The Darkness of the Doctor

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The Police Box materialised infront of the Master's Tardis, still discuised as a shed. The War Doctor got out and shouted at it.

War Doctor: Daleks! Come out. What is there to fear?

The door swung open and Dalek Sec lead out the Cult of Skaro.

War Doctor: Now. Down to buisness. I know you fear me. Me being the Doctor. But.. I lost the right to be the Doctor. I broke the promise.

Sec: Explain yourself

War Doctor: I am not the Doctor. Not anymore. You fear the Doctor and although I am the same person, I am infact not the Doctor.

Sec: So we should not fear you?

War Doctor: No. You should fear these gentlemen.

9, 10 and 11 stepped out of the Tardis.

10: Hello Daleks

9: We're the Doctor

11: How do you do?

Sec: Four Doctors can not exist in the same time and place at once!

9: Are you kidding? Five of me have been in the same place and the same time before.

Sec: And now you are only four.

War Doctor: You keep thinking that and this will be a toddle.

The Master ran out of his Tardis and infront of the Daleks.

Master: Hello my dear 9th. Dear 10th and 11th!- You aren't a Doctor.. Are you? I dont recognise you.

War Doctor: Dont you? Aw shame.

Master: My dear Doctors I belive you have no choice but to admit defeat.

10: Nice try but I dont think you understand what's coming.

Master: Oh my dear Doctor I do! Unfortunatley time does not move in a straight line for us two. You already know how my plan ends. I've concieved the perfect plan.

A scream of agony came from the Master's Tardis. All the Doctors ran inside as did the Master. As they ran in, the 9th Doctor closed and locked the door. 12 was on his knees with two metal wires piercing his head as he screamed.


Master: Oh Doctor you already know! I am extracting the evil from you. Pure hatrid and evil! Taken from your latest self. What regeneration is he?

11: He's 14. 14th regeneration. 13th face 12th Doctor.

10: Hows that?

11: 'Explain later.

Master: I will extract the Doctor's pure evil and make it into a body. Not a regeneration just to be kind to my dear brother. In total your darkness will form a-

9: -Valeyard...

Master: indeed. Behold the true, evil DOCTOR!

A gust of wind flew past everyone and black smoke billowed out of  12's mind and into the real world. It flew in a circle and wowned upwards flicking black smoke off in ramdom ways and when it stopped, the figure of a man stood still made of this black mist. He stepped forward and the cloud fell and vanished. He wore a shiny, black robe and a black Gallifreyan set aswell as a small Gallifreyan hat covering his short black hair. His robes were lined with silver and he had a menacing smile.

Master: Allow me to introduce the Doctor's Dark side. The Valeyard. Made of pure evil! He will help me have you sentanced Doctor. In your past. And of to Gallifrey we go!

The Master pulled a handle on his Tardis and pressed two buttons. The room shook.

10: What have you done!?

Master: Created a ripple in space time. The Cult of Skaro are stranded on that planet and are about to be destroyed.

11:I can't let you do this.

11 turned 10 around and moved him towards the Tardis. The War Doctor followed. 11 then helped 12 into the Police Box before he fell over. Then 11 hung over 9's shoulder.

11: We have to go now.

9: Get into the Tardis, I'll follow you.

11 nodded and backed away from 9. Then he reversed into the Tardis.

9: Do you realise what you're doing? Trapping us 5 here to take us to Gallifrey? Well good luck because you aren't going to get a thing from it.

Master: Tell me Doctor. Are you the counsellor?

9: I'm nothing but a warrior. You can't trap me. But I can divert you.

Valeyard: A warrior with what intentions? Blow up Gallifrey?

9 pulled his sonic out and used it to damage the console in the Master's Tardis.

9: My Tardis isn't Quantum locked here anymore so I'll be off.

Master: w- wait no! You've changed t- the co ordinates! Where are we going!?

9: Gallifrey. I'll see you there.

Master: A past version of you? HOW CHEESY


Valeyard: Which incarnation.

9: ... 6th

9 walked into the Police Box and slammed the door. Then the War Doctor dematerialised the Tardis.

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