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The 11th Doctor twirled around his Tardis flicking switches and pulling levers. He had recently changed the settings so the inside was now a bigger all metal interior with stairs and a spinning roof section. River walked around the console.

River: I see you've redecorated the Tardis... AGAIN

11: I got bored of bits and bobs. There was something with the perviceral format router that bugged me.

River: I see you've really tried. I don't like it.

11: Nobody ever does! It was only yesterday that 10 told me that and I imagine everyone who sees it in comparison to another setting will also say that. You know there's only ever been one person to say they DID like it when I redecorated?

River: Oh yeah, and who was that?

11: My Best Friend.

River: who was...

11: Brilliant

River: What was their name?

11: Sarah. Sarah Jane Smith.

11 smashed his fist off of one of the pannels on the console

11: Why wont she land??!!

River: Maybe we haven't moved. You do leave the breaks on.

11: They're stuck.

River: I fixed them before.

11: No you didn't you just broke them even more. I didn't even have breaks for a month.

The Tardis suddenly jolted and made a groan. 11 and River looked around hoping something would pop up somewhere. Then the Tardis started falling, everything inside flew around and 11 held onto the console. The Tardis stopped with a huge thud and the engines stopped whirring. 11 got up and ran to the door. He looked out to see his other selves all running about around some trees. He could hear daleks. River walked up behind him.

River: You're supposed to have taken me to the archeology department! I have to be on the ship soon or I'll never make it to the library!

11: Just for the record... Don't mention that while we're out there.

River: Why not?

11:... Spoilers

The Doctor ran out of the box and River followed closely behind him. Then he heard the voice.

War Doctor: What are you doing here? I thought baldy and SandShoes were enough now we have DickyBow also?

11: Hello Grandad.

War Doctor: What brings you here?

11: Not sure, something must've controlled the Tardis. She wouldn't land somewhere in my own timeline by herself.

War Doctor: Yes well-

Suddenly a large gold Cyberman grabbed ahold of the War Doctors arm and started shooting a gold light though him. He started warping and changing, his clothes aswell. He returned, for only a second, to his 8th self then lost all his hair changed his clothes and went ot his 7th self and so on and so forth. 3 seconds later, River pulled out a device she had and used it fast. It cut a parfect square out of the cybermans chest. He let go of his shoulder and fell backwards. 11 looked at what was once the War Doctor. He stared in awe. The cyberman had reverted him to the dashing, young, blonde Doctor in a dated cricket outfit that was the 5th Doctor. 11 was lost for words. 5 looked down at his clothes.

5: Fascinating. Must have been a bodily reversal beam. A Cyberman with the capabilities of taking any person and reversing his or her time stream and dropping them off somewhere else.

11: A clever technique. Reverses the minds of the person in question,

5: Reduces their knowlage and eventually-

10: Reverses you back to the point when you didn't exist, killing you. How did he get here?

11: It's Grandad. What we were just describing is what that just did to him *points at cyberman*

9: *runs over* Great now we have Celery, SandShoes and-

10: Chinny and baldy.

5: For a bunch of the same person you don't seem to get on all to well.

11: Everybody into my Tardis. Now.

Everyone flooded into the one Police Box which then took off. Donna entered last, not saying anything still trying to understand what exactly was going on.

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