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Just a friendly warning, this chapter contains sexual content.


The bathtub was huge and most definitely made for two. The taps spouted from the faux-marble wall at the side, and each end of the tub was reclined for optimum relaxation.
Yes, she thought hurriedly, relaxation was probably on his mind more than exertion. After all, it had been a very long, tiring, eventful day.

But, this was a God after all. No doubt he had superhuman stamina, so....
Who could say?

She swallowed hard, staring at him. She could practically feel her eyes bulging like one of those little plastic toys that you press in the middle and the eyes pop out.
If she accepted his enticing offer, was she really naive enough to think it would end innocently? And would she even want it to?
Hell no.
Loki had a body that was designed to be wriggled on. And she longed to be tangled naked in his long, athletic limbs.

"I, er....I'm not sure if that's such a good idea, Loki."

Wait, what? Had she actually just said that?
Damn her stupid big fat mouth.
She shouldn't be hung-up about her appearance. So what if her body was....well, it wasn't exactly Venus (or whoever the Norse equivalent was) but so what?
The old Darcy would've reasoned that in certain countries, people bathed naked in hot tubs with strangers, and didn't give two hoots about their flaws.

But Greg had done a fine job of chipping away at her self confidence, and his cruel words bounced around her head...

"Has he seen you naked yet? If he hasn't, he might not like what he sees. Have you thought about that? How it will feel when he rejects you?"

"And why is it not a good idea?" Loki spoke suddenly, his blunt tone shattering her shambolic thoughts like a wrecking ball. "It is Valentine's Day after all. It would be rude not to make the most of these exquisite facilities, and isn't this sort of activity considered.....romantic?"

Her mouth went dry, and she nodded.
He was making a fair argument.
And why should she let Greg's poisonous words get in the way?
She had to force her doubts and irrational fears aside.
And maybe, compromise?
As much of a stretch that seemed to be (this was Loki after all) and even Greg had never been willing to meet her halfway without it ending in an argument, resulting in him giving her the proverbial silent treatment, but she wasn't going to make the same mistakes in this relationship.

Unlacing the front of her dress painstakingly slowly, in that one simple action, she'd subconsciously made her decision.
She would take a bath with the God of Mischief. But setting boundaries she was comfortable with, was also called for.

"Can we....can we keep our pants on?"

His eyebrows raised. "Pants?"

"Yeah, you know. Our underwear."

"May I ask why?"

She made a dismissive gesture with her hand. "Oh, no real reason. I'd just feel more....comfortable....keeping them on. Ya' know like when you're in a pool, wearing shorts, and a bathing suit, or bikini."

He stared at her nonplussed for a long moment, and she braced herself for resistance. But to her immense surprise, he eventually nodded.

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now