Chapter 1

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It was a normal night drive with Mark Jones and his family well with his father side since his parents got divorced and his father married a second time, he even got a sister out of that second marriage.
" So Mark you excited about the amusement park buddy"
" Yeah course dad"
His little sister Suzy cuts in
" Wellll I'm reallyyyy excited daddyyy"
" That's good pumpkin"
" Geez so lovey dovey dad"
" Ah and you as cold as ever my son"
They then started laughing , they reach the amusement park Mark and his little sister Suzy go ahead to machines and his dad goes with his stepmom to let them have their fun.
" Big brother I waaaaaaaant that unicorn"
" And I want a million dollars you don't see me getting that now do you"
Suzy starts pouting " Pleaaaaaseeee don't be mean"
" Alright alright"
Mark walks up to the game stand pays and picks up the fake gun it was a shoot the target game of course Mark had a little phrase to help him concentrate on things.
" One batch" he shoots and gets a hit in the center
" Two batch" he shoots another target dead center
" Penny and Dime" and he shoots his third and final target in the center once more. A man walks by he seemed pretty shady but all he said was " You're a pretty good shot kid" " Uh thanks sir" " No problem kid" The man walked away leaving a weird feeling on Mark but he quickly shrugged it off and focused on his little sister jumping up and down with her new unicorn. Mark and Suzy kept going through the rides and games he even won a mask for himself which he thought was pretty cool.

 Mark and Suzy kept going through the rides and  games he even won a mask for himself which he thought was pretty cool

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They walked up to their parents and Mark's dad saw the mask.
" Well well well Halloween came early this year huh?"
" Very funny dad"
His stepmom comes in " It a pretty good looking mask it gives you that dangerous look"
Mark chuckles " Thanks Emma"
" No problemo kiddo how about I make hot cocoa when we get home"
" No problem sweetheart"
Mr. Jones comes in and hugs his wife " I love my wife"
Mark is just staring at the night sky which was beautiful with all the stars, it was perfect he found peace in them, he then looked at his knuckles and thinks to himself ( The peace I never seem to have ). Mark got snapped out of his thoughts with his little sister hugging him.
" What are you doing you nasty little beast?"
" Hmpf I was hugging you cause you looked sad you meanie" she let go of her big brother pouting.
" Hahaha come here kid" he picked up his little sister and put her on top of his shoulders while she giggles.
They all reach the car again and go on the way to their house but Mark notices a car following them after a couple turns.
" Dad someone is following us"
" What do you mean Mark"
" Someone is following us after a couple turns"
" Might be a coincidence"
" I'm telling you dad something is off"
His sister cuts in " Markyyy you're panicking again"
" I am not panicking Suzy I'm just concerned"
" Scaredy Caaaaaat"
" Oh yeah I'll show you" Mark started tickling his sister and she starts giggling. Mark stopped tickling her and after a few minutes the car hit them from behind.
" Everybody stay calm it's probably a misunderstanding"
The get hit again but Mark notices a car coming from the side where his sister is he unbuckled his seat and covered his sister with his body waiting on impact. Marks sister Suzy looks up at Mark and said.
" Marky I'm scared"
" It's okay nasty little beast I love you okay? You're gonna be okay I promise Suzy"
" Okay I love you too big bro"
Both Mr. Jones and the now Ms. Jones say to them " Kids its gonna be okay"
Bam they got hit by the car started rolling to the left , After this the one with the most harm was Mark since he was protecting his sister but somehow regained consciousness.
" Suzy you alright" Mark was completely afraid for his life but he was even more terrified for his sister, he looked up a bit since he was still over his sister in order to protect her he hanged on for his life just so she could be okay. Suzy looked at Mark completely terrified her body leaning to the side since the car was on the side.
" Marky I'm scared"
He stopped holding the side of the car sit with one hand and caressed her cheek.
" You'll be alright nasty little beast just hold on"
Mark stopped holding on the car sit completely and fell to the door increasing  the pain he felt, he must have had injuries everywhere in his body but he didn't care he would be damned if he didn't rescue his family. He started to get up but the sound of people loading up their guns up hit his ears and he looked at his sister , father and stepmother with horror, but he focuses on his little sister she can't die she has not experienced life yet she can't die not on his watch not after he promised she will be alright and so he tris to rip the seat belt off.
" ALMOST GOT IT HOLD ON SUZY" Suzy starts crying.
" I don't wanna die Marky"
" YOU WONT DIE I PROMISE JUST HOLD ON RAAAAHAAA" Mark keeps pulling on the seatbelt making every second count using all the adrenaline rushing through his body. He turns to look at his dad again.
" Marky" he turns to Suzy who has tears running down her face
" You'll be alright" he frantically keeps trying to take off the seat belt. Mark looks up to the heavens.
" Dear god please she is just a kid just give me strength I'll be a premiers if you want me to just please please please please PLEAAAASEEE" Mark starts crying and screaming.
" AHHHHHHH" he scram in pain he probably has some broken bones but he did not care he just wanted to save her.
" I'm sorry I just I just I just can't get this DAMNED THING OFFF"
" It's okay big brother you tried" Suzy says smiling and also crying.
Mark puts his injured hands on her cheeks with tears streaming down his face
" I love you Suzy okay?" He said that with complete and utter sadness loosing faith that they will make it out alive.The sound of gun fire filled the area, they shot the entire car Mark took a couple of bullets and he fell down to look at the horror of the fact that his family was dead but found peace that he would die probably from bleeding out or punctured lung who knows at least he wouldn't have to live without his dad, sister or even his stepmom, so he closed his eyes and waited for his end. Mark started to feel himself leave this world but was saved by the man he had talked to in the park.
" It's alright kid I got you"
Mark looked at the man like if he were pleading to just let him die he tried to move his arms but he couldn't anything if he did it would result in incredible pain.
" Kid I can't do that I'm sorry you're father would've wanted you to live my name is Frank Castle I can't exactly stay long but an ambulance is on the way and" Frank took out a syringe " This shot of adrenaline should keep you alive until they arrive" he injected Mark with the adrenaline and Marks eyes shot wide open as he coughed up blood.
" Don't talk kid save the energy and I need to ask you not to say my name because as far as the world is concerned I'm already dead"
Frank did all he could to help Mark and heard the police and ambulance sirens he was about to leave but he looked over at Mark realizing that Mark is in the shoes he once was so he decided to stay. The officers questioned him and he said his name was Pete Castiliogne. The paramedics took Mark to the ambulance and he was finally able to say something.
" Let me die" as he said those words with complete pain in his eyes in his voice to then pass out.

