Chapter 24 Tease

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(Camila's POV)

I woke up the next morning at 6:00 in the morning, I had to get ready for my first day of my sophomore year in a new school

Taking a deep breath, I hopped inside the shower and shaved my legs and underarms. I washed my hair with some head and shoulders (which I love) and then washe my body with some apple scented body wash

Once I was done, I got out and strolled over to my closet, where I picked out a lace dress, with a red belt and black pumps

I did my cat eye signature look, with bright red lips

Your first day, you always have to make a good impression, after that, who gives a fuck, what you look like, I sure don't

I let my black/brown hair fall down in this curls, over my shoulders and did a fish tale braid over my left should

Once I was satisfied with the way it looked, I grabbed my red purse and walked down the stairs towards the kitchen, where all the guys were seated

"Camila, you read-" Dylan asked, but didn't finish

"Go change" Luca said

"You look nice, stay like tat" Oran smiled at me

"No, she looks hot, now go change" Luca told me

"No, my big brother said I looked nice and my mom and dad said that I always had to do what my big brother said" I told him, innocently, grabbing an apple and bitting into it

He growled, as everyone smiled at me

"Tease" he mumbled

"Sir, I dot know what your referring too" I smiled at him, taking another bite

He growled again and took the apple from my hands

I made sure my lipstick was alright and turned back to te boys

"So, obviously, you are all out of high school, so I'm on my own" I huffed, taking a seat next to Asher

"Sorry babe, I wish we could be there" Bay said, pouting

"It's okay" I said, looking down at my navy blue nails

"We have to be there in 20 minutes, we should go" Mateo told me, getting up, along with Sebastian

They were both wearing nice suits, looking as handsome as ever

"Where are you two going?" I asked them

"We have work, along with everyone else in this world" Mateo said, kissing my cheek and grabbing his briefcase

I nodded my head

"Have a good day, guys" I called out to everyone in the kitchen

"You too" they said

"Pull down your dress" Luca called out

"Aye Aye, Father" I said and walked out the door

I heard him growl and I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness

In less then 10 mintues, we were parked outside of the school and I was getting out of the car

"Thanks for the ride guys" I said, kissing their cheeks and getting out of the car

Before they could say anything, I shut the door and was making my way into the school

I kept getting hoots and howls, as I passed some guys, sitting ontop if the hood of their cars

I ignored them, rolling my eyes

Once I was inside, I slowly made my way into the main office

"What do you need" a woman around 25 or 26 asked me

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