we're not doing get help

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"Heya Sam ya idjit." Was Bobbys reply as soon as he picked up the call from Sam.

"Bobby i need your help." Sam's voice was fast and almost panicked. The situation he was in was 100 times more extreme then anything he had handled before, especially alone.
"Talk boy." Was all Bobby said as Sam launched into the story of the predicament him and Dean had landed themselves in this time. 


"I'll call and see whos in the area." Bobby sighed with a resigned tone to his voice.
"Thanks Bobby." Sam said, sitting back in the dingy motel room he was in yet again.

Bobby grumbled into the phone some more but then hung up, leaving Sam staring at his phone screen.

Dean was going to break. Sam didnt want to face that fact but he knew it deep down. It seemed to Sam that Dean would do anything for this angel of his. And that definately included staying in that death trap for however long it took.

Sam massaged his temples, trying to fight back the headache that was steadily growing. Suddenly there were 4 rapt knocks on the motel door. Sam was up in an instant, all worries of the headache pushed to the back of his mind.

The gun was already out, and pressed to the side of the door. Just incase it was something he didnt want to meet was waiting on the other side.
However, the gun was immediately lowered when the door opened to reveal Jody.

"Hey Sam!" She exclaimed, stepping in and engulfing all 6"4" of Sam in a motherly hug.
"Hey Jody." Sam replied after escaping her embrace. "I'm gonna assume bobby told you about everything."

She nodded grimly, and tucked her thumbs into her sheriffs belt on her uniform.
"Dean's seriously got himself in deep. But at least you've got a lady on the inside."

Sam nodded and opened his mouth to speak but there was a sudden creak from behind Jody's car and a gasp that shortly followed.
Both of them instantly had their guns out, Jody nodding at sam to go left around the car while she went right.

The car boot (or trunk depending on where you live) was slightly open and Sam pulled it open even more before lowering his gun.
Jody instantly started to tell Claire off as she climbed out the trunk. But that was short lived as another car pulled into the motel parking lot. There was a family of 4 inside.

Sam quickly put his gun away and the three of them darted inside.

"Claire why are you here?" Sam asked the teenager, who was now lounging about on the edge of one of the beds.

She shrugged.
"I heard Dean was in trouble so i decided to come and help. If i asked Jody, she wouldve said no so i decided to take myself here."

"So thats why you didnt put up a fight when i told you i was going and you couldnt?!" Jody sighed, "Well you're here now and we cant send you back."

Claire tried to hide the sly smile that tugged at the corner of her mouth and failed drastically. Jody shook her head but turned away.


"Helloo." Charlie's voice echoed through Sam's phone, filling the room as the phone was also on speaker. 

"Um hey Charlie." Sammy replied.

"Heya Sam." Charlie's voice was bright for a second at hearing it was someone nice who called before dropping to a serious tone.
"Sam, Castiel's gone. I cant get to Dean and i think the other demons have realised i work for the angels. I mean ive already had to kill one this week and its only soo long before they realise."

"Yeah Charlie, thats actually what i was calling about. I've got Claire and Jody with me now and we've established we need to get in."

"Have you got a plan?"

Jody replied back to Charlie.
"Hi Charlie, im Jody and you need to get to Dean. Show him proof that Castiel is alive or at least try and slap some sense into him."

Charlies voice was more resigned.
"I'll try. In the meantime, come up with something genius but dont come to meet Dean again Sam. They won't let you get away this time."

For some reason, these words sent a shiver running down Sam's spine. It hadn't occurred to him that the demons were simply letting him go. It was diconerting to know that they could of killed him easily if they wanted to.

"Ok. Thanks Charlie, bye."

"W-wait! Sam you cant come in a guns blazing. Ive realised there are actual human beings among the prisoner guards and prisoners. Its like the demons want to keep in the facade its a normal prison by having some humans. Even im not sure whos who. So leave the guns until absolutely necessary."

And with that, Charlie hung up the phone and Sam sighed, tucking his own away into his jean pocket.

"We need mission escape plan." Claire said, having been unsually quiet during the call.

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