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Chapter 12

"I never thought i'll ever see him again in my life. All the pain feels fresh now. I feel every single pain that happened that night. The heart burns, the sleepless night, the non stop tears, the fear, everything seems like it happens now. Ya illahi rabbil alamin, Oh Allah help me through this pain that am going through, give me the strength to over come what happened and help me walk past it by forgetting Oh Ya Allah" Munira cried, she has been crying since the moment we walk back to the room.
"Munira, i know yhu believe all this that happens to yhu was qadr. Your reward is with Allah for being patient and enduring. Yhu are a strong woman, don't let him break yhu. Alhamdullilah yhu didn't get pregnant by what happened or else things would have been worse. Please stop crying, unless yhu plan on telling Ya Yusrah about what happen." I said wiping her tears.

"We are going out with Ahmad friends, want to tag along?" Ya Yusrah asked putting on her makeup
"No, we are good" Munira said
"Yeah, have fun "
"Okay, i'll just leave yhu two. By the way, we'll be having dinner out so don't wait for us"
"Alright lovebirds"

Since the day we saw the rapist Munira has been more quite that even Ya Yusrah and Ya Ahmad have to ask if she's okay. Today Ya Ahmad friends will be here and we plan to join them since we are bored and Munira refuse to set her foot out of the house.
We finish arranging the table and went to get ready.

"Girls they are here come and great them" Ya Yusrah said trying to hook us up.

The moment we set foot in the living room Munira let go of her phone murmuring "innalillahi wa inna illaihi raji un" I look at her shattered phone then her face and to what she's looking at. That's when i freeze at my spot not moving.
Ya Yusrah talking but i couldn't comprehend what she's saying. I was so shock.

He was even smirking, he has no shame. Since all attention was turned to us sees him he had the guts wink at us and stand up from his sit slowly and start crying.

I have never seen a grown man crying like him. It was as if he has lost everything in life. He sat down on the ground crying so loud while the others just stare at us.

"Do anyone of yhu care to explain what's going on here" one of the guys demand. But we make no attempt of talking while he was still crying like a lost child.


Munira made an attempt to talk but stop. Words were out of my mouth

"I'll tell yhu what happened. " He said.

"I know i was stubborn but i was in love and i want her for my life. So all that happens might be my fault. We have been together with her, i thought she loves me but it was all a lie. I was willing to marry her no matter what. I was told many awful things about her but i'll ignore them and try wining her heart. I was everywhere close to her. I know people Change and i believe she'll change. She try sending me away so many times but i refuse to give up. I refuse to give up on her. I believe she'll change and love me but i was wrong. Unknown to me she has been annoyed by my action so she  send a  friend to seduce me when i didn't fall for it her friend force herself on me and snap pictures. She use them against me and i have no other choice but to back down since she said she'll use them and firm me of raping her friend." he sob making us all gaps. I can't believe this man. No one will believe him. How can anyone think Munira can do that. He's unbelievable.

"Nasir know what happened. He help me get through it. And am still willing to marry her if she accept me. I just love her so much that i can't see her fault" he ended his lies crying.

"Azee is it true?" Ya Yusrah asked
"Ya Yusrah he's lying, yhu know Munira she won't d............" I was cut off by him saying

"That's how she react when i first saw her at night party. Please Azee am willing to marry yhu the way yhu are, yhu don't have to hide behind her now. Just love me back and befriend her, she's a bad influence this not the first time am telling yhu this.  But every time yhu have hide behind her and she always lead yhu to something worst."

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