Ending two (happy)

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Silence spread over the camp ground like the plague. Soft sobs could have been heard if you were in the tent aria and occasionally the pods ride would splash up against a rock. "... Did we really fuck up that bad?" Max croaked. David didn't stand up to people. He was basically a walking doormat. Even when he did stand up the campers paid no mind but this time was difrent. Nobody could describe it but they felt as though they really should talk it over with the poor kid. Eventually Nerris asked "So are we going or not?" In silent agreement the group began to walk over to the tents. David resided to go once they had gotten started talking it out. He added "helped Space Neil" to the board of small victorys and Gwen said she was proud of him for finally putting his foot down. So he added "made Gwen proud" aswell. Back at the tent the campers had now gotten so close to the tent they could hear the sons from inside. They were quietly dilating on who was to go in first. They only stopped once they heard a voice. "Maybe there right... I am just stupid space kid..." The sobbing stopped and shifts could be heard from outside the tent. The door flap sarted to open and everyone ran as fast as humanly posible to get out of site. Once Ex- space kid had left the tent he looked around. He had obviously heard the commotion and all the campers had to stay quiet in order to avoid the awkwardness of him finding out they'd eavesdroped on him. This left them in some pretty awkward place. Preston, max, and other Neil were crammed behind a bush. Nikki, Narris, Harasin, and Enid were a couple feet away from them, Enid behind a tree, Harrison turning invisible, making Neil angery. He'd probably spend the next day trying to figure that one out. Nikki had climbed up the tree and Nerris hadhid behind Erid. The other campers were on the other side of the tent and this entire thing would have been hilarious if the situation hadn't been so serious. They watched as the small child walked over to the water. Once they got a grasp on what he was about to do the campers came out of hiding and attempted to stop him. They were just a bit too late. He suit had already been gone but his helmet was still in hand. Max grabbed his arm before he descarded that aswell. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" He shouted. Neil was stund for a moment looking over the faces of his peers. His expression soon changed from shock to saddens. "What, isn't this what you guys wanted?.." Once again the camp was silent. *space* Neil had sat down at this point and looked down at his helmet. "No..." Other Neil began. "I promise we didn't know we had pushed you so far..." There was a sound of agreement throughout the crowd. "Lissen space dor--" Nurf stopped himself. "Neil, I know I'm not all that nice but this goes beyond even my standards." Neil just say there looking at his helmet. He wasn't sobbing but tears were rolling down His face. "I... I still want to be space kid... But I still want to be more to you guys..." He said. "I still want to do stupid stuff with you but not for you anymore. Guys... Is it-- would that be okay?" The campers looked at eachother they all agreed that this would be okay. Even if Max did like picking on the kid and Nurf liked hitting him, sometimes it's just not worth it. Space kid smiled and put back on his helmet. It was at that point David and Gwen arrived. They could only observe the situation. Finally David spoke up "Well, Neil -- not the one that like science but the uh..." Space is then calmly said. "You can just call me space kid." Davids face lit up. Like I said he carrd deeply about all the kids at his camp and just wanted them to be happy. And now Space kid was. David allowed the kids to stay up a bit later then normal if they joined the camp fire. So they did. Nikki had finished her 4th marshmallow when Space kid spoke up. "Well gosh, if I had known thia would happen I wouldn't have thrown out my suit." "Oh don't worry I am a master of costumes and can easily make you a new one!" Preston bragged. Yep. Things really were going back to normal. Except this time Space kid had a feeling it'd get a little bit better.

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