Taser vs Trickster

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Darcy could not have been more thrilled when she was offered a job working at the Avengers Tower.

Yes, THE, honest-to-goodness, Avengers Tower!

Finally, she was going to actually have a job that paid.
Plus, a small part of her had hoped that maybe she'd be taken a little more seriously as well.
But obviously not too seriously. She had no desire to become one of those boring, stuffy old scientists that rarely ever cracked a smile.
There was more chance of her cracking a rib laughing at some of the drab, dreary clothes that seemed to be the preferred choice of the majority of people who worked in that profession.

Being a college intern, she had known since day one that being paid wasn't going to happen. But technically she was a political science major, and whilst assisting the brilliantly-minded Jane Foster in investigating unexplained cosmic phenomena was fun and interesting and all, she hadn't signed-up for getting dragged into inter-galactic grudge matches.

So the prospect of being offered a position at the plush, swanky Avengers Tower appealed to her for so many reasons.

Finally she would have a proper foot in the door with S.H.I.E.L.D, instead of feeling like an overlooked outsider.
Plus, she figured she'd be getting to rub shoulders with the likes of playboy brain-box Tony Stark and his cool alien sidekick, Vision -- or Jarvis -- or whatever his name was now.
AND Captain America, and his two buddies...the one with the robotic wings, and the hot dude with the metal arm.
Not to mention the awesome, badass black widow, oh, and the arrow-guy.
She made a mental note to ask Jane if those two were a 'thing'.

It was all very exciting. And she felt a bit like a little kid whose Christmases had all come at once.....

That was until she was actually informed that her duties basically involved...

"Babysitting Loki!"  She exclaimed, large eyes rounding further. "Thor's brother, Loki? The one Tony calls 'Rock of Ages' 'cause of the whole, leather and long hair thing? The crazy bastard who nearly killed everyone in New Mexico, and then brought an alien army into New York? THAT Loki?"

Jane rolled her eyes in slight exasperation, as if Darcy was merely overreacting. "Yes, that Loki. There is no other. Well, mostly. When he's not conjuring duplicates of himself."

"Wait, what? You're kidding me right? Tell me this is someone's idea of a joke. A very bad joke--"

"No, Darcy. It's not. Look, Thor seems to think we're able to trust him more now. And we have to respect his judgement. Besides, as long as you've got the controller....he can't cause any harm."

"So much for trust." Darcy scoffed. "If he's like, all trustworthy now, then how come he needs babysitting in the first place, huh? And the obedience thingy? I mean what even is that anyways? Seems a bit...I dunno, harsh."

"Obedience disk." Jane clarified, her patience visibly thinning. "It's something Thor attached to Loki back on Sakaar. It's deeply embedded in the skin, and the attachment system even goes through clothes-"

"Even leather? Like, lots of leather?"

Jane nodded. "Yes. Even Asgardian leather armour. And in spite of their race being incredibly durable, the disk administers such an extreme shock it will render Loki completely incapacitated if he steps out of line."

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now