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you know.. as jungkook stood in his neighbours living room for the second time this week, he's decided that it's insane thinking about how one small person, one that certainly didn't need them all, could still manage to own such a wide variety of things.

at this point, you could almost even say it really bewildered jungkook as a secondary witness to all of it. he hated not being able to question aloud everything the boy is and ever was.

despite the irritated anger he's been expressing in the group chat, none of that truly reflected the way he felt towards the blonde himself, just the implications from his friends.

jungkook's all bark and no bite, when jimin knocked on his door a few minutes ago and asked for more help, he effortlessly obligued.

(he's just that type of guy, you know? he's chill, laidback even-- a man's man. he's not one to hold a grudge, especially not to someone who looked as pretty as jimin wait what--)

regardless, one of the main reasons why he agreed was because he needed to figure some things out. simple as that. he found himself dying to understand what the hell was going on with this boy.

how'd he do it? as he's already concluded, he's gotta be hiding something. now the question is: what?

if jimin really was a secretary.. then geez. he was probably fucking beyoncé's.

there's no other way his brain could comprehend why the boy owned so many classy and eloquent things. it's like he was a real woman or some shit for fucks sake.

maybe he got them at thrift stores?

it didn't really sound all that accurate. though it still wouldn't explain the overwhelming amount of gucci and chanel.. surely those weren't lying around your average hand me down outlet.

maybe he lied to him?

wouldn't be the first time, right? jimin totally did it the first day that they first met. didn't seem like anything too obscure.

not his type, pft. okay. whatever.

like he's gonna believe that.

and cocky? yeah okay, as if.

to really sum things up, despite not being able to understand him very well because of it, jungkook still planned on being friendly enough with jimin to find these things out on his own.

he seemed okay enough in the younger's opinion. he could see them being decent friends later on down the road if things didn't get too much for him. jungkook just likes to overreact, he doesn't really hate jimin like it seems.

or at least with the past few days they've spent around each other so far, he didn't seem too bad. he was just different is all. jimin's actually pretty calm most of the time too, he smiles a lot, laughs a lot. just tons of normal people stuff.

jungkook still wasn't sure why he chose such random times to become flirty or whatever though. it seemed off in his opinion, he's gonna have to wait to get that one figured out.

oh, and as long as he's being honest, jungkook doesn't even think he could force himself to not try things out with him anyways.

jimin's whole entirety was just so.. pretty? he couldn't explain it. it's all subconscious at this point.

(what a typical boy, right? willing to overlook some major-minor things just because he finds him pretty, pft)

that just raises a new question though.

how's the shaking straight boy gonna be able to handle himself around someone so confident in their ritual? someone who easily made others who claimed the same thing submit to him?

truth is, it's hard to say.

jungkook's really good about sticking to what he likes, but on the other hand, jungkook's really good about sticking to what he likes. it's the perfect double meaning in this situation.

with that, let's just hope jimin doesn't actually take his harmless joke into action. there's no doubt he'd be able to accomplish some of what he wanted to without the real intention.

on the contrary though, jimin also has a long history of things not ending up the way he wanted them to.

this could go either way if he wasn't careful.

let's just hope he doesn't actually manipulate Jungkook into liking him. believe it or not, that won't end very well for either of them..

|| || ||

"oh, hey jungkook." an innocent voice projected as he locked his apartment door, causing the younger to peer over his hoodie ridden shoulders. "whatcha doing this early?"

"on my way to get some coffee before class," he started, sighing, unable to understand how jimin was in such little clothing during the midst of fall.

wasn't he shivering?

there's no way a simple silk was doing his legs any justice right now.

well actually, they were. just not in the heat category.

"arent you cold in that?" he couldn't help but wonder aloud, it's not everyday you see someone wearing a baby blue, long sleeved sweater and some loose flow-y, white pajama shorts during the end of fall.

"not really." the smaller shrugged, (because a hoe never gets cold) then rubbed his hand down his perfectly thick thigh. "is jungkookie concerned for me? does he like that im not wearing that much?"

not gonna lie, that stumbled the latter. he wasn't expecting such a blunt response after all their casual conversations yesterday.

who was he to say jungkook liked him in minimal clothing anyways? as if.

he's straight.

definitely straight.

"what you wear doesn't bother me." shoving his hands in his pocket, jungkook shook his head at the smaller boy giving him bright, big eyes. "I just knew I was chilly, how the fuck aren't you?"

instead of another teasing response that anyone could've anticipated, jimin did something a bit risky instead.

strutting towards the taller one, jimin grabbed the ends of his hoodie string and tugged him down to eye level. "you could warm me up if you're so worried, bun."

"what's that name even mean?"

"well," jimin started, biting his lip at the other. "much like you are right now, you tend to smile and grin a lot around me,"

as if on que, Jungkook forced his face to blank.

"you look like a bunny when you smile, havent you noticed that baby?" he enticed, receiving a pair of widened, panicked eyes. "we could always cuddle.. I have a better idea for getting hot and sweaty though, if you're interested."

scattering from jimin's intimidating hold, jungkook tried to his best to regain whatever composure he surprisingly seemed too've lost.

"I haven't and im not." he simplified, throwing his hoodie up and purposefully ignoring the last bit of what the blonde suggested. "just go back inside or something, you're gonna get sick and I have to leave."

awh.. what a shame.. who was the little one gonna tease and seduce now? he's in one of those moods again.. they don't usually go away as fast as he'd like for them to.

maybe if he found another willing ceo online, he could add to his collection of silky gucci robes.

how nice would that be?

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