Covering All Bases

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Just a friendly heads-up, this chapter contains sexual content. Hope you all enjoy. Thanks for reading/voting/commenting, it's much appreciated.
Happy holidays peeps! ^^

Darcy was well aware that she was grinning like an idiot as they made their way up onto Westminster bridge to hail a taxi.

The smitten grin was still firmly in place as they climbed into the black cab, as Loki slid onto the seat beside her, and even when they began kissing again.

It was evident that due to Loki's aristocratic tendencies, he wasn't inclined to take things further in a public place by engaging in some drunken backseat groping or fumbling, which was actually quite a refreshing change from the guys she was used to.

Save for cupping her face tenderly as they locked lips, he kept his hands very much to himself.

It was a bit like having an outer body experience. Darcy's head was fuzzy, her distance-vision slightly more blurred than usual, and the world was spinning a little too quickly, resulting in her bumping off the wall of a building on their way to the apartment.
Considering she was incapable of walking in a straight line, her nerves were tingling, making her very aware of her own body, which escalated further once Loki wrapped a secure arm around her as they walked, to keep her steady.

Climbing the steps also proved to be more challenging than it should, and it was only then she realised she was way more drunk than she'd initially thought.
But Loki was there -- his capable hands guiding her up safely, and the touch of his fingers at her lower-back made her feel wired and hot, so the cold February air didn't bother her in the slightest.

The tension and anticipation of sexual promise seemed to arc between them like an unseen electrical force field, crackling against Darcy's skin, and she wouldn't have trusted herself to speak, even if they had been having an actual conversation.

No sooner had they stepped inside and closed the door, when they were kissing again. He pushed her back against the wall with a light thud, and she let out a surprised little yelp. Hooking her leg over his hip, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth, his kiss gentle but demanding, and it didn't matter that his mouth was already on top of hers and that her leg was entwined around the back of his thigh...She wanted him closer.

There was more fevered kissing, and then some cannoning off walls and furniture. In their lusty drunken haze, they inadvertently knocked over a kitchen chair, but neither of them batted an eyelid. until they realised the safest thing to do was to collapse onto the coach.
Loki's legs were far too long to fit onto it comfortably, but he really didn't seem to mind, as it was much easier there for them to wriggle even closer, so that all of his lithe, lean body was pressed against all of hers.

And then she heard it.
Somehow, above the sound of her heart thumping loudly in her ears, she heard the distinguishable ringtone of her phone, shrilling from her purse.

Loki perceptibly jumped at the unexpected noise, seeing as it was so sudden and loud.
To be fair, if he had never heard the rousing chorus of Led Zeppelin's 'Immigrant Song' distorted through the tinny speaker of Darcy's cell phone like a warped battle-cry, then it was hardly surprising that it had startled him.

"Just ignore it." She breathed, her trembling fingers busily working his shirt buttons loose.

He was hesitant for a split-second and when the call ended he readily turned his attentions back to becoming more intimately acquainted with Darcy's body.
All the air whooshed out of her lungs as he glided a large palm up and along her thigh, edging closer to the hem of her dress, then slipping beneath....

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now