sorry for the writing slump

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Sam sat in the prison waiting room, ready to talk to Dean. It had been a few days, 3 to be specific, since the incident with the guards.
Dean had severely injured one demon guard during his nightly adventures which was the whole reason they tried to kill him and Cas.

Before Sam had left, obviously checking everything over and handing Dean a few weapons, Dean had told him to come back in a few days. Which was why Sam was in the metal chair again.

A buzzer jolted Sam out of his mini flashback and the door opened, prisoners slouching out. Sam didnt see Dean until he was practically in the chair, and then his eyes widened in shock.

Dean looked horrible.
His left eye was busted, nose crooked and he stumbled with a limp. But the physical injuries werent the worst. It was the shattered look that resonated in his eyes.

"Sam we need to get out."

48 hours earlier

They came in the night. Pulling the thin covers off Cas and Dean, dragging them onto the cold floor. The night after the demon killings.

Dean always kept a demon blade under the pillow and he grabbed it just before his hands were bound. The blade entered the nearest guards stomach and he flashed before falling to the ground. It didnt help their situation however because as quick as one guard was down, another 3 were there.

Dean and Cas were overpowered and knocked out. 

Dean awoke to a light shining in his eyes. Immediately he snapped away and went to move his hands forward and...
realised his hands were chained to the wall.

Cas was the first word that flitted through Deans mind as he scanned the dirty room for any sign of his angel. But there was nothing except stained floors and distinct smell of coppery blood.
There was a spotlight however, which was the thing that snapped Dean back to consciousness.

What was going on?

Suddenly a door to the right slammed open and in came Cas. He was strapped to a metal bar, hands bound in chains above his head. The metal bar was carried by two heavily-built guards who hooked cas up onto the wall.

The whole procedure looked effortless like the guards had done it time and time again. Well they probably had.

"Cas? CAS?!" dean's voice came out a bit scratchy and he thrashed against his bounds. Castiel will still unconscious but blood dripped off him from wounds Dean couldnt see. A fist suddenly came at Dean, jolting his head back onto the wall but effectively making him fall quiet again.

"Dean. Dean. Dean." Said the guard that looked in charge. There were about 6 guards in the dingy prison cell all together.
"Who are you?" Dean hissed back.
"Asmodeus." He drawled the name out while he tossed a wicked looking blade from hand to hand

The name rang no bells in deans head.

"Prince of hell. Sent to..." Asmodeus paused, still tossing the blade about,  "Well thats for me to know."

"What do you want with Cas!" Dean blurted out but instantly regretted the words as cold malice formed in Asmodeuses yellow eyes.
"Are you joking with me son?" He drawled, "This here is the famous Castiel. Heaven and Hell want him dead."

Deans eyes widened a bit at the new information. Why would heaven want one of their best angels dead?

"What? You didnt know." Asmodeus laughed slowly before turning around and cutting down Cas's face leaving a slit that bled blue light for a few seconds before turning red. Cas groaned in pain. Dean started to thrash at his bonds again but was again stopped with another punch that made his skull smash into the wall.

"So, as i was saying. Cas is a traitor, unwanted at home and hunted by hell. I mean the best war leader that ever existed free for the taking? We had to take that opportunity! Im sure you understand son."

Asmodeus cleaned his angel blade on a white cloth before turning back to Dean.

"But angels are hard to break. Barely anyone knows how to access the coding inside their heads but we have the reason Castiel was exiled to watch over you. He was becoming too human. He was the only angel that actually loved humanity, wanted to be humanity, and was cast out for it. "

Asmodeus tutted.
"And they call Hell the bad place. "

Dean was just staring at Cas, who was on the borderline between consciousness. The hunter was struggling to process everything Asmodeus had said.
"Now Dean." Asmodeus twirled his finger and 2 guards unchained him from the wall, shoving him forward. Dean stumbled but caught himself just in time.

Asmodeus walked around Dean, like a predator circling its prey. "Your gonna go back now. But the next time you try any funny business, the angel gets a finger off, or an eye out. Remember. We are everywhere. "

And with that a blunt object slammed from behind into Dean's head and he toppled forward, awaking hours later but back in the cold prison cell.

Without Cas.

The first thing Dean did was jolt to the door, after falling over 4 times in his concussed state. It was bolted shut and Dean banged on it, before sliding down the door, unable to stop the few tears spilling out his eyes.

Dean eventually fell asleep, still slouched against the door. His dream were filled with Cas.

Present day

"We need to get you out of here." Was the first thing Sam said after hearing Deans story.
Dean shook his head almost immediately.

"We made a mistake allowing me to stay in here this long. This whole prison is run by demons and they still have Cas. Get help."

Suddenly Dean was wrenched off his feet by a burly guard that had appeared out of nowwhere.

"DEAN!" Sam shouted through the glass, causing other visitors to look at him strangely but he didnt care.

"GET HELP!" Dean screamed back in return just before he was dragged through the metal door and out of sight.
Sam didnt think.
He just turned tail and ran, knowing it wasnt too soon before demons came to stop him from leaving.

Sam couldn't do this alone

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