Cas what art thou?

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Dean had spent almost 2 weeks in the prison and no sign of Sam or anything. He had managed to smuggle a demon blade into the compound and it lay strapped to the underside of his bed. Hopefully no one would go looking there.

Dean was wary of Castiel. He was strange. He didnt know what to do or how to act at times.

It was like he wasn't sure how to be human...

Anyway, Dean was always on high alert, spying on Castiel and not really talking to him unless necessary.
That didnt stop Dean from admiring him from afar. No matter what he was, Castiel was hot. His whole badboy demeanour but slightly innocent on the inside made Dean attracted to him even more.

His hair was always ruffled (which Dean dubbed as his sex-hair) and in the mornings, to see sleepy Cas waking up made his heart hurt.

Dean face planted into his hard prison issued pillow and groaned in frustration. He couldn't do anything until Sam finally decided to show up.


Dean sat next to Cas at breakfast in the prison. On the menu was unidentifiable slop that tasted a bit like porridge, as it was everyday.

"Hello Dean." Castiel said before turning to stare at his prisonmate.
"Hey Cas." Dean replied back. Cas just tilted his head and turned to look at Dean with those eyes.

"Cas?" questioned Castiel at the nickname Dean had subconsciously given him.. Dean flushed a little bit and then mentally smacked himself for doing so. But cas only smiled at him, "I like that."

"Glad you do." The two boys at sat in silence for the rest of the meal.

They were shoved back into their cell almost straight after the meal ended. It was a Tuesday, Dean realised with a sigh. That was the day everyone was shoved into their cells for a whole day for some reason.
This was Cas's second tuesday at the place and it felt like Deans millionth one.

"Cas?" Dean asked, as they both laid on their separate beds because the author is making you wait for destiel.

"Yeah." Cas replied.

"I dont know anything about you."

"What would you like to know?" Cas had turned to face Dean.

"I know its a sensitive question but what did you do to end up in such a place like this? This is for the worst of the worst." Dean had now turned over as well to face Cas.

Cas seemed to think about this anwser and Dean's heart started to beat faster. What was he going to say?

"I was sent on a mission." Cas said. About a minute of silence followed before Dean realised he wasn't going to say anything more.
"Is it best to assume the mission went wrong and thats why your here?" Dean assumed. Castiel just stared at him before saying,
"The mission is working Dean Winchester."

He then turned back over towards the ceiling, signalling the conversation was over and leaving Dean in confusion.


Dean had never mentioned his last name to anyone in this place. He knew the guards knew it, but that was about it.
How did Cas know?

Dean turned over too and faced the wall until he fell into a light sleep, even though it was the middle of the day.


Dean awoke, tossing and turning in half sleep but sat up immediately when he heard a gasp coming from beside him. Dean's hand automatically went to under his pillow, before he realised there were no weapons there.

Instead he turned and faced the noise, ready for whatever was there, but found a distressed Castiel instead. Castiel had a flushed face and was breathing hard, sitting on the edge of his bed. Cas's huge, baby-blue eyes met Dean and Dean was instantly over at Castiels side, even though he didnt know what possessed his legs to do that.

"Hey." Dean said, grabbing Castiel's hand, "Are you ok?"
Castiel shakily nodded but then suddenly just seemed to snap out of it. Dean let go of the hand he only just realised he was holding and moved over as Castiel stood up.

"I am fine Dean Winchester." Was all the blue eyed boy said, his face wiped clean of emotion. At that exact moment a guard came to alert them all to breakfast and Castiel stiffly went to walk out the room.

"Cas wait!" Dean shouted. He needed to find out about this boy. Cas froze in the doorway. "How do you know my name?"

Castiel just turned around and gave Dean a look that thawed his heart even more before turning and walking out of the room. Dean had to remind himself that he couldn't be with Cas by focusing on the large shadow that trailed along the walls behind him.

A shadow too big for the slim boy.
A shadow that told Dean, Cas wasn't human.
A shadow that part of Dean's thawing heart chose to ignore.
A shadow that couldn't change the way he felt.


Sam was waiting in the interview room that was located in the prison itself. After almost 13 days, Sam had finally managed to see Dean again. If he was right, the guards would have just been by the dining place and would be dragging Dean out of breakfast.

And sure enough Dean came through the door, handcuffs on but no legcuffs, and sat in the chair in by Sam.
"Dean we are here to have another attempt at talking to you about whats going to happen legally." Sam ordered, using his professional voice.

Dean sighed. This was going to be a long and boring conversation that the author isnt going to write because she knows nothing about this sort of stuff. So lets cut to the end.

"Thank you for putting a bit more effort into this Dean." Sam stated at the end, holding his hand out for a shake. Dean couldn't help but feel outstanding pride for his younger brother. Despite having a shitty upbringing, he still managed to get away and achieve his dreams.

Dean felt a note being pressed into his hands, and he did the same with the one he wanted to get to Sam. They exchanged letters and hid them expertly.

Sam nodded at Dean before leaving the room. The guards thundered in after him and Dean was sent back to Cas in his cell.

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