poor deanie baby

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It had been days. Days since Dean had seen anything other then the bleak cell walls, so when the door creaked open Dean was shocked still.

Cas? A glimmer of hope struck through his mind before it was demolished as a freckled face with stark red hair popped into view.

"Dean!" Charlie whisper shouted, shutting the door behind her and rushing over.
Dean knew he looked as much of a mess as he felt on the inside. He was hardly been moving or doing anything the days he had been locked up. He had been 90% sure he was going to slowly fade away in the cell.

"Cas?" Deans voice was croaky from disuse and he hated the pity he could see reflected in Charlies eyes.

"Listen to me." Charlie grabbed Dean by the shoulders, "Cas is alive. He's too valuable for them to kill. They need him as leverage and Sam, Claire and Jody are here. They have come up with plans to get you both out but they will only work if you get your shit together. "

She shook him slightly by the shoulders as if she could shake some sense into Dean. However, voices could be heard coming down the hall. Voices that stopped right outside Deans cell.
Charlie froze and pressed a piece of paper into Deans hand before scuttling to behind the prison cell door. If someone came, in the door would cover her and no one would see. Thankfully no one did and Charlie left as soon as the voices had gone.

Dean felt a new strength rise in him, at the fact Cas was still alive and Sam had a plan.
He hesitantly unrolled the paper and dropped it in surprise, eyes widening, when he saw what was on there.

A single word was scrawled in Sams messy writing



Cas hung from the ceiling, hands suspended. He opened his eyes blearily, the grey room greeting him again. It had been days since Cas had been strung up like a turkey.

In the beginning, he couldve maybe broken out but now he did have any strength left. Everything hurt from torture, including the 5 angel blades that were stuck into his body, sending flashes of pain whenever he moved too much.

Cas groaned and closed, the sound dieing out in the bloodied room. He wondered what was happening to Dean. The boy mattered more then him. Cas sent a single prayer to his dad, wherever He was,

Dad, i know you are missing but please help me. Please get Dean out before this place consumes him

Then with all his will spent, Cas felt his eyes flutter shut but then the door opened, a bright light filling the space. Cas's eyes shot back open, glowing blue as he absorbed the light.

He heard someone gasp and then slam the door shut. The light quickly left, leaving Cas to wonder who that was. All he had grasped was a slight male figure with tanned skin who looked vaguely asian.

But little did the person know that they had given Cas a little bit of his strength back. His wings fluttered a little and Cas felt the corners of his mouth pull up in a smile-like grimace.


Sam had papers spread out all over the motel bed, the small tv was playing on the news channel in the distance.
He was barely paying interest until Jody and Claire came charging in, locking the door shut behind them. They were panting, out of breath.

"What wrong?" Sam was up in an instant but all Jody did was point at the tv and turn the volume up.

"Samuel Smith, who's real name is Sam Winchester, was a lawyer. However, due to an anonymous tip off he has been sanctioned as highly dangerous. His house was searched where they found weapons strapped nearly everywhere and a box full of photos showing him as a child holding guns with his brother, Dean Winchester who is in prison for serial killings, following after his deceased father. If anyone see's Sam anywhere, call 991."

There was a picture of Sam on the screen that had obviously been cut from the Christmas party his lawyer firm had thrown last year.

"Well that just made everything 1000 times harder," Sam put his head in his hands.
Claire spoke up from where the was still hovering by the door.
"We need to get the full plan to Charlie right now before things go south. Every cop in this state is looking for you!"


Charlie was sitting by the door in the prison officers lounge space when the said door slammed open. She had been thinking about the plan and sitting by herself because no one was to be trusted.

"THERE'S A CHAINED UP GUY WITH BLUE EYES IN ONE OF THE CELLS!" A guy Charlie knew as Kevin was the one who had barrelled into the room and screamed that.
Thankfully there was only 3 people in there and they all looked as confused as each other, showing Charlie they were all human. If the boy had shown up screaming that when there were demons in here...

Well... Charlie didnt want to thinkk about that. Instead she grabbed Kevin by the arm and hauled him into the womans toilets.

He opened his mouth to protest again but Charlie put her hand over it to stop him from shouting again.

"They cant see us when we're in here but they can hear us, so if you want to live be quiet and listen to me." Charlie tried to talk in a calming voice but that had never been her speciality and it was clear the poor boy was severely spooked.

She lifted her hand off his mouth but kept his wrist in her firm grip. He had seen too much to let me go.

"My name is Charlie and the thing you saw was Castiel. I think you've realised this prison isnt like a usual one..."

By the end of Charlies talk, Kevin was staring at her like she had grown an extra head.
"Wait!" He said, "This a majority demon run prison and the thing i saw was an angel they had in captivity. And you're trying to free him and a hunter dean."

Charlie nodded.
"I know its a lot to take in but you've gotta trust me on this one."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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