stuck on earth.

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When Neil woke up that morning he obviously wasn't feeling himself. He sighed and put on his "normal kid" outfit and headed out later then all the other kids, also being the last to arrive at breakfast. Once he walked in the entire room stared at him. He began to wonder what they were staring at, they had sean him without his suit just yesterday. He guessed the helmet was pretty shocking. He over heard someone say "wait so space kid isn't blue?" And it was followed by laughter.  "Oh god, why do I have to be so self- aware all of a sudden?" He thought as he was eating the crappy breakfast. He was silent through the day. Often trying to avoid eye contact with... Basically anyone. If he could make it through the summer, maybe he could get rid of his space kid reputation. Ofcource kids will be kids and cause trouble when somthing changes. "So your really commuting to this normal kid thing, huh?" Max said trying to get under his skin. "Yep!" The ex- astronont replied trying to sound as up beat as anyone can whall going through a mental breakdown. The day was filled with annoying questions like that. "Space kid, what's going on?" "Space kid, what happened?" "Hey space dork, I thought you needed your helmet to breath!" On and on and on. Every time the response would be along the lines of "Actually I'm going by Neil now and I'm just growing out of the space thing." But there were a few campers that just weren't buying it. Max included ofcource. Although he primarily wanted to 'break' David, he always thought seeing space kid in a similar situation would be fun. (Okay what's with this kid and hurting cinnamon rolls that have literally never done anything to warrant that) Max, Nikki, and Neil, walked over to well-- other Neil. "So 'Neil' your really dropping this stupid space thing?" Max stated. The shortest kid really wanted to believe Max was being sincere but his voice has been dripping with sarcasm. He didn't appreciate Max calling space stupid either! Somehow he forced himself to reply, "yep, just not interesting anymore." He wanted to cry right then and there, hid face turning somewhat red, but no tears escaped his eyes. "Hey, Space--" Nikki began before Neil interrupted "Neil!" Nikki started again. "Hey Neil, why is your face so red?" At this point Max took notice to the expression on Space kids face. "Oh nothing guys, just allergies. I guess my helmet kept then out but now..." He stopped right there. He took a deep breath, earning him a confused look from the near by campers. "But I don't need it. I'll adapt eventually." And day went on as normal as everyone allowed it to be. David was extremely consurned. He loved all of his campers and just wanted them to be happy, but every time his attempts to get through to space kid failed. Gwen even became worried for the poor kid. It was nearing the end of the day and after a long day of sports camp the kids were decently tuccured out. They all did there own thing before heading to there tents. Space kid at the moment was having a hard time breathing.he didn't have his suit to protect him from incoming threats so he was hit in the ribs with a foot ball. They continued to chat and whatnot before some of the kids started messing with, well... You'd probably be able to guess who. "Hey Space Neil!" Max called, getting the attention on the smaller child at the camp. He took a deep breath and explained. "It's just Neil guys." Most of the kids were a little put back by this but stayed persistent. "So uh, we got this cool thing going on, wanna join?" Erid said in a chilled tone. "Oh gosh it's happening." Neil thought to himself. He looked up at the crowd of he peers. "Uh sorry guys, I think I'm going to pass on this one." This was a shock because the old space kid would always be down for stuff like this. He didn't know what was going on half the time, but was happy to be included. "Come in shit head, what happened to you?" Max spoke up. For a second everything was silent. No charter, laughter, heck for a second you could hear the wind stop. The question wasn't that shocking, same question he'd got all day. The response, however, was the surprise. In a low, quiet voice, a someone could be heard. "Well maybe I don't want to be the entertainment anymore." It took a moment for the campers to prosses what was happening. This was not space kid at all. He was difrent. One of the campers, Science Neil, hesitantly asked "...what did you just say?" Other Neil looked up. "You fucking heard me. You've treated my like some sort of cool all of camp. Most of you don't know My name and just see me as gullible, stupid, space kid. I'm sick of it. Just let me be." This time he stopped trying to sound polite. He was on the brink of tears and without another word, ran back to his tent. The campers were in shock. Nobody moved in time a voice was heard behind them. "So that's why he's always stuck on the fan..." David said giving everone a heart attack. "Holy shit David, what the fuck?" Max yelled. "Language... And I don't appreciate the way any of you have treated (Space) Neil. I saw it earlier but had no idea it was so serious... You kids have to make it up to him!" "And how the fuck are we going to do that?"

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