break down

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Before he knew it space kid was going to be shot put of a catapult. Space kid waited for them to start it at the correct angle. Neil was being very precise about this making all the others impatient. It was then David's voice could be heard "W- what are you kids doing?! Stop!" With no time left they fired him right then and there. Space kids shouts could be heard seeing as they had just so happened to forget to inform space kid of take off. He ended up going a great distance, in fact he beloved it to ne a new personal record. The bad part was that he was now in the middle of the forest. Yet he was still able to hear the arguing. He tried screaming for david but it was no use. He probably couldn't hear over the comoshion at the camp mixed with the fact space kids voice was muffled. "It's fine I can do this." Space kid said to himself climbing out of the Bush he was launched into. The original plan would have been to knock space kid just far enough into the Forrest to scare david. His friends obviously didn't mean for this to happen but they still could have avoided it... Space kid began to trudge through the forest. This, yet again, gave him some time to think about the events happening on this planet. He often didn't do this because he always thought space was alot better. He began to think about the joking thing once again. "Is it really possible that there laughing at me... Instaid if with?" He asked himself. "This is weird" he thought "I've never worried about this stuff before.. Maybee I'm just messing somthing up." He looked back on everything his fellow campers had told and done to him. At the time he had thought of it as having fun with his friends but if he we're to look back on it his stomach would tie into knots. How would the other kids even described him. They couldn't even remember his name... The other Neil got a name why couldn't he! Thoughts like this swarmed his mind until he wanted to cry but he hadn't noticed how much time had passed and before he knew it he was back at camp. He wanted this day to be over, he wanted to forget he everything he questioned. He just wanted to go back to being blissfully unaware so he could pretend to be in space without feeling stupid. But at the time being he just wanted to go to bed. It was already dark out seeing as the catapult insadent happened just before dinner. But it still haddent been dark out for very long. He was walking back to his tent when he saw a fellow camper moving towards him. Judgeing be his shape. Space kid could automatically tell who it was and wasn't too happy about it. He didn't know what had come over him but he just started booking it back to his cabin. He didn't know what he was doing. The presences of another kid, be it a really mean one, had never bothered him before now. Ofcource Nurf raspy caught up to him, seeing he was twice space kids size it made sense. "Hey, space need!" He angrily said grabbing on to space kids arm. "You got us all in trouble again!" "It wasn't my fault, you guys were the ones to launch me!" Space kid said hoping to reason with Nurf. Nurf punched space kids helmet, not hurting space kid, but draining the color from his face. He tore space kids sleeve and broke his helmet with a rock. Causing a full on hole in the helmet. By the end of it all he lost a boot running away. He ran into the mane part of camp. Imedently he was spotted by many campers. Some of which ignored him, knowing who did it and not being interested. Max being the little asshole he was made a snarky comment. "Breach!" He shouted from across the main land portune. Space kid walked to the considers office to inform the councilors to stop searching for him. That is, if they even noticed he was gone...

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