Pocky Fun Time

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(This chapter contains bad slight sexual content. Reader's discretion is advised.)

Stampy sleeps contently in his bed, enjoying his nap. He begins to shiver from the lack of warmth and feels his way around the bed, looking for his sense of warmth. He feels nothing and gets up from bed. No one was with him.

'How long have I been napping for?' He asked himself. He grabs his phone that's been charging on his nightstand and presses the home button to see he's been sleeping for three hours since noon. "I need to fix my sleeping schedule." He says to no one in particular. He swings his feet out of his cozy prison onto the cold wooden floor. He immediately shivers and puts on his orange tabby cat hoodie that was laying on the end of the bed.

He walks down the staircase that leads into the living room to see Dan laying on the couch, watching TV. He notices Stampy and smiles. "Morning sleeping beauty." Stampy grunts as he begrudgingly walks past him and into the kitchen. "Not even a peck. I feel hurt and betrayed." He hears Stampy laugh from the kitchen. "There's still some water left in the kettle if you wanna heat boil that up."

"Thank you." He called out.

Dan smiles and continues watching whatever was on T.V. Which just so happens to be Milo Murphy's Law. A show where a teenage child has major bad luck but he's learned to get used to his bad luck and make an adventure of it for every episode. This keeps him occupied for a bit before he feels the weight of the couch being shifted. He turns to see Stampy snuggled in a blanket eating pocky.

"Mind sharing some of the blanket Stamps?" Stampy moves from his spot to snuggle closer with Dan and throwing the blanket around the both of them and covering their feet. "Thanks hun."

Stampy hums an imitation of "your welcome" before becoming emersed in the show as well and eating pocky. They stay like that for a while, to them it seems like an eternity. Just basking in each other's presence and just appreciating their silence. Stampy eventually turns his head and looks at Dan and wiggling a pocky stick that's in his mouth.

Dan looks at Stampy with a confused look on his face. "Stamps, what are you doing?"

Stampy's excited expression deflated like a balloon and he looks at Dan, silently disappointed. "Pocky game."

Dan immediately understands and puts his mouth on the other end of the pocky stick. "Three, two, one, go!" Dan counted down.

The race begins and they chomp down one price after the other. It's when they get to the middle is when things get spicy. And no the the pocky flavor is not wasabi. They get to the middle piece of the pocky and Stampy sucks in the piece of the pocky piece like a vacuum. Dan won't give up that easily however, as he kisses Stampy in a forceful kiss and wrestles with Stampy's tongue with his own. Stampy yelped in surprise, but then moans in pleasure as he submits to Dan. He doesn't notice Dan's tongue grabs the pocky he still had and pull it out. In fact he could care less, this feels so much better than winning. Dan stops and looks at Stampy.

"I win," he said in a hefty chuckle.

Stampy stares at Dan angrily. He was just getting it on and then they just stopped. "Yeah, sure you did." Stampy pushes Dan onto the couch and continues the make out session they were having. What happens next is up to your dirty imagination. Can't believe I literally just did this, all because some horny eight year olds who play minecraft can't keep it in their pants.

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