Chapter 4

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Kyle is in the club with his girlfriend dancing and also waiting on his bestfriend.
" He seems to be late" Said Gabriela
" He is gonna show don't you worry about that babe"
Sara then shows up with a guy that Gabriela knows but Kyle has no idea who he is.
" Hey guys " said Sara
" Hey Sara and Bryan you're here ?"said Gabriela

" Hey guys " said Sara" Hey Sara and Bryan you're here ?"said Gabriela

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Bryan O'Neil

" Oh yeah a couple of buddies of mine invited me and I saw Sara at the parking lot" Bryan then looks at Kyle.
" You must be Kyle Gabs girlfriend I've heard a lot about you" Bryan extends his hand and Kyle shakes it.
" Nice to meet you dude"
" Anyway I should get going and meet my friends" he looks at Sara.
" We should dance later" to which Sara responds
" Yeah of course"
Gabriela then shit Sara a look suggesting they would have a conversation later but before Gabriela got the chance to say anything Mark walked in the club. Sara looked at her ex boyfriend Mark Jones up and down and thought to herself ( He never ceases to impress jesus christ ) as if Gabriela new what was going through Sara's mind she nodded her with her elbow which made Sara snap out of her trance. Mark walks towards them, once he gets there the first to greet him is his best friend Kyle with a bro hug. Once they let go of each other they started to talk.
" You made it man"
" Yeah well if I'm standing here I suppose so"
" Haha smart ass" but Kyle couldn't help but feel as if what Mark just said was completely and utterly cold no emotions it was like a chill down his spine but that couldn't be the case he is probably imagining things.
Gabriela is the next to greet Mark whom she considers her little brother.
" Good to have you here Mark"
" Yeah for sure"
Mark and Sara then look at each other somehow she found herself a bit of out of breathe ( what is going on) thought Sara, Mark leaned in and gave her a kiss in the cheek just like he greeted Gabriela like a friend would. But Sara thought to herself ( well that stings a bit, what are you thinking Sara get it together Mark is your ex who you broke up with) Sara got a look at Marks eyes and she has always been the one to read what he was feeling just by looking at him and she saw coldness in his eyes absolutely no emotions and it was terrifying. She wanted to help him but she just didn't know how Mark went through something she cannot relate to in anyway but she still wanted to help. Mark started to look around as if looking for something of course he was looking for any criminals in the club so he could get more info about the shooting. But Kyle then pulled him to the bar saying
" Time to have a drink with us buddy"
" Sure thing"
Kyle, Sara and Gabriela went to the bar of course a friend was missing, Denise but she said unfortunately she had some important business to attend to. In any case they all got a few shots Mark was unfazed by it he had developed a certain amount of tolerance  to alcohol since he started drinking more a couple of months ago. The rest stopped at two shots while he made it all the way to six
" Jesus Mark" said Sara
" What?"
" 6 shots and you're still okay"
" So?"
" So?!"
" Yeah so? This means you are a lightweight"
Sara began to pout
" Mark Jones how dare you"
All Mark did was a light smirk as he got a beer , Corona with lemon, to drink.
Kyle then grabbed Gabriela's hand
" My lady it is time to dance" Gabriela smiles and just followed him to the dance floor shooting a look at Sara that said ( Maybe our conversation got interrupted but don't think for a second that I'm dropping it) All Sara did was smile sheepishly. She then looked at Mark who was already halfway through his beer.
" Damn Mark you have  really gotten into drinking huh?"
" You could say that"
" So um how are you"
" Been better that's for sure"
After he said that Sara looked at his right hand, the hand that had punched the mirror, to see it was covered in the cohesive wrap bandage.
" Want to explain your hand"
Mark put the beer down and put his hand infront of him.
" Yeah this seems to be my right hand and that's about it"
" Mark what happened?"
" Nothing Sara"
Sara went to grab his hand but Mark moved it away before she could even touch it.
" I'm not dropping this conversation"
" A conversation that never started? I think you were talking to a ghost get a psychologist"
" Mark"
Mark got a bit irritated at how persistent she was being of course even in the relationship she was this stubborn, but he did not want to deal with her questions not tonight. So he looked at her dead in the eye with a cold stare.
" Drop the conversation Sara"
" You do not Scare me Mark Jones"
He then thought to the people he had murdered in cold blood and said out loud
" You should be"
" Why because you have beat up people yeah I know what you were up to before the incident"
Mark then thought to himself ( Oh I've gotten much much worse)
" Congratulations on your findings I hope it was worth it"
" Mark I-
Their conversation got interrupted by Bryan who went to Sara.
" So how about that dance beautiful" Bryan then looked at Mark
" Oh uh am I interrupting something"
Mark was the first to speak " No nothing at all"
Bryan stretched his hand out " You must be Mark Jones listen man I'm sorry about what happened to your family"
" Everybody is sorry don't sweat it" he chugged the rest of the beer and asked for another one.
Sara then looked at Bryan " Yeah let's dance and Mark this conversation is not over"
" Maybe not for you but for me it doesn't even exist" and he smirked
Sara got irritated and walked away with Bryan to the dance floor. As Mark kept drinking his beer he finally had some alone time to have a look around and scout the area, so he got up and started walking around he noticed some Viper gang members because of their neck tattoos which boiled his blood but he decided against doing anything right now. He went to the stairs that led to the VIP section and was stopped by the guard a tall tanned skinned man who is very buff.
" You can't go there kid"
" Why not?"
" Because mind your own damn business"
" Well aren't you a rain of sunshine all you need are some stilettos and you become an epic dominatrix"
The guard gritted his teeth
" Walk away before I bust your ass you understand kid?" As he said that he cracked his knuckles.
Mark let a light chuckle but walked away adding the guard to the list of people getting fucked up by his hands tonight. Mark bumped into a gorgeous brunette.
" Oh excuse me" as he said that he got a good look at her ( wow) he thought to himself.

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