Space Omelettes

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"So, how's things going with Loki?" Jane asked, during what seemed to be a rather obligatory phone call.

Darcy hadn't actually seen Jane for several days now, and she couldn't help but feel slightly resentful that her work colleague and friend hadn't bothered to check in on her sooner.

But hey, she was busy these days. With Thor.
Since the God of Thunder's return, all of Jane's free time was now taken up.
Though Darcy didn't resent Jane at all for that. She wanted her friend to be happy above all else.

And besides, she had her own boyfriend now to keep her occupied with extracurricular activities -- the lovely Greg.
He was studying Town and Country Planning -- whatever that consisted of was anyone's guess -- and admittedly, Darcy couldn't help zoning out each time he began his lengthy, in-depth ramblings about it.
But he was nice enough.
He was built like a bear, and therefor gave great hugs. He also had nice teeth, was kind of cute, and most importantly......made Darcy feel wanted.

In fact she'd been single for so long, she hadn't realised just how much it meant to her, feeling wanted.
Not that she was the clingy type, but having someone text to ask how her day was going, made all the difference. And having the option to cuddle up in front of the TV and watch Netflix shows with a guy from time to time, was pretty nice.
Though admittedly, Greg was more of the outdoorsy-type, so chilling out on the couch, eating ice cream straight from the tub, wasn't really his thing.

"Oh, great." She responded to her friend's question with her usual form of sarcasm. "Loki's a little ray of sunshine. He hasn't said above five words to me all week, and he mostly sulks in his room like a petulant child. So yeah, the job satisfaction is overwhelming."

"Perhaps he's just worried about you tasering him again."

"That was just a tiny misunderstanding. I'm sure he'll be able to look back on it and laugh someday."

"I doubt it, Darcy."

"Yeah me too. I haven't even seen him smile yet, so laughing might be a bit of a stretch."

"Well at least he's out of the way, and not being intimidating." Jane pointed out.

"True. But for all I know he could be plotting to overthrow the Queen of England or something. I've no idea what he does in there by himself. I'd be bored stiff. I already am bored stiff. Don't get me wrong, the unlimited channels are a bonus, I know not everyone gets paid to watch Sky TV all day....but the time drags when you see no one. I've nobody to talk at."

Jane laughed airily down the phone. "If that's all you've got to complain about, consider yourself lucky."

But Darcy couldn't help considering herself rather unlucky.
What had started out as a potentially exciting, challenging job was now proving to be the complete opposite.
Getting paid to sit on her butt and eat Cheetos, wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Deciding something had to be done, for the sake of her own sanity -- and waistline -- the following day she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Even at the risk of infuriating the potentially malevolent God of Mischief.

Squaring her shoulders, she knocked on the door of the ensuite room which had been allocated to Loki.
For the longest time there was no response, and she started to worry that maybe he'd been tunnelling his way out of the tower somehow, and was now on the run.

She was about to knock again, when at last he called out in response....

"What do you want?"

Without invitation, Darcy grasped the handle, and opened the door. "Hey. 'Sup?"
She entered the room, and then froze.

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now