The Nausea Effect (Slender Man)

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I woke up from my dream, screaming. My parents rushed into the room, moments later. They started to shake me, trying to stop my screaming. I slowly stopped screaming.
My mother hugged me tightly, "Honey, are you alright?" She pushed her away, still in shock.
"Lizzy, baby. Did you have a bad dream?" My dad asked me.
I curled into a ball, "Yes. I'm fine now. Just leave."

They finally gave up, exiting my room. I had a dream of this tall man, dressed in a suit. He had no face, slender limbs. He gave me the chills. I laid back on the bed, trying to get some sleep. I was scared what dreams may come if I fell back to sleep again.
I woke up the next morning, relieved that I didn't have the same dream twice in one night. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I spent an hour or two cleaning myself and fixing up my hair. I went down the long steps and saw my parents standing in the living room with giant camping backpacks, I groaned.
"Seriously, mom and dad? We have to go camping in the woods today?" I asked them.
My dad smiled, "Yes honey. We're leaving in ten." At that, they went out the front door and into the car. I sighed, I fucking hate camping trips. Especially ones in the woods. 

I held my little brother, Dave in my arms. He was only five months old, so he couldn't walk just yet.
Dave nibbled on my fingers as we pulled off. My dad turned on the radio and 5 Seconds Of Summer blasted through the speakers. I jammed along to the music, trying to eat my candy bar. Dave kept taking it away.
"Give me that, Dave!" I smiled. He gave it to me so I kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, Daaaave."
Dave looked out the window, absentmindedly. I looked at the back of the candy bar. Of course, it had a load of sugar in it. 
My dad shook his head, "What is this? One Direction?" 
I laughed, "No, dad! This is 5 Seconds Of Summer." 
He cocked an eyebrow, "Why do I feel like I'm listening to Green Day and One Direction at once?" 
I smiled, "It's like that."
He grunted, "Whatever." He put in the album from Green Day, 21st Century Breakdown. 
21 Guns started to play and I loved that song. My dad smiled, looking back. He wasn't paying attention to the road. 
"HONEY WATCH OUT!" My mom yelled. We crashed.

We had collided with another car. Luckily, no one was hurt. 
The guy from the other car came over to us. "Sorry, I was paying attention to the road." 
My dad laughed, "Funny. Same for me." They both laughed and started to discuss. 
That's when it hit me, we were in the middle of nowhere. "Um dad. Were in the middle of nowhere." 
He smiled, "Relax, I'll call a tow truck." He dialed the towing company. They answered. He put it on speaker.
"Tony's Tow, how may I help you?" They said upon answering.
"Hello, I am in a wreck. Could you come pick us up?" He asked.
"What's your location?" They asked.
Dad looked around. "We are north-east of Pinewood Forest."
"We are sending a tow now." 
He hung up and smiled, "See no worries." 

Oh how wrong he was. It took the tow all evening to find us. It was late at night. 
"Sorry about that guys," he apologized. "I got lost and I went to the other side of the forest." 
My dad went towards the trees, "I need to pee." He went in the trees and was out of sight. 
It was a long wait. Then we got worried when he didn't come back after 5 minutes.
"Dad? Where are you?" I called out, heading into the trees. It was awfully dark, but I could see just enough to make out shadows. I felt arms come around me and I shrieked.
"AHHHH!" I screamed, kicking and squirming.
My dad smiled. I kicked him, "Jesus fucking christ, dad. You had us all worried." 
He laughed, "I'm sorry, honey. Come on, let's head back."
I walked in front of him. I started to talk about stuff. I looked back when he wasn't responding to anything.
"Dad?" I said. "This isn't funny. I know you're hiding." 
Nothing could be heard. "DAD?! I AM NOT FUCKING AROUND NOW!" 

I wondered around. I stopped at a unfamiliar road. There were no cars at all. 
I walked back the way I came, "Dad. Come on, please....." I stopped, gasping.
There was a pool of blood. I felt a drip on my head. I looked up, squinting. Another drop rolled off my cheek. I screamed. In the trees was the hanging body of my dad. I held my mouth, tears started to pour out of my eyes. His fingers were missing, a cut on his torso which made his insides pour out, his eyeballs had been gauged out, and he had a smile carved into his cheeks. Blood leaked out from his wounds.

I ran back, screaming to the tow truck and my mother and brother. 
"DAD'S DEAD!" I cried out, hugging my mother. "S-s-someone killed him." It was hard for me to even speak.
My mother face went as white as a ghost's, "What? How do you know?" She started breaking down, crying.
I looked over at the other family who crashed. There was a sister and a brother. The guy looked around 15, about my age.
He came over to me, "Hey... I'm sorry about your father."
I fake a smiled, face wet with tears. I nodded, putting my head down. I started to cry more. Then the guy put his arms around me. I normally would've pushed a guy off, but I didn't. I accepted his arms. 