8 am in the morning at the hospital

A group of friends are together all nervous and sad.
" I just, how could this happen" said Kyle while his girlfriend Gabriela comforted him.
" Kyle I'm sure he will be fine"
" Gabs I see the fear in your eyes I know you are just as scared as I am" there friend Denise cuts in
" Guys you know Sara gets here and she might start blaming herself"
Kyle got mad at this " How can you focus about Sara right when clearly MY BEST FRIEND IS ON A HOSPITAL BED FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE RIGHT NOW HUH" Gabriela then cuts in the conversation
" Babe for god sakes take it easy"
Kyle looks at Gabriela full or rage and just gets up and walks away without saying a word, he knows he doesn't mean anything he is saying out of anger but Kyle just doesn't understand how could this happen to Mark and especially why him , why does Mark have to go through more things. He ends up going to the bathroom and scream out of frustration his best friends keeps suffering and he can't seem to be there for the guy at the right time.

Back with Denise and Gabriela

" How could this happen to Mark of all people" said Denise  loosing a couple of tears. Gabriela just didn't respond she just couldn't imagine the guy she considered her little brother suffering this much why him , why couldn't Mark catch a break. Then came Sara she saw her friend Denise loosing tears and Gabriela looking at the ground blankly.
" Hey guys" said Sara in a complete sad tone
" Hey" said Denise
" Have they said anything?" that's when Gabriela snapped out of it.
" They uh they are doing everything they can but his injuries are intense broken ribs, punctured lung, bullets in his body it's some intense shit Sara"
Sara then just looked at the ground " Why him I had already put him through enough and now this?"
" Sara sweetie it's not on you" said Denise
" But still I did put him through something now he has to come back to this"
Kyle then came back and said " The break up yeah may have stung him but he was still living he moved on and so on what we have to wonder is will the Mark that will get up from that bed be the same?" Then Gabriela spoke
" Let's just focus on hoping and praying Mark survives and then we focus on helping the guy that has always been there for everybody no matter what"
Denisse then spoke
" I think we should go and support his mom and his step dad" but they don't move they aren't sure if they're ready to see a person that they hold dear in such a state of life and death.

Inside Mark's mind
Mark is picking his sister up from her school
" Alright move it move it nasty little beast"
" Hmpf you meanie" Suzy sticks her tongue out at Mark
" Haha alright lets go get some ice cream shall we?"
Mark gave Suzy his hand but when he took her hand he felt a burning sensation, he tried to let go of her hand but he can't.
" What the" Mark looks at Suzy and she her skin burning completely
" Is something wrong Marky"
A car passes by and shoots the both of them. Mark looks at his bullet holes and at Suzy
" No Suzy no no no no no no no"
" Marky you didn't save me"

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