Dirty Dream

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Stampy is not a hard sleeper, not in the slightest. But he isn't a light sleeper either, he'll sleep through some noise, mainly kitchen clatter, but he wakes up to noises like someone using a leaf blower on their lawn. Normally, he'd also wake up to the sun nipping at his face through the gaps of his curtains, or if someone shoving him out of bed to get up.

But this was one hell of a wake up call. First and foremost, this was not the first time he and Dan had slept together, nor shall it be the last. But their relationship has mainly just been hugs, kisses and cuddles, which is adorable as it sounds, but that's it. They have never talked about anything else before. Zilch, none, zero, nada. After all, he only realized he was bi after he realized that he actually had feelings for his good ol' buddy ol' pal of his and they agreed they wouldn't rush anything. Which is a blessing and a completely different story on it's own. Long story short, Stampy had a small identity crisis and now he's dating Dan on his off time.

But now it's two o'clock at night and Dan is holding him and dry humping his ass on Stampy's side, muttering a few words in the process. 'Wet dream, no doupt,' Stampy thought. This wouldn't bother Stampy as much if Dan happened to be a woman. I mean, who wouldn't feel uncomfortable if they felt more familiar with the other gender since they didn't have an erect dick poking their side. Well, uncomfortable and irritated for being woken up at two in the morning. Stampy has had his fair share of affairs, before he became a YouTube channel for children, but then resort to masturbating most of the time. 'Should I wake him up? No, that'll make it awkward.' Stampy keeps trying to think of ways to not feel awkward, before Dan blinks his eyes open.

"Stamps? Why are you awake? It's like the middle of the night."

Stampy turned his head and stared at Dan with an irritated expression before looking back at the ceiling. "You seriously don't know?"

Dan yawned. "No... Should I?"

Stampy shrugs. "No, I don't suppose so but look down anyway."

Dan, although very confused, looks down and sees nothing. He was about to say something before Stampy pulled the blanket away from Dan. Dan was about to complain before looking down and seeing what Stampy was actually talking about. Dan blushes and retreated under the safety of his covers. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Stampy laughs. "Cause it would be more awkward if I did than if I didn't."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Just go to sleep once you take care of your problem."

Stampy turns away from Dan and covers himself in the blanket while Dan walks to the bathroom. Stampy tries to go back to sleep again, which will be much easier, but only wakes up to Dan again. This was intentional though as he hears Dan whisper his name loudly thirty minutes later. Stampy's eyes flutter open and he turns to look at Dan. The bathroom lights were still on and, even if Stampy is still very, very sleepy, he notices Dan is blushing mad. "Stamps we have a problem."

Stampy turns around again and closes his eyes, not really thinking it's anything important. "If the toilet is broken we can call a plumber tomorrow."

"It's not that!" He whisper yelled "It's... I..."

"What is it? Spit it out."

"I can't get off unless you do it for me!" Dan stated.

Stampy, to say the least, is very glad he turned away from Dan as he's blushing madly right now. "Dan?"

"Yes?" He sounded like a sad puppy.

"Turn the bathroom light off, get back in the bed, and face away from me."

Dan immediately regrets his statement and begrudgingly walks to the bathroom and turns the light off and back towards the bed again, his back facing away from his boyfriend. Or, who will used to be his boyfriend. Dan feels like crying, he did the one thing they both agreed on not doing and asked for a hand job anyway. All because his mind went to places and managed to get him this mess. 'God I'm so stupid. I can't do anything right. He's going to break up with me tomorrow I know it, I just know it.' Dan honestly felt like crying, and he almost was before Stampy turns around and holds Dan in his arms.

Stampy has one arm rubbing Dan's back and his other is simply slid under the pillow, out of sight. Stampy moves his head so he's at Dan's neck and kissing his neck lightly. All of the worries Dan had bottled up slipped away as he moves closer to Stampy and is about to face him before Stampy said, "Stay."

To say Stampy is uncomfortable of what he's about to do is a god damn understatement. 'It'll be like masturbating to yourself except you can't feel any pleasure and you don't know when they'll blow there load. God, Dan owes me one after this.' The arm that was rubbing Dan's side moved down towards Dan's nether regions and got more slower as it went. He eventually survived the journey and began rubbing Dan's dick through his underwear. He hears Dan's breath hitch and smiles into his neck. He continues his current tasks and begins to bite down lightly onto Dan's neck exciting Dan even further. Stampy snaked his way into Dan's underwear and grabs his dick firmly.

This got a reaction out of Dan which was a whine, something Dan would only do to guilt trip Stampy, and he couldn't feel more turned on. Slightly, not enough to bone down, it's still very gross and uncomfortable. So he decides to experiment. "You want me to keep going?" Stamps said teasingly.


"Sorry, I couldn't hear you. I knew I should've gone back to bed." Stampy releases his grip slightly.

"N-no, Stamps, please. I want this. Please."

Dan feels Stampy smile on the skin of his neck. "Fine, but your cleaning up after yourself."

Stampy's grip tightens around Dan's cock and Dan grunts as Stampy bites Dan's neck harder and begins to suck on it. Pre-cum begins to come out and Stampy uses it to lube it up. Dan trys to turn back to face Stampy before being scolded to stay in place. Not knowing what will fully happen if he disobeys, he stays put while Stampy gives the guy some hands and nips at his neck. Stampy has been pretty good so far when it came to not really thinking about what's going on and what he's holding, but has to face facts when he begins to actually jerk Dan off. He bites Dan a little harder to release some of their built up frustration and embarrassment from the beginning of this session, almost hard enough to draw blood. He would've apologized until he heard Dan moan.

'Is this man really that horny?!' Stamps thought to himself. He was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Dan blew his load until his hands felt sticky. Stampy immediately jumps out of the bed to go to the bathroom to wash his hands. 'Gross, gross, gross!' Stampy repeated.

Dan finally recovers from his high and notices his boyfriend scrubbing his hand vigorously with a disgusted expression. "I'm sorry I couldn't uh... I couldn't do it myself."

Stampy doesn't turn around but says, "Why couldn't you do it yourself?"

Dan begins to blush madly again. "Um, I may or may not have had a super hot dirty dream... about you... Why did you do it anyway? You could've said no and I would've been fine."

Stampy finished drying his hands and turns off the lights. "Because it would be the only way for me to go back to sleep without anymore interruptions."

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