Fluff at the end

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Only a week passed before on one visiting hour, Dean was told he had an actual person here to see him.

Cas stared after Dean as he walked off. Dean resisted the urge to turn back to him. This last week had been difficult, to say the least. The relationship between the angel and the hunter had pettered into almost nothing. Cas and Dean only spoke if necessary, even when Cas awoke panting from nightmares, Dean turned the other way and pretended he was asleep.

Hopefully Sam would have some anwsers for him because Dean hated the way his heart lept for Cas still. He knew it was impossible but Dean still kept on thinking about the taste of Cas's soft lips and running his hands through the angels wild hair. Dean shook his head to clear the thoughts as he spied Sam sitting on the other side of a glass barrier.

There was a phone for them to talk to each other from and Dean knew that the calls were probably recorded. Dean also knew that Sam would have done something about that.

"Hello Sammy." Was Dean's first words, "Have you made sure we arent being recorded?"
Sam nodded. "Im not an idiot Dean."

"Alright, alright." Dean replied, "So what did you find out about the name Castiel?"

"Dean arent you worried about getting out of here rather then some stupid name?"
"Nope." Dean leant back on the metal chair and Sam sighed. Dean was just as annoying as he remembered.

"Well." Sam unfurled a piece of paper from inside his green jacket. He wasn't wearing his suit seeing as he was here on official business. As far as anyone was concerned, Sam was a relative who was visiting Dean, "Castiel is the name for an angel, more specifically the angel of thursday."

(Im making up lore from here on out so dont @ me. Now back to the story)

"Castiel was part of the squadron of angels made immediately after the arch angels and they were named after each day of the week. According to the lore, the day angels and the arch-angels were together in heaven for a really long time before anymore angels or anything were made.
Castiel lead armies in heaven and is considered, and i quote, 'one of the best military leaders angelkind has ever seen'. "

Dean let out a low whistle in surprise and a bit of awe. Who knew that the angel they sent to get him out was one of the best. Wow. Someone upstairs must really want him alive and kicking.
"Wow." Was all Dean said.

"Why does this even matter?" Sam hissed down the phone.
"Because my new prison mate is the angel called castiel." Dean retorted back.
Sam was silent for a few seconds.

"Well that wasn't what i expected." Sam rubbed his eyes behind the glass sheet that separated the 2 brothers, looking a bit fed up and really tired. Dean felt a flash of guilt at the state Sam was in. It looked like he hadn't gotten a good nights sleep in long time trying to get Dean out.

"What do i do?" Dean asked, "He said he has been placed here to get me out. Someone on the godsquad really wants me out and kicking. But he's stuck in here because angel warding."

"Let him help." Was Sam's reply. Dean opened his mouth to argue but then shut it because Sam had a valid point. Dean only nodded instead.

"So." Dean began, "I didnt expect angels to exist."
"Well demons do so i guess i always kinda expected it. There has to be that balance between light and dark." Sam replied at the exact moment the guards started to round up the prisoners to get back.
Dean nodded at Sam through the glass and Sam nodded back. Hope flooded through Dean now. He would get out somehow.


Dean awoke that night to Cas screaming. He jumped out of bed almost immediately and went to Cas's bed.
"Raphael brother!" Cas yelled in his sleep, "STOP THE SLAUGHTER!"

Then he started screaming in a language Dean had ever heard before. It didnt even sound mortal or like it had originated on this earth. Must be the angel language, Dean concluded.

"Cas?" Dean shook Cas, trying to wake him up, "Hey Cas!"
Cas shot up like a bullet, his eyes glowing blue. He grabbed Dean by the throat, temporarily crushing his windpipe. Dean grabbed Cas's hand that was wrapped around his throat but then Cas's eyes faded back to its normal blue. He let go of Dean's throat immediately and looked at his hands in horror.

"Sorry." Cas muttered while Dean rubbed at the red marks around his neck and wheezed, "I thought you were someone else."

Dean waited for the angel to elaborate but he didn't.
"Ok." Dean said after about minute of silence, "I'm glad your better now."

Cas was silent as Dean got back into his bed. Dean faced the wall but then a sleepy voice trailed over to him from the other side of the room.

"Dean?" Cas sounded... frightened.

Dean scrunched his eyes in confusion about how an angel could be frightened but replied back with,


"Ca...can i sleep with you tonight?"

Dean was silent for a moment.

"C'mere." He shuffled over until his back hit the wall and Cas climbed in. There wasnt enough space on the narrow bed for them to have separate sides so Cas was facing Dean.

Cas's blue eyes blinked intensely at the hunter. Dean was feeling sleepy as it still was the middle of the night so almost instantly fell asleep.
Not before moving closer to the other warm human and subconsciously putting his arm around Cas.

Cas froze for a second but then moved closer too, burrowing into Dean's chest. Their legs were entwined together and Dean rested his head in Cas's fluffy hair. He sighed in contentment and fell back asleep.

Cas fell asleep a little while later, the warmth and the lull of Deans heart echoing in his ears. The nightmares didnt return.

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