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Chapter 13
Dedicated to @AyushaMuhammad for your amazing comments

A very  hot slap wake me up from my sleep. Looking up to see who it was "Ya Jafar, mina maka? (what did i do to yhu?)"
"Yhu are asking me what yhu have done to me? " he asked in rage and start beating me black and blue making me cry in so much pain.
"Stop it Jafar" Ya Saif call out stopping him.

"Let me beat her up, after what she has done to herself. Is this what yhu do at school? Answer me" Ya Jafar asked, that's when i remember what happened. Osman, he destroyed my life with his lies and cause all this.

"Ya Jafar, believe me but what ever he told yhu is a lie. Believe me please" I begged
"After all his statement and evidence, we can't believe yhu Azee. Why will yhu spoil your life? What's it that yhu lack? Everything yhu ask for, i give it to yhu without question and this is how yhu repay me" Ya Saif asked.

"Ya Saif" i said crying. I don't even know where to start defending myself. Am so lost and confuse. How i which the ground will just open and swallow me.

"Yhu don't have anymore lies?" Ya Ahmad said making me glare at him.

"Am so disappointed in yhu Azee, am ashamed to call yhu my sister" Ya Saif said disappointed, looking up at him with my bloodshed eyes.

"Please let's leave her alone. She has been through enough from yesterday to now" Ya Yusrah sadly stated.
"She'll rest in her husband house. As for now, we are giving her hand in marriage to Osman" Ya Jafar said.
"Yhu can't do that. She doesn't love him" Ya Yusrah said quietly sobbing.

"He's willing to marry her the way she is. Tell me if there is anyone willing to do the same?" Ya Saif asked, none of them answer and he continued " that's why me, Ahmad and Jafar decided to get them married today"

"What" me and Ya Yusrah asked simultaneously making Ya Jafar and Ya Ahmad glare at me.

"Yes, and as we are talking now the groom family requested not to have any event. After the marriage has been bond her husband will take her to his house" Ya Saif explained

"Why will yhu agree? Is it because she's orphan? If Mama and baba were alive they will find a way out of this situation but not by getting her married to the man who accused her of unwanted behavior. If mama is still alive she'll ta................." She was cut of by Ya Saif
"Enough Yusrah, enough. She is getting married to him if she like it or not. And seeing her mute only prove to use how true Osman is. So get your sister ready because after the alliance her husband will pick her up"

I cried the whole day and only Ya Yusrah stand by my side telling me to accept destiny, that its my faith i should clear my heart from anger and hatred  and accept my faith with open hands.

The wedding was done and Osman came to pick me up as promised.
"If yhu like, after going to your husband house continue going out for parties and keep following men and women around" Ya Jafar said disgust.

Is thus what he told them?
"We have cut ties with yhu Azee, we have married yhu up to someone good. Be good to him" Ya Saif said

"Am so sorry, i can't do anything. Am helpless and can't help yhu. Am sorry Azee. Yhu will forever be my sister even if Ya Saif cut ties with yhu am still your sister"  Ya Yusrah cried hugging me.

"Thank yhu for everything Ya Yusrah, am really grateful for your support. It means a lot to me." I said getting in the car and we hit the road. No words were exchange expect for the "shout up, yhu are disturbing me with your stupid cries" or the "don't get my sit dirty" that's when i move. I didn't know when sleep took me off.

Marital home

I was waken up with cold water on my face. "Get up, we have reach home" Osman coldly said.
Getting out of the car i follow him to the house which i have no interest in checking out. Since it was already night, he showed me my room and left.
There was nothing in the room but mattress and pillow with no bed sheet on. And a door which probably is the bathroom. I opened it, perform ablution and prayed the prayers i have missed.

I didn't know i slept on the praying mat until i heard the adhan(call for prayer) after offering my morning prayer i went back to sleep.

My life at Osman house

Living under the same roof with Osman was quiet unexpected. Since the day he brought me to his house i have only lay my eyes on 4times and no words were exchange between us. Its been 3months now and am living the life of a prisoner. I have been in the same cloth since the day he brought me here, i'll wash them with only water wait for them to dry and then wear them again. I find my way to the kitchen and cook my meal all the time and eat it in my room. The house was a mansion, its really beautiful. I wander what his work is if am not eating human heads. Every time i made an attempt to go out the guards won't let me.

We will be resuming back to school next week and i'll have to tell Osman. I waited for him but unfortunately he didn't come back home. I decided to ask the guards since i don't know what time he return from where ever he goes. Walking to the guards room the gate was open and a car came in.

"What are yhu doing here?" Osman asked but then continued talking not given me chance to talk "don't tell me yhu are having an affair with my guards. Which one of them is it or all of them? "
"Am not as disgusting as yhu. Yhu can drop the act since known of my family is around" i said glaring him.

"Wow, i can see yhu are getting smart now. If i were yhu i'll keep shut and respect this handsome rich husband of yours. Now be a good and go back to the house before i lose my temper"

I wanted to stay and dare him but i choose otherwise. I waited for him to walk in so that i can talk to him.

"Why are yhu sited here? Don't yhu have a room?" He asked.
"I wanted to talk to yhu" i said looking at the ground as if there is something interested in it.
"Now that's how to talk to your husband. What's it?" He asked smirking
"We are resuming back to school next week and i th......................."
"Shut up. Which school, the moment yhu lay your stupid hand on my face was the day yhu write your own destiny. No school, no friends, no family. That's for slapping me, next time yhu won't even dream of glaring at me. And your family especially that Jafar who believed every word i said, hahaha, the are really dumb. Not to talk of Ahmad and my friends. Yhu see let me tell yhu a story" He said sitting down.
"Get off and sit down on the ground. Yhu will never sit on any chair. Have i make myself clear" he yelled giving me deadly glare making me jump down to the carpet.
"Good girl, now listen to me. Yhu have rest enough, its time to start working. Yhu will clean the whole house everyday, look how this house looks so dusty. Am not going to hire any housemaids, cook my food, wash my clothes and iron them. If there is something i need i'll inform yhu then. Am i clear?" He asked.
I was at the edge of break down but this man has push me too far. If i let him have his way them am a fool.
"Well, that's for yhu. Now listen to my own part of story" i said glaring at him while he just smirk making me angry.
"First of all, am not your maid. So it's either yhu hire a maid to do your work or do it yourself. Secondly, yhu didn't pay my school fees from the beginning and am not going to sit down here and watch yhu make a waste of all the money my parents pay for from the beginning of my studies. Thirdly, yhu are in no position to stop me from my family and friends. Just because the believed yhu doesn't mean they are dumb as yhu. As the matter of fact i think yhu are crazy enough to make me your wife as punishment for slapping yhu. And if i repeat it again what will the punishment be, your mother. Yhu are dumb. Let me ask yhu. If somebody slap yhu or worst you'll continue to marry them until yhu reach four wife's and start divorcing them giving room for another? I have to say but the way mind works  amaze me. Its one in a billion" i said clapping my hands.

"Wow, yhu really are smart. At least i won't be ashamed to go out with yhu in public. Since am impress by the way yhu talk i'll get you 3 maids as a gift. Yhu can move upstairs to the left, that will be your side" he said checking his watch and then stand up "unlike yhu, i have work to do. So see yhu around" he stood up and left but then turn "there are cloth in the room, change them and through these rag yhu are wearing."

Okay, here it is.

I know its kind of short but i'll try to make the next chap the longest.

How do yhu like the chap so far?

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