Fun And Games

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"No, no no! I'm going to die!" Loki proclaimed, his tone a mixture of panic and irritation.

Darcy couldn't refrain from smiling, then laughed triumphantly as her character brutally took the last remaining strains of Loki's character's health.

She punched the air, throwing him a sidelong glance. His expression was that of someone who'd just been deeply hurt, as if she'd just insulted the memory of his ancestors, not won another battle on Super Smash Bros.

"Miss Lewis, you're ruthless."

"That I am."

Peeved now, he threw down the game pad in the same manner of a toddler throwing a tantrum. "It's no use. I can't do this. This damned game is complete nonsense and utterly pointless."

"Like most video games to be fair."

His jaw tensed in agitation. "It's impossible to focus properly. It's overstimulating. All the colours, and's an assault on the senses."

She hit the exit button to shut down the game, and shot him a deliberately smug look. "Hm. And there's me thinking you're just pouting because you can't beat me."

He rolled his eyes in response, pretending to be angered with her, when really she could tell that he wasn't.
This was something he did a lot. Feigned annoyance, when in actual fact he radiated amusement.
It had been almost three weeks now since their truce, and they'd fallen into something that resembled a routine, as well as gradually growing accustomed to each other's personality.

They traded mock-insults, and bantered back and forth most of the time, like it was a game. It was a game for the most part -- as he very rarely regarded her with any true hostility -- and Darcy thoroughly enjoyed playing along.
It was surprisingly good fun.

"So, d'you want another go at Mario Kart instead? You've pretty much mastered that." She suggested, fiddling with the game console, preparing to switch discs.

Loki scoffed. "My, what an accomplishment. I can scarcely contain my elation."

"Hey don't knock it. Rainbow Road is a bitch. Though I guess you have an advantage, having been on it for real and everything."

He brought a large hand up to his face wearily. "Will you ever tire of drawing comparisons between that and the Bifrost?"

"Nope. Probably not." She hit the power button off, then clamoured rather ungracefully to her feet, her legs having gone numb from sitting cross-legged on the floor for so long.
"Okay so what do you wanna do instead? Cards? Scrabble? You always beat me at that. In fact you have an unfair advantage there too....trickster!"

Dutifully, he moved from the couch over to the large, designer dining room table, where he pulled out a chair and sat down. "For the last time, I do not cheat."

Taking the beaten-up scrabble board from her satchel, Darcy joined him at the table. "You totally do. Wizards always cheat."

"I'm not a wizard."

"Magician then."

"I am not a magician!" He argued, taking the game board from her and setting it out between them. "Refer to me as a sorcerer if you must, but never a magician. My abilities extend far beyond simple card tricks, and pulling rabbits from hats."

"Have you ever sawn anyone in half?" She taunted, as she began turning over the little plastic squares, taking great care to shield the letters from his view.

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now