Chapter Two

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The next morning,
Drayton and Nubbins were giving them instructions on what to do if and when a car passes by. Kenzy's was simple, as soon as Jed does his thing, she was to run back to the barn and let them know.

Kenzy stayed hidden in the tall bushes as she lowered herself more as a red truck skidded to a stop. She looked to see a girl with short black hair, came out of the truck to look what was going on.

She smirked to herself," showtime", she whispered when Jed quickly stands. Watching the girl jump back,
"You alright?" The girl asked
Jed says aloud," help me please" and that was Kenzys cue to run to the barn.
She ran fast towards the old barn and quickly went inside.

Before she could reach the middle, a pair of arms caught her and pulled her off to the side
"Careful there little Kenz, you almost fell into our precious trap", Drayton says chuckling

Kenzy giggled," well I'm glad. Cause we have got company", she said just as the barn door opened and Jed ran in. They quickly went to their hiding spots. Kenzy was next to Jed hiding behind two big piles of hay.

Kenzy could feel herself getting excited when the girls voice called out
"I just want to help, okay?" She says.

Kenzy and Jed stood up quickly scaring her as she fell Right into there trap.

Drayton, Nubbins and Kenzy stood up beside Jed as he took off his pig helmet and looks into the hole seeing the girl choke on her blood

"You done good Jed, both of you", Drayton says," looks like you can learn a little after all", he chuckled darkly.

Kenzy kept staring at the girl in wonder. Why would anyone like her think she was so perfect! Kenzy gave a small wave at the girl as the girl gurgled in pain. The blood was a sight to see.

"Nubbins go ahead an learn him some more," Drayton says as Nubbins walked ahead to the chain
"Show him!" Drayton ordered

Nubbins released the chain and they watched as it crushed the girl, silencing the girls screams.

Drayton called it in to the Sheriffs station and as quickly as they came out they grabbed Jed and Kenzy who screamed and struggled to be let go.

Drayton and Nubbins were handcuffed and sat on a hay stack.

Kenzy watched along with Jed as couple minutes later another Sheriff had pulled up and started yelling
"Where is she?!"

The deputy tried to stop him
"Take'er easy Hal", he said tryna stop him from heading to the ambulance vehicle.

"That's my baby in there? Is she in there? Is my baby in there? Answer me, goddamnit", he pushed at the two deputies.

"We got two of them", the deputy pointed to Kenzy and Jed who stared at them.

Kenzy grabbed hold of Jeds hand squeezing it. They looked to see the sheriff taking to Drayton but they couldn't make out what he was saying.

They looked to see Jeds mom pulling up,
"You let those boys go and little Kenz this instant," she said protectively.

The sheriff looked angry at her," don't count on it Verna", he yelled as Miss sawyer halted in her steps.

"You see them do something wrong? No I didn't think so. You uncuff him, you let them out the car", she demanded.

"No", the sheriff stood his ground," they're stayin right there".

Verna eyed him," what for?" She questioned

"They're not under arrest. They're under protection. From you", he said smirking at her

"What are you talkin about?" She asked with her hands on her waist.

Sheriff Hartman walked close to her so that they were face to face and kept his voice low
" I can't count how many crime scenes I've been to where there just happened to be Sawyers and that little girl who ain't even your child, say to speak, there already", he said looking right at her.

"Don't you dare talk about her that way", Verna says defensively

He scoffed," them kids ain't safe with you", he stated

"Horseshit", Verna exclaimed

"Send some units over to the Sawyer house. You round up all the minors. I want all of them. You hear me?" Hartman ordered his deputies 

"You can't do that", Verna shook her head

Hartman chuckled with a determined look," well, I'll have a warrant that says I can by the time we arrive. It's called child endangerment. You take one of mine..." he leaned down," and I'll take all of yours, Verna. All of'em" he whispered with a smirk

He gave her one last look before he walked away.
Kenzy sadly looked at the Sawyers who had to watch as the deputies took them away. Now she wondered what that pig had in store for her and Jed.

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