Accidental Kiss

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The sun shines on blocks of serene green grass. Cobblestone sprinkle over the rolling hills of the land. The pit patters of feet stomping on the cobblestone contest with singing birds. As we see a man with purple hair with a dog made of only bone. He and his boney companion walk through the peaceful village filled with citizens and shopkeepers of the local bazaar market.

“Good evening mister Smith,” Dan yells as he heads toward a stand with an Iron ingot on the front to a buff a man who has a slight stubble, standing in front of it.

“Good morning Dan. So, what can I help you with today?”

“Well, Trayauruss said he needed some iron. Think he might be making a new invention he'll want me to test," Dan mumbled that last part.

"Nothing ever pleases that man that's for sure." Mr. Smith gives out a hefty chuckle. "I assume he'll want it in bulk?"

"That would be preffered, yes."

Mr. Smith looks inside a chest and takes out four smaller boxes with a sixty-four on top of each one. "240 emeralds."

"Yeesh, that's a lot, don't you think?"

The man thinks for a moment, furrying his brows together. "Tell ya what," he leans in closer. "Gimme 10 diamonds and you got yourself a deal."

"Done." Dan fished in his pockets and pulls out 10 diamonds and hands it to the blacksmith. "See you soon!" he yells back to the shopkeep as they wave behind them.

As he heads away from the village, he's oblivious to the man wearing an orange tabby cat sweater following him. Stampy saw him in the bazaar and was gonna say hi and make conversation; but as he realized he was leaving, he decided to try and scare him instead.

'It's the perfect plan, he'll never see me coming!' Stampy thought. Before he could continue his master plan, he followed Dan down the road until he suspected nothing and let his guard down. He began to sneak out of his hiding place and stealthily creep up behind Dan. But then he tripped on a rock and began tumbling down the hillsides. "Look out!" He yelled.

But it was to late. Dan looked back to see who said that before being crushed by stampy. He laid on the ground with Stampy on top, who was too hurt to move and Dan now has a migraine to make things worse. "Stamps... Get off."

Stampy jerked up realizing what he just did and gets off of Dan and dusted him off. "Ah! I'm so sorry Dan!"

"It's fine Stamps," Dan said as he got up holding his head and rubbing his temples. "Just... Just what were you doing?" He asked blantley.

Stampy stiffed up for a moment before shuffling back a little bit. "Um... Well, to put it short, I saw you at the bazaar and figured I could have a nice chat with you. But when I saw you were leaving,  I decided to try and scare you, honest. Turns out
that ended up failing, obviously. So, sorry." He made gestures to Dan's dirty clothes.

"That's fine. Just don't do that again, kay?" Stampy nodded before noticing how much pressure Dan's applying to his temple.

"Oh dear, did I do that? I'm sorry."

"Stamps, I already said it's fine. No need to beat yourself up. Besides, I have some painkillers in here somewhere."

Dan begins shuffling through his pockets as he's oblivious to the man blushing wildly next to him. He actually doesn't take long to notice as he says, "What's on your mind?"

Stampy reacts and turns and looks away for a moment. "... Can I k..."

"Think you could repeat that again buddy?"

"... Should I kiss it to make it better?"

Dan blushed but nods as he goes back to looking for his pills. Stampy shuffled closer slightly to kiss his temple before Dan moves his head to say something but meets with his lips instead. They blush a deeper red hue as they get away from each other.

"I'm sorry!" Stampy yelled.

"Why are you saying sorry? I'm the one who should be saying sorry!" Dan replied.

Stampy's heart rate begins to speed up as his breathing becomes harder. "Oh god, what have I done? You hate me now and you probably think I'm some gay fag who deserves to die and-"

"Joseph!" Dan grabs stampy's hoodie and pulls him toward Dan and forces a kiss onto him. Stampy is a bit startled at first but eases into the kiss and kiss back. 'Tastes like cake.' Dan thinks. They pull apart and Dan pulls Stampy into a hug. "There. Now we can both feel better. Now come on, we can spend time at my place and calm you down."

"Thanks, Dan. Sorry for having you do all this."

"No worries. Besides, not like it wasn't an accident."

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