Undomestic Bliss

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Greg was not the sort of guy who liked surprises.
Nor was he the sort of guy who liked being woken up. Darcy already knew that much about him, but now she was discovering he wasn't the sort of guy who liked being asked to loan money either, especially to his rambling, slightly-hysterical girlfriend.

He was far from impressed, and deeply confused. Which was, to be fair, understandable. Though she had hoped that due to him being so financially well-off (he was the sole heir to his industrious fathers' company) and her being the damsel in distress and all, that he wouldn't object too much.

The biggest problem was, she had absolutely no idea what to say to him. All she knew was that it couldn't be the truth, as that would be ironically most unbelievable, so in the end she settled on fabricating a vague story about herself and a co-worker having been sent on a top secret mission, which had regrettably resulted in them being stranded in London.

"You never told me you were going to London!" He complained, his deep voice gruff from sleep "How did you even get there so quickly?"

"It was um, kind of unexpected. And not planned. I got...dragged along....at the last minute. I would've called to let you know but....well I was sworn to secrecy." She babbled.

"I don't understand how you could be left stranded? It makes no sense. Surely an organisation like S.H.I.E.L.D have back-up strategies in place to cover any eventuality--"

"Well you would think so. But....not this time. And trust me, I'll be filing a complaint as soon as we get back. But first I have to actually get back. That's my main priority, and Greg, I really really need your help with this."

"They better reimburse the costs I'll incur."

"They will. Without a doubt." Darcy lied out of sheer desperation. "Just, please Greg. If you could transfer the money into my account so me and my...uh, partner, can get out of here, that would be amazing. You'd be like, my hero."

"Who is this partner anyway?" His voice was now laced with suspicion. "You never mentioned having a partner before."

"I didn't because...it's a secret. "

"Why don't they pay for the flight home?"

Darcy instinctively tugged on her hair in sheer frustration, until it was askew. "Because he's broke too. He's uh, from abroad. Technically, a bit of an illegal alien, so he's not got a bank account."

- Silence -

"Greg? You still there?"

"You're with a guy?"

Wow. That was unexpected.
Was he jealous? Surely not. Darcy would never have had him down as being the jealous type.

"Yeah. And?"

"And he's an illegal alien? Why's he employed by S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Darcy was then temporarily distracted by a loitering Loki, who was seemingly hovering around the bedroom door, his impatience having gotten the better of him.
His lingering presence threw her concentration off. She'd purposely gone into the bedroom to make the call in private. This was defeating the object.

"Is he going to help or not?" He whispered through the gap in the door. "Surely it's a simple enough decision to make. It's either yes, or no. If he loves you and cares for your well being, then he won't refuse--"

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now