Part 47

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It was now a little bit into February so the baby would be due anytime soon. I was really excited for her to be born but I was petrified of the pain but I’m positive she’ll be worth it. Ast was currently in the studio with the rest of the boys adding finishing touches to their first album which they’re so excited to release! I was sat in the living room eating more chocolate fingers bored out of my mind; I always got so bored when Ast wasn’t around. I picked up my phone which was beside me and decided to ring the girls and see if they wanted to come round.

M-Me A-Aimee

A- Hello?

M- Hiya

A- Oh, hello babe, you alright?

M- Yeah, i'm good you?

A- I'm great, so is everything ok?

M- Yeah, i was just wondering, you doing anything?

A- No, I'm bored, Reesh is at the studio's so i'm at home bored

M- Same with Ast, listen do you and the girls want to come around?

A- Yeah, that'll be great

M- Great, you call Megan and i'll tell Chloe?

A- Yup, we'll do that, right i'll tell her now, by babe

M- Bye hun

I smiled as I hung up before going through my contacts again until I found Chloe.

M-Me C-Chloe

C- Hello?

M- Hiya Chloe

C- Oh hiya, what's up?

M- Just wondering if you want to come around since the boys are at the studio?

C- Yeah, that'll be great, when should I come?

M- Whenever you're ready

C- Okay, I'll not be long then, we need a catchup

M- yeah that we do, Ohh can you call Roch and ask her if she wants to come?

C- Yeah no problem babe

M- Great, I'll let you get on with that then, bye babe

C- Yeah, see you later babe

I hung up again and made my way into the kitchen to get some drinks ready, sucks how I wasn't allowed to drink but not long now until I can, thank god ;) Not long after I heard the doorbell ring, I opened the door to see Aimee 'Hello' I smiled hugging her 'Wow, it's hard to hug you now because your bump is huge' she laughed 'Omg I know, it's hard to do anything now' I sighed 'It'll be worth it in the end, oh by the way Megan can't come' she sighed 'What? Why?' 'Because she's on a date with Chris' she smirked 'OMG reallu?' I gasped 'Yep, they're getting along well' she giggled 'Yup, mine and Ast's match making worked then' I smirked 'Nice one' she giggled high fiving me. About 5 minutes later the door went again. 'One sec' I smiled to Aimee as I went to open the door 'Ohh hello girls' I giggled seeing Chloe and Roch stood there 'Hiya babe' Roch smiled hugging me then Chloe after. 'It's so awkward hugging you now' Chloe laughed 'I know, it's awkward doing anything, it's so uncomfortable' I sighed rubbing it 'Oh well, not long left now' Roch smiled 'Yeah, hallelujah' I giggled 'One sec girls, i'll go get your drink' I smiled 'Just go in the living room, Aimee's already there' I smiled 'Ok' Chloe smiled walking in along with Roch to join Aimee. I gave them their drinks and we just had a nice catch up from me and Ast, Aimee and Reesh, Chloe and Jay and Roch and Marv. They all seemed so loved up which I found really cute and they were all perfect together!


'Ok boys, off you go home' our manager smiled as we finised the last song. Yes the last song of our first album. I'm so excited for it to be released, we all want it to go well with it been our first one. 'Do you boys want to come round ours for a bit? Sophie might have got the girls around?' I asked as I put my coat on. 'Yeah, sure, why not' Marv smiled as we walked out the door. 'So how's Sophie and the baby doing?' Reesh asled 'Yeah, they're both great! She's huge now though' I laughed 'That's good, aww hey! Not long now' Jay smiled nudging my arm 'I know' I grinned. 'I just don't want to see her in pain, It'll kill me' I sighed getting my keys out of my pocket. 'Hm, yeah, I'd feel the same if it was Chloe' Jay said.'I'll meet you boys at the house?' I asked un-locking the car door. 'Yeah, we'll meet you there' Reesh smiled making his way to his car 'Bye guys' I smiled 'Bye bruv' Marv shouted as we all got in our cars. 

We soon arrived at mine and Sophie's house, all the girls' cars were there so I'm guessing she called them round. I jumped out the car running up the path with a grin on my face. 'Hello baby' I drinned walking into the living room 'Hiya Ast' she giggled getting up to greet me as the rest of the girls did with their boys. 'I missed you' I whispered against her lips 'I missed you too' she laughed before kissing me again.

Shy Of The Cool // Aston Merrygold (Needs editing)Where stories live. Discover now