Done this before

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11: we're back with the Gallifrey falls painting. This point in time was reversed and now it's being re written except we're all here.

10: So no ppint in me asking what this is called *looking at the Gallifrey falls painting* We've done this before.

9: I think we get the point.

12: Well you *pointing to 11* were last to leave. Me and you already know what happens next so we can leave.

11: We'll peave you three to it then.

War Doctor: To what?

12: Spoilers. Now lets go get your companions.

11: Right behind you Doctor.

10 shook hands with his sucsessors and bid them farewell and they got into their Tardis's and both vanished with the ancient whirring of the engines.

9: Good to know my future is in safe hands.

War Doctor: I have work to do as soon as we leave so this suprise has to hurry up.

10: Work?

War Doctor: I need to put everything into a timelock so that after we try to freeze Gallifrey we can't go back.

10: I don't remember doing that.

9: Me either.

War Doctor: Well if I regenerate first then you'll have to do it all but you're going to forget the same as the rest of us are. We're all going to think Gallifrey was burnt after all this. Nothing changes.

9: So everything you lot have been trying to hide from me was about the Time War and that  has already happened to me.?

10: Maybe but  you never know.

War Doctor: Let me guess.

10: Wibbly wobbly

10 and War: Timey wimey.

9 huffed out a laugh

9: You must be ready to regenerate. If I remember correctly that body is about to wear out.

War Doctor: Indeed.

9: So I'm going to have a lot of work to do then?

Curator: You know I really think you might.

9's expression switched from amused to disbelief. 10's smile faded and his jaw dropped. The War Doctor stood up soowly looking at his future selves also confused. The three of them turned around to see infront of them an aged and familiar face. The elderly version of the 4th Doctor.

9: That's impossable.

Curator: Yes I know it is. And regarding your faces,in years to come you might find yourself.. revisiting a few but just the old favourites eh? Yo're all curious about this painting I think. I accuired it under some remarkable circumstances, what do you all make of the title?

War Doctor: Which title?

9: There's two isn't there?

10: No more...

War Doctor: And Gallifrey falls.

Curator: No you see that's where everyone's wrong. It's all one title. "Gallifeey falls, No more" Now what do you think that means eh?

10: It worked?

9: Gallifrey didn't fall?

War Doctor: It still exists? It's still about?

Curator: Well I'm only a humble Curator I'm sure I wouldn't know.

10: Where is it then?

Curator: Well, where is it indeed?

War Doctor: yes!

Curator: Lost! Shh! Though things do get lost you know . Now I must get going. Oh. You'll have quite a job to do later on you know.

9: Is that what those two do then?

10: Go searching for Gallifrey?

Curator: Oh well, I'd only tell them what I would do. If I were you- oh if I were you. Perhaps I was you of course. Or perhaps you are me. Congratulations the lot of you. Who knows what they'll be getting up to eh? Good luck for the future.

10: All my love to long ago.

Curator: Must be off now. *reaches into pocket* Anyone for a Jelly Baby?

The doctors all take a jelly baby from the bag and thank the Curator before he heads off.

9: That must of been the suprise.

War Doctor: Well you two I'd better be off. Thank you once again for helping me.

10: My pleasure.

9: Doctor.

The War Doctor walked over to his Tardis. And opened the door, he looked back and nodded before heading inside.

The War Doctor stepped into his Tardis after finally completing all his work. He had happy thoughts on his mind and he cherished them before he forgot everything and went back to thinking he was the bad guy. He pulled levers on his coral Tardis console and stood infront of his screen, the round things reflected from his surroundings. Then whilst he was typing something on the screens keyboard his hands started glowing yellow. He looked down at them and lifted them off the keys.

War Doctor: Yes... Of course... Suppose it makes sense... Wearing a bit thin.

His face whoosed and started flowing with yellow regeneration energy. He stepped back from the console.

War Doctor: I hope the ears are a bit less conspicuous this time.

The War Doctor held out his arms as the yellow regeneration energy flew out of his hands and head. He felt himself changing already. He smiled, finally escaping the fase of the time war. Though it did feel like he was dieing he had experienced a lot of pain during the Time War and as of now his happiness was much more relevant than the pain. Then he felt his beard and moustashe vanish, his wrinkles fold out and his hair shrink. His whole body morphing into a new persona where he stood.

Outside 9 and 10 stood alone. The War Doctor's Tardis now gone. 9 held put his hand about to shake 10's before he put it back down and looked at ten.

9: You know what, I'm not going to get another chance.

9 embraced 10 in a friendly hug. 10 seemed shocked and wondered why 9 was so happy. He ignored this now and consodered what 9 just said, he wouldn't get another chance. 10 hugged 9 back. 9 smiled hugging 10. He thought of what was next. He now knew that his past had made up for itself and that he was completely good once more. 9 let go of 10 and patted him on the arm. He said his goodbyes to 10 and the two of them climbed into there Tardis's to go collect their companions.  Even though they would arrive to pick them up 3 months late.

And the Doctors were happy.

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