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After having navigated their way off what turned out to be Hampstead Heath, Loki and Darcy found themselves in a small but quaint little cafe on the high street.

Darcy needed a coffee, she insisted, as the caffeine helped her to think.
Loki grumbled like Loki always did when he wasn't able to have his preferred choice of hot beverage.
At one point, he became so inflamed over it that Darcy found her hand lingering over the controller in her pocket, as she feared he might attack the hapless proprietor with cutlery, but thankfully he calmed down, having to accept that a pumpkin spiced latte wasn't an option, and he hadn't particularly liked her calling him a diva.

She glanced up at him now. He was stirring his sixth sugar into a cup of Earl Grey tea, and she shook her head in mild bemusement. Darcy herself was munching on a toasted cheese sandwich -- taking great care not to let any melted cheese dribble unattractively onto her chin -- whilst expertly tapping at her iPhone, which lay on the table.

Loki had declined her offer of food, which surprised her as he normally had quite a vivacious appetite. Perhaps he felt the cafe fell short of his unrealistically high standards. Or maybe he was too anxious to eat, which she could understand.

If it was due to the latter, then what she had to say next wasn't exactly going to alleviate his anxiety....

"So....there's no way I can afford a hotel anywhere around here." Is what she tried to say, but the words came out distorted due to her mouth being full.

Loki, having somehow understood her, huffed. "Are the wages from S.H.I.E.L.D really that abysmal?"

She shrugged. "Well, I'm not a super hero or elite scientist like Jane, so obviously I don't get paid as much as they do."

"Of course. You're just the God-sitter." He remarked sourly. "One might say that it doesn't pay to be my chaperone."

She smiled at that, which seemed to vex him a little, as though he was hoping she'd disagree and say something like being in his company more than made up for it.

"You're right. It doesn't. In fact I should get more than they do, I should at least be entitled to danger-money or something. I mean....look at what happens." She waved her toasted sandwich around haphazardly. "You get sucked into portals and stranded in another country with no way of getting back."

Ignoring her, Loki suddenly reached out and grabbed hold of her phone.

"Hey!" She exclaimed. "Rude! A woman's phone is her own private property, you don't touch! At least not without asking!"

"Apologies, Miss Lewis. May I take a look at your phone?" He said in a bored voice, even though he was already scrolling through it.

"No! What do you mean by take a look at it? There might be stuff in there I don't want you to see."

He looked up at her, raising an eyebrow in interest. "And is there?"

She paused then said. "No. But that's not the point."

Turning his attention back to the phone, his long fingers began tapping at the screen.

Returning to the subject of her pay, Darcy continued. "Actually, I can't really complain about my wage. At least I actually get paid now, unlike when I was just Jane's intern. But, I guess I'm just not very good with money."

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now