Go To Sleep (Jeff The Killer)

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I slumped against the backseat of the car. My dad was driving me to the mall to get some clothes for my upcoming birthday. I huffed, I hated shopping with my father. I prefer to shop with my mom.

"Ok, so did you want to shop at the discount store?" He said outloud as we were inside.

I groaned, "No, dad." I hate when my dad does this. "I wanted to go to Hot Topic, okay?"

He chuckled and gave me $100, "Okay,  

I smiled, "Thanks!"

I walked into Hot Topic, searching for some tees. I saw some band merch but I wasn't really into rock. I spotted a shirt from a band I used to like. I grabbed some tees and movie merch.

"Alright, dad. I finished shopping," I told my dad as I approached the car.

He nodded, "Great, let's go."

The Next Two Days....

I woke up early. I was too excited, my birthday was tomorrow and I couldn't sleep at all.

My parents were away getting the things I needed for my birthday. I sat on the couch eating Lucky Charms and watching Spongebob.

"Happy birthday to you," a voice called out.

I froze, the voice sent shivers down my spine. I gulped, "Hello?" There was no answer.

I looked back at the tv, Spongebob was laughing.

Moments passed by as he continued to laugh. The laugh slowly turned demonic.

Spongebob looked at me, his eyes all black, "You're next, Lauren."

The screen blacked out and I ran out the den, screaming. My parents came through the door at that same moment.

"Honey? What's wrong?" My dad asked, alarmed.

I pointed at the tv, "Spongebob turned demonic and said my name."

My dad flipped on the tv. Spongebob was normal again.

He laughed, "You must've imagined it, sweetie."

I stared at the tv, I couldn't have imagined that....could I?

I stared blankly at the tv, I didn't have the guts to turn it back on. I was terrified of what may come if I do so. I gulped down all my fear. I flipped the tv on and stared intently into the tv. Adventure Time was on. I let out a sigh of relief. 

"What time is it?" The tv said.

"Adventure Time!" I said.

"No, it's time for you to go to bed, Lauren." The tv said back. I screamed at the top of my lungs, I was losing my mind. I rushed upstairs to my room. I laid in my bed, all tired. I wasn't to thrilled about my birthday, seeing that Spongebob went demonic and Adventure Time as well. I shut my eyes tight, wishing that I was faraway. I opened my eyes, I saw a teddy bear in the corner of my room. I picked it up, it was my old teddy, Ronald.

I laughed, "Oh, Ronald. Can you save me?"

I slept roughly that night. I tossed and turned all through the hot sticky night. I sat up with a jolt. My hair was messed up, spreaded all over the bed. I got up, stroking my hair. I walked out of my room and looked in the mirror. I splashed my face and looked at my reflection, I gasped. In the mirror, wasn't me. It was a hooded teenager with stretched lips carved into a smile. 

He smiled at me, "Go to sleep, Lauren."


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