wayward son

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Sam winchester knocked his digital alarm clock to the ground, still half asleep. It kept on beeping however, signalling the start of a new day on the job.

Sam actually liked his job. He was one of the best lawyers in Kansas, living in a 3 bedroom detached house and nearly a millionaire but he was lonely.

He had walked out on the hunter life 9 years ago when he was only 18 to go to Stanford and he hadn't seen his family since. However Sam always made sure a few guns were strapped underneath tables and he was always well stocked with salt. Just incase

Sam stumbled out of bed, quickly got dressed and made his way downstairs. The house was completely silent, the only sound was Sam's quiet footsteps and the buzz of a coffee machine.

It was 8am and Sam yawned. He had been up until 3am the night before, his mind not allowing him to sleep. Sam had been wondering what happened to his hunter family, his brother Dean who practically raised him and his deadbeat dad. These thoughts still plagued Sam now as he drove off to work.


"New case." His manager slammed the case file onto Sam's desk, making Sam jump and pulling him from his  daydreams.
"Whos it for?" He asked, opening the file. But there was no ID, no photo. Not even a name. "Wait who is this guy?"

His manager shook his head, straightening his tie and smoothing down his suit.
"We dont know. We ran him through the data base and nothing. Everyone in the stations worldwide knows his face but no one knows what his name is or anything else."
""Where's the mugshot?" Sam asked,shaking the folder just incase it had gotten lost in there "If everyone knows who he is, there has to be a mugshot right?"

"The picture should be there." Sam's manager bent over the desk to look at the folder and Sam tried not to gag as he inhaled the mans stale coffee breath. "Looks like it must have gotten misplaced or fallen out."

"Anyway." Sam's manager straightened up again, his lanky figure blocking out the sun. "This is going to be a hell of a case, so thats why ive given it to one of our best lawyers. You're going to have to try and plead innocent for this man."

And with a nod of his head, the manager was gone and Sam was still staring at the file. Who was mystery man and how the hell was Sam going to plead innocent for a man no one knows anything about??

Well, Sam would see him tommorow when he arrived for the interview. In the meantime he decided, stifyling another yawn, he would have to try and poke around to see what he could find about this guy.

He discovered the accused crimes, which included 5 counts of murder (and that was only what the officials found), credit card theft, having possession of illegal weapons and many more.


The day of the interview finally rolled around. Sam was still in bed, thinking about who the person could be. He knew the suspect was being held in maximum security prison because he had gotten away soo many time but it still didnt ring a bell.

This is strange, Sam thought. He knew all of the big prisoners and all of the wanted men. Why hadn't be heard of this person before?
Unless it was...
No it couldn't be.

But the crimes fit...

No, Sam thought.

Sam locked those thoughts in the back of his mind and got out of bed for another day. Still he couldn't get rid of the curiosity that was knawing at his brain. Today he would see who it was.


The interview room was empty, even though about a dozen guards were surrounding the enterances and exits. Also people were listening to everything he said and everything was definately being recorded on cctv.

Sam was reminded that by the two small little cameras that were plugged into the grey walls. All there was in the room was two chairs, one of which Sam was occupying, a grey metal table and a single light that cast one beam around the room.

Sam's stomach twisted nervously and he tried not to move his hands from their calm position on the table. He had done this a million times. He shouldnt be worried, Sam thought.

But what if it was who he thought was. The crimes fit the profile and the fact about having no details.
Suddenly the door to the left swung open and a man was shoved in. He was handcuffed and dressed in the standard prison jumpsuit.

He had close cropped brown hair that had a sweep of blonde highlights in them. His mouth was curled into a grin but his greener-then-life eyes sparkled with shock after seeing Sam but even that emotion was buried deep within seconds.
Two guards shoved him into the chair and then went to wait outside. Sam couldn't say anything. He was still staring at the person in shock.
It was him.

Then Sam couldn't help the word that slipped through his mouth next.

"Dean?!" He exclaimed,

The man grinned again and raised his handcuffed hands in what was supposed to be a wave.

"Hiya Sammy."

First chapter doneee
I have big plans for this fic ;)

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- Sophie

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