A Strange Situation

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The door opened -- rather ominously -- as if all by itself, and whilst Darcy liked to believe she wasn't a complete wuss, she also didn't mind admitting or showing when something made her feel uneasy, so as they both cautiously stepped inside, she instinctively edged closer to Loki.
Which was ironic, seeking protection from him, of all people.

The large entrance lobby they found themselves in was very grand, but dimly lit, which annoyingly hindered Darcy's less-than-perfect vision. It often took her pupils a while to adjust, whereas Loki's keen eyes seemed to be everywhere at once, scanning the room for the inhabitants.

"What is this place? Darcy whispered, obviously not as quietly as she thought, because it wasn't Loki who responded....

"This is the Sanctum Sanctorum."

Darcy's head whipped around so quickly, she almost gave herself whiplash, and even Loki visibly jumped at her side.

Okay. So they were no longer alone.

She blinked, having to resist the temptation to rub her eyes just in case she was seeing things. But no, it would appear she actually found herself staring at one of the weirdest things she had ever seen.

A tall, thin man with dark hair and a neatly-trimmed goatee, was....well, gliding, down the elaborate staircase toward them, levitating several inches above the ground.

As far as outfits went, his even outdid Loki's leather armour get-up, when it came to being ostentatious. The red cloak he wore had an outsized collar, and he seemed to be a fan of costume jewellery.

"Sanctum Sanctorum?" Loki echoed, raising a sceptical eyebrow. "Latin for 'Holy of Holies'. How....fascinating."

The man's dead-pan expression didn't falter as he continued his descent, his eyes never leaving one of his unexpected guests. "Loki Odinson of Asgard." He stated like an accusation.

"Ah yes, the last time we met we weren't properly introduced were we?" Loki riposted, and swept the man a mocking little bow. "I am Loki....Odinson. Rightful king of Jotunheim. The saviour of Asgard, and the God of Mischief. You may call me whichever you prefer."

"I would prefer you not to be here." Came the reply, which Loki responded to with a thin smile, not bothering to hide his arrogant indifference.

"That makes two of us."

"Then why are you here? I was under the impression that you were being kept under surveillance in a secure facility. Your brother gave me his word that you wouldn't be loose on the streets to cause chaos. I only agreed to let you remain on earth because whilst being confined there, he assured me you wouldn't pose any threat."

"You allowed me to remain?" Loki scowled, visibly irritated by his remark. "Who are you to stipulate who should or shouldn't be permitted to reside here?"

The man glided closer, and Darcy could practically feel the blood pressure collectedly rising in the room.

"I am Doctor Steven Strange. Master of the Mystic Arts--"

"I am a prince of Asgard." Loki interjected gruffly, so not to be outdone. "Therefore I strongly advise you treat me with a little more courtesy."

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now