"Oh my god, Archie got hot!"

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"OH MY GOD, ARCHIE HOT HOT!" - Kevin Keller
Create your own version
Starter line
Based on the last date of your birthday

1-2 "Holy shit"
3-4 "Jesus Christ"
5-6 "Holy crap"
7-8 "Oh my god
9-0 "Fuck my life"

Who you're talking about
Based on your battery percentage

1-10% Veronica
11-20% Kevin
21-30% Jughead
31-40% Betty
41-50% Chuck
51-60% Sweet Pea
61-70% Archie
71-80% Cheryl
81-90% Ethel
91-100% Toni

... got ___

Based on the last digit of your time

1-2 Fat
3-4 Ugly
5-6 Cute
7-8 Sexy
9-0 Hot

Comment what your version was👌🏼
I wanted to try something new so I hope you like it🎉
I got "Holy crap, Archie got ugly."😂😂😂

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