Lost In France

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The song attached to this chapter is sooooo befitting for this pair that there are no words, so please take the time to give it a listen. Shoutout to @Letloose33 for reminding me about it!


When Loki asked Darcy to guesstimate how much time they had until Greg returned, her first thought was that he was going to suggest they celebrate the official beginning of their fledgling relationship by consummating it. And although her conscience and moral compass wouldn't have allowed it, her all-too-willing body would've had no objections.

But to her surprise/relief/slight disappointment, instead he suggested they make the most of the opportunity, and go and explore Paris together.

Insisting that she didn't want to wander around the ultra trendy capital looking 'scruffy' Darcy quickly swapped the jeans she had been wearing for a pair of smart black trousers, ignoring Loki's protests when she went into the bathroom to get changed. She left on the soft pink cashmere sweater she'd been wearing, but arranged a floaty scarf she'd bought from Camden market, casually around her neck. Although, 'casually' actually took several attempts to achieve, in order to get the look just right.

As she fiddled with it, she chattered excitedly about The Louvre Museum, raising her voice so he could hear her through the wall.

"It's the world's largest art museum isn't it? As well as a historic monument." She gabbled, purely to give the impression that she was cultured, and capable of being classy and knowledgable.

Besides she did like art. Even if she didn't know that much about it.
But for some reason she found herself wanting to impress her new beau. He was Loki after all, fiercely intelligent, sophisticated and.....overwhelming.

As she came back into the bedroom, her rambling subsided, as even her eyes stopped dead in their tracks, where they remained on something more gorgeous, more pleasing, than any Parisian art museum could hope to contain.
Loki had changed the illusion of his clothing, tweaking certain elements of his sexy black suit ensemble, so that he was now wearing a white shirt and black tie, as well as a smart, long black overcoat and a gentleman's silk dress scarf.

"I'm sorry, you were saying?" He promoted, raising a quizzical eyebrow at her.

"You look....amazing!" She told him honestly, knowing that she was probably drooling but deserved to be forgiven. Because in her opinion, any woman who ever saw Loki in a suit, would never quite get over it.

He gave a coy half-smile. "Thank you. As do you. But I'm certain that isn't what you were saying. You were talking about the Louvre."

Darcy gave a dismissive flap of her hand. "Pfft. Forget that, I have. Hey, if I wanna admire a precious work of art, all you gotta do is stand there and let me look at'cha."

Being able to give voice to her thoughts wasn't entirely a new experience for her. But expressing herself so honestly without embarrassment, most definitely was. And she found it incredibly unburdening and enjoyable. Especially when he responded so positively, looking almost bashful and boyish, as he rewarded her with an appreciative and completely unprompted hug.

They made their way downstairs and out onto the street, Darcy clutching a map that she'd picked up from the hotel reception. She didn't want to get lost in France, especially as she didn't speak a word of the language.
Though when she stopped to consider it, Loki was capable of navigating his way around foreign realms, so he shouldn't have any difficulty finding his way in a foreign country.

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