Try your best.

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It was around 6 am. Space kid woke up but today was difrent then the other days. He looked through all his shirts trying to find at lease one that wasn't made for his costume or space themed in any way,shape, or form. Eventually he did find one. It was a plain red t-shirt space kid had packed in case there would be an event switch I'd be impossible to wear his space suit to. "Perfect" he thought to himself. Insted of his regular outfit, he dressed as any normal kid would. In a short and jeans, but he still kept his helmet on. But it wasn't normal for space kid. He dreaded leaving his tent that morning. This is what he had thought he wanted but as much as he tryed to push it down... He still loved space. He was also worried the at her kids would make a big deal out of it. That he had dug himself too deep and there qmwas no changing his reputation. It was now 6:30. He figured that he'd have to leave at some point or another. And now was as good a time as any. He quietly left his rant and walked to the dinning hall. Sence yesterday was so tiring David just so happened to be the only one awake. At first David looked confused. In fact he didn't even recognise space kid er- Neil. But once he did he was in shock. He thought if taking it over with Neil but sence space kid seamed perfectly happy he felt although he'd just be bothering him. The real trouble came once the rest of the campers piled into the hall for breakfast. He has tryed his best to stay out of sight but eventually the kids saw him. "What the fuck?!" One of the kids had asked. "Oh, hey max!" Neil replied. He saw the other Neil giving him a wierd look from the distance but choose to ignore it. His voice was still muffled from the helmet he had kept it on because he didn't have the will to leave it all in one day. "What the FUCK is wrong with you, why aren't you wearing your dumb ads suit?" He asked. Well then what a lovely way to put it. "Eh, I didn't feel like wearing it today, I guess I'm just beginning to grow out of this space thing." Nail stated. That was a total lie but in the moment it didn't seam to matter. Ofcource this only for worse throughout the day. It was science camp. And guess what they were talking about!.. Once David announced the activists ex-space kid just sighed and looked upset. Everyone noticed, including David. With his being a good camp councillor he thought he'd just try asking the camper if somthing was going on. Nce all the kids started heading to the activity David pulled space kid aside and waited until all the kids were outside. "Uh.. Heya David, what seams to be the problem?" He asked in a slightly studded g voice as he forced on a awkward smile. David looked consered and asked "Space kid are you okay?" That name again.. He clenched his fist but replied calmly with "I don't really know what your talking about but first of all I'm actually going by Neil now!" David didn't know how to react. He then said "Well... Neil I was just asking about your recent... Shift in behavior. Are you sure your alrigh?" The poor kid didn't know how to respond eventually he croaked out "O-oh that! Well you se-e I'm beginning to realise how silly all this s-space stuff is and I'm toning it down just a little!" Now at times David might be ignorant but he isn't stupid, he knew space kid err.. Neil wasn't okay but until he told david what was happening there was nothing more he could do. Neil joined the rest of the kids in the science lesson. He kept it in his best interest not to show signs of enjoyment. So he tuned out. He didn't want to be stupid space kid anymore and if that ment changing himself... Well so be it. Around lunch, a meal he hasn't had in three days, he quietly ate his food, everyone was still a bit put of by his apperenc. "Could he have really changed all that muck in one day?" The other Neil asked. "No fucking way!" Max replied. Once lunce was over they went back out. This time they wete drawing model planets and writing the chemical formula of what they were.made up of.  "This is going to be hard to get our of." He thought to himself

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