On Second Thought

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"Why in the hell did it have to be raining outside. I'm already running late to my second job. Apparently my life is just so grand that's why duh🙄" you said to yourself.

Having had the worst past couple months you felt that if one more thing went wrong you were sure to lose your damn mind. It had all started when your Dad had gotten laid off from his job 8 months ago. This had really put your family in a rough place and you didn't even know how you were gonna make it out at this point. Your Mom was always trying to pick up little side jobs to do at the house to help out as much as she could but it didn't seem to help much. As for you....well you got a second job to help put your little sister through school however it was mainly to keep her as far as away as you could from the situation at home. What she didn't know would keep her from getting hurt....or at least that's what you kept telling yourself.

But it still felt like no matter what it still didn't seem to be enough considering your dad still wasn't finding any work....or any legal work that is.

A couple months in and that's when you started to notice it. The late night visits from strangers that had started with your dad. Deals from all walks of life would happen in the alley behind your home. Some who came were men.... others were women but it didn't matter who they were cause they were all looking for something. Something you knew would end badly for everyone.

"Shit!" You had been so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn't noticed the bus had stopped.

Rushing out the door with your head ducked as to avoid the rain you rush out the door of the bus and ran right into some poor innocent soul.

"Hey! Why don't you watch where you're going!" The man had said.

Ok maybe he wasn't as innocent as you thought.

He was trying to regain his balance as he tried to keep his what seemed to be a really fancy suit dry from the rain. All the while you were also trying to process what had just happened.

"My bad I didn't mean to run into you. But no harm done right?" You said while trying to keep yourself together and giving him your best fake smile ever.

"Why don't you try and be more careful next time. You may actually run into the wrong type of person some day." He said looking straight at you with a very irritated expression.

Now listen I'm not gonna lie I felt bad about running into him and when he looked at me I almost went cross eyed cause he was probably the most beautiful person I had ever seen but he didn't have to be an ass. It was an accident and honestly you didn't have the patience or the time for his attitude cause HELLO YOURE ALREADY RUNNING LATE  you thought to yourself.

"Ok I get it you're pissed but honestly I'm sorry I don't know what else you would like me to say or do but having an attitude sure isn't helping amigo."

"I'm not your amigo." He said

"And at this point I'm almost positive you never will be so with that being said I gotta get to work. Have a very pleasant rest of your day." You said with a heavy load of sarcasm and you walked around him and continued on your way to work.

Jeez what was his problem you thought.
Namjoon's POV

He stood there in shock that this girl had the nerve to talk to him in such a way. Did she not know who the hell you were?

Obviously not or she wouldn't have acted the way she did.

In that moment you see the driver pull up to the curve causing you to get out of the thoughts that remained in you head of the girl from the bus stop.

Getting into the car you told the driver to take you to the address that you had been given on a sheet of paper from Taehyung prior to almost being tackled.

Namjoon. The leader of the most ruthless and heartless gang in Seoul had traveled a long way to settle the score he had with his rival Samuel. Samuel was the leader of the biggest Mexican gang in LA. They currently had the highest market of illegals coming in and out of the country and Namjoon wanted to take over....and he would he told himself.

When he pulled up to the house he sees his best friend J-Hope standing outside the front door.

"So what happened?"

"Exactly what we thought was going to happen he had some of his guys rough him up a bit to send a message."

"Well I guess it'd be best if we finish that message off for him. It will show that he's too weak to even handle his own business to the point that we had to step in."

"Whatever you say man you're the boss Im just here for....moral support." J-Hope says as he gives Namjoon a mischievous smile knowing well enough not to try and question his friend but unable to keep himself from messing with him.

Going through the front door Namjoon sees the older man slumped on the floor covered in bruises and blood. Evidence that he had taken a major beating prior to his arrival but not at the hands of his men....or at least not yet.

"Looks like you've had a pretty rough day. Can't say I'm all that surprised considering you decided to steal money from one of the biggest gangs here in LA....In my opinion they let you off pretty easy." Namjoon says as he kneels down to face the man.


"Me and Samuel don't have the best relationship you see...." he says without paying much attention to the man on the ground. "I'm currently trying to take over what he has going for him here in LA but to do that i need to show his men that he's incapable of running such a large organization. Unfortunately for you that means finishing a job he couldn't do."

"I'm begging you" the man says looking straight at him as Namjoon starts to stand.

As he was getting up from kneeling down at the corner of his eye a picture frame catches his attention.

Walking over and Namjoon grabs the frame and an idea pops into his head. One that would change the way he was going to take over the market in LA.

"On second thought....I think we might be able to make a deal that will not only spare your ass but will also keep your little family safe." Namjoon says to the man while picking up the frame.
Your POV

Dead beat tired that's what you are. This two job life is really starting to take its toll on you. At this point all you wanted to do was go home, jump in your bed and fall into a deep sleep.

As you walk into your home you immediately feel the uneasiness in the atmosphere. Though if we're being honest at this point it's not even out of the ordinary with all the shady people your dad had been doing "business" with always hanging around by the house.

Without giving it a second thought you head to your room.

When you walk in you're shocked to see both of your parents sitting on the bed. Noticing that your mom had tears in her eyes you begin to walk forward only to take in your fathers physical condition.

"OMG! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?! Are you ok!?!"

It wasn't your dad's appearance that scared you the most in that moment though.... it was the way he looked at you and said.....

"We need to talk with you"

Authors Note: I'm thinking of making this into a series 👀. This will be my first so feedback is soooo appreciated. Mucho Love! ❤️

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