The Naked Man (The Rake)

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I slumped against the back of the couch. It was dark and I was watching horror movies with my friend, Tony.
Tony looked at me, "Jake, do you have any chips?"
I looked at him, sheepishly. "Oh, they're in the kitchen. On the table."
He got up and walked into the kitchen. He coughed. "Um. The kitchen lights won't come on. Better fix that later." He used his phone as a light source. He let out a bloodcurling scream and stumbled back into the living room. "I saw something in the corner."
I got up, shaking my head. He was the one to get frightened all the time. "Ugh. I'll check it out."

I went over to the kitchen and flipped the switch. He was right, the lights wouldn't come on. I pulled out my phone, using it as a light source, and scanned the kitchen. There was a monkey toy in the corner of the kitchen. Laughing, I picked it up. There was something underneath it. I picked it up, unfolding it. It was a message: I'm coming for you, Jake Fisher. 

I cocked an eyebrow. My phone locked itself after a minute and I dropped the phone, startled. I kneeled down, trying to find the phone. My finger felt an object on the floor. As I got up, I felt a hand on my shoulder. This wasn't an ordinary hand. It seemed to have long fingers, and the hand was dead cold. I shrieked, running into walls and objects as I found my way back into the living room.
I was out of breath, gasping for air laying on the rug. Tony rushed to my side, kneeling down.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked me.
I shook my head, "Something was in the kitchen."
Tony looked around, freaked out. "Are you sure? I want to go home NOW."
I looked out at the large sliding windows. The only light was the one streetlight. There was a figure standing in the light.
Tony noticed it too, "Who's that?" 

I shrugged, feeling my fear rising quickly. "I dunno. Don't open that door, dude."
Tony squirmed into the arm of the couch, "Trust me, I won't."
The movie was still playing but then the TV blacked out. We both screamed at the same time. I looked back to the windows. The figure who was at the streetlight wasn't there anymore. I had a feeling that this somehow connected to the mysterious figure.
I tried to flip the living room lights on. No luck. "I guess it's a blackout."
Tony wimpered. "I-i-i'm s-s-c-cared." 

I laughed, nervously. "Relax, dude." I unlocked my phone. I turned on my phone's flashlight. "Come on."
We walked towards the basement. There were strange sounds to be heard from within. Just at the moment, I wished my parents were back from Toronto.
Tony looked at the basement door, "I don't want to go down there."
I tried to smile, "Don't worry. We wont." We walked back to the living room, but stopped dead in our tracks. There was the figure from across the street. It was right there, against the window. It looked unhuman. It seemed to be naked. It had it's face against the window, making it foggy from it's breath.
"Get the fuck away from my window, naked man!" I said to him.
He hissed a laugh which sent shivers down my spine. But then it spoke. "Jake Fisher. I'm coming."
The living room light came on, finally. 

Suddenly, the naked man started to bang it's head against the windows. Me and Tony screamed at the top of our lungs. It was pointless, it was vaction season and everyone on the block was away. I started to panic. Then I realized, "Tony! Go upstairs and get the pistol out of my dad's desk."
Tony looked at me, the terror in his eyes. "Are you sure?" The man bumped his head against it once more, cracks appearing. We had no time to waste. I dashed up the dark stairs, going into my parent's room, and grabbed the .40 caliber. It was heavy, so I knew it was loaded. I rushed down stairs in awe. The man had already broke into the window but now it was out of sight. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." I repeated over and over. "Tony, do you see him anywhere?"
Tony shook his head, "No I don't see him." We stayed in the living room, since it had the most light. I stepped over to the broken glass. My shoes crunched the glass beneath them. The scent was full of dead. It smelled like stale blood. I started to gag and ran back towards Tony.
Tony wasn't there. "Tony?" No answer. I started to panic even more. "TONY!" 
I heard some footsteps, "What?"
I sighed, relieved. "Tony, don't s-," I was cut off by a laughter. I turned around and the naked man was there.
"WHO ARE YOU?" I called out to him even though he was standing a few feet away. I gripped the gun tighter, ready to pull the trigger if nessacary. 
He smiled, his teeth were jagged rows of sharp teeth. His deep black eyes seemed to pierce mine. "I'm called by people assss the Rake. Ssssome may call me Sssskinwalker."
I cringed at his long claws, inching closer to my face. "What do want from us?"
He laughed again, "I want your sssssssoul." He lunged at me. I dived for the couch, his claws missing me by an inch. He looked at Tony and smiled. That's when I fired the gun.

The Rake laughed again, "Puny mortal. Your gunsss do not work unfortunately. No luck." He dived for me, this time his long claws raked across my arm. I howled in pain. He grinned, "Doesssss it feel good?" 
I cringed, "It feels great. Can I have another, ssssssir?" 
His temper flared. He started to lash out at me, repeatedly. He missed every swing. I ducked and dodged my way upstairs. Realizing I left Tony, I rushed downstairs. No one was to be seen, not even the Rake. 
"Tony?!" I screamed. There was a note on the broken glass. I picked it up, the message was written in blood: Come to the old church for a showdown when the clock strikes 12:00 AM or the boy dies.

 I stood at the old church at 11:59 PM. I was scared. I held my father's .40 caliber, tightly. The clocked boom, I held my breath. It was 12:00 AM. I heard some noises behind me. I jumped and turned around. Nothing. 
"Hello, Jake. Didn't think you'd ssssshow up." I turned around. The Rake was on the cross of the church's roof. 
"Come on. Let Tony go!" I cried. 
He laughed like a maniac, "You thought I'd let him live? I ate him when I got hungry." 
My heart skipped a couple beats. "Y-y-you ate him?" He nodded, jumping down. 
I screamed and I charged at him. He swiftly dodge my fist and threw me to the church wall. I cried out in pain. That was some intense pain. I stood up, shaking my head. 
"Why fight a battle you can't win?" The Rake asked me, rushing closer. I pulled out my gun and fired a shot at him. It hit him in the leg, causing him to trip. I jumped on The Rake and pulled out my hidden knife. I stabbed him over and over until he didn't move. I stood up and turned to leave, but The Rake grabbed me by my throat. He started to choke me. 
"Dieeeeeee." He pierced my chest with his claws. Blood started to leak out of my body as I collasped on the ground. It started to rain. He grunted, "I hate my mealssss wet." He jumped on the church roof and watched me die slowly.
My face was wet with a mixture of tears and rainwater. The pain was unbearable. I felt myself losing my life. 
The last thing I heard was The Rake speaking to me, as if it was a whisper, "Farewell."

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