We waited for the man to tow our car. He stopped, halfway in the process.
"I need to call my boss," he replied. "It won't take very long."
He dialed his boss and went to the other side of the tow truck. The boy, Ricardo, stood beside me. He was cute and all but I didn't care too much on looks.
"Hey, how ya' holding up?" Ricardo asked me.
I nodded, "I'm....fine. For the most part, anyway." 
He slyly smiled, "Ah. Well it won't be long now." 
The tow driver came back, his face was blank. "Ah guys. I have some bad news."
My heart skipped a beat. He continued, "The cord to hook the car up got snapped. Another tow is available but it's not coming until tomorrow. I'm sorry, guys." Great. A night in the woods, with a killer somewhere hidden within. Just, great.

We all couldn't sleep. So we all stood around, feeling miserable.
I looked around. I saw Ricardo, Alex; Ricardo's sister, his mom and dad, my mother, and Dave. I didn't see the tow truck diver anywhere.
"Hey where's the tow truck driver?" I asked everyone.
They all looked around, panic in their eyes. Ricardo spoke, "I have no idea. Holy cakes. We are doomed." 
Dave started to whail. I craddled him in my arms, giving him his bottle. 
"Damn it. This sucks," I complained. "We are doomed to die." 
Ricardo raised a finger, "Not if we stay in a group." 
I rolled my eyes, he was such a dork under that cuteness. "Whatever."
Alex walked away from us, "You guys are such asses. I'm going to find a phone booth." 
Her mother called to her, "Alex Demi Harper! Get back here right now!" 
She didn't listen. She kept walking ahead. I groaned, "I'll go with her." I grabbed a flashlight and ran after her.
Alex looked back, "Oh, you too?" 
I shook my head, "Don't you realize that there's a killer out here?" 
Alex scrunched her face, "That killer can kiss my ass." 
I sighed. What a drag this was. "Fine. What's that?" The was a tall shadow. It looked almost as if it was a human body but it couldn't be. I stopped as she kept going. I felt as if I was sick. I felt a trickle of a thick liquid coming from my nose, it was a nose bleed. I held my hand over my nose. I fell to my knees. I felt dizzy and my vision was distorted.
"ALEX?" I called out.
"Yeah, wha-." She was stopped abruptly. 
"Alex?" I said again. No answer. I looked and saw the shadow leaving the side of the road. There was a body lying on the side of the road. I approached it. Her head had been decapitated, it was the body of Alex. 

I ran back to the others, bearing more bad news. 
"Alex..." I started. I didn't need to finish.
Ricardo started to cry with his mother. I hung my head down. I felt bad. 
I went to the tow truck, I tried to start the car but the keys were missing. "Damn it!" I kicked the truck. I hopped out the truck, feeling hopeless. 
"Hey where's your mom?" I asked Ricardo.
"Where's your mom?" He asked me. 
Both of our moms where gone. I laid myself in the middle of the road. "Kill me! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" Nothing happened. I cried to myself, silently for what seemed like hours.

Ricardo sprang up, "We need to find the driver's body. He has the keys." 
I stood up, "Okay, smartass. Where do you think the body is?" 
He shrugged, "Beats me." 
I threw my hands up, "Ugh. Come on, let's go hunting." 
Ricardo ran to his car. He came back with a pocket blade. I laughed, "Really?" 
Ricardo grinned, "We need protection."
I shook my head, walking ahead. 

We walked around aimlessly. The air smelled of blood. Old blood. 
Ricardo held his nose in disgust, "Yuck. Blood." 
I found a body. To my suprise, it was the tow truck driver. I took his keys off of his belt.
I turned around, "Alright, Ricardo. Let's g-."
I saw Ricardo. A long black tentacle went straight through the place where his heart was. He coughed out blood. "Go." He fell to the floor, dead. 
I started to have nausea, which I realized came from the tall shadow. I saw him now, in the moonlight. 
He had no face. His head was white. He wore a suit, all dressed in black. 
I screamed, running back the way we came. I jumped into the open car door and started the car. It wouldn't start. I popped open the hood and gasped. The battery was missing. I kicked the side of the car in rage. I walked into the middle of the street, falling on my knees. I felt sick again, he was near. I looked up at the tall man. He had slender limbs.
"Who are you?" I asked, silently.
Then words started to get in my head. Slender Man... It repeated over and over.
"Slender Man." I said before being impaled by his tentacle.

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