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to most people, a night out like this wouldn't've been very ideal.

thin sheets of snow covered the ground, winds were at high speeds, the glow from the moon barely supplied any light; just a whole nightmare of combinations in general, really.

and typically yeah, the pair of boys would've agreed.

tonight wasn't perfect by any means, but strangely enough, in their own little way it was.

the night consisted of heading out to one of the nearby barbecues, gogi, as it was called. turns out that for a simple grilling establishment, the food was surprisingly pretty good.

jungkook and jimin ended up sharing one of their couple meal options, a big ass plate of bulgogi with kimchi and mashita on the side.

a little mishap occurred at one point when they tried annoyingly feeding the other. jimin, unknowingly, had little sauce rings all over his mouth due to the raven's poor aim.

well at least he did until jungkook himself took him to the bathroom to kiss and lick it off of him.

no biggie.

after that, the pair decided they didn't want the night to end so shortly. they ended up taking a nice little trip all around the midst of Busan.

they wound up at the beach at some point, the two of them finding themselves in search of crabs and seashells to outdo the other-- like a mini competition.

one thing lead to another and jimin caught himself on top of jungkook, kissing him so gently as their coats sunk into the sand. neither of them even gave a single fuck anymore.

lastly, the two boys brought it upon themselves to share a nice lovely stroll through their school garden. sure, it might've been past curfew or whatever, but none of that mattered.

not when jungkook kept picking pretty flowers he soon resembled to various parts and outfits of the blonde, anyways.

now it was up to the boys to find their way back home before any landlords get suspicious that they were out at midnight.

let's wish them luck.

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"oh my god.." the blonde panted, resting his tired forehead against the raven as they leaned against the closed door of his own dorm. "how'd we even beat him up here?"

the angry landlord, he means.

"I have no idea." the younger chuckled, glancing down at the beautiful blonde with fond, caressing both sides of his face on instinct. "I had a great time with you, jimin."

leaning into the warmth of his palm, jimin didn't even bother trying to hide the blush rising along the outskirts of his cheeks.

"I did too, kook-ah." he giggled, letting his eyes flutter shut, releasing a comfort filled sigh. "tonight was actually my first date."

"mine too." jungkook admitted the same surprising truth, wondering how in the hell nobody's ever taken the chance to take jimin's cute ass out before.

"id say it was perfect."

"not yet." the boy shook his head. jungkook took a big deep breath before taking his biggest risk all night.

with the blonde's eyes widening, jungkook slowly lowered himself to a kneeling position, taking the blonde's tiny hands into his own and glancing up to him with hopeful eyes, speaking once again.

"park jimin," he began, heart racing beyond end. "we've been talking for awhile now.. it's pretty much been the best two months of my life."

was this really happening? oh god..

jimin suddenly couldn't breath.

"we've gone through so much to get here, but honestly.." he trailed, bringing the smaller's hands to his lips. "I wouldn't change it for the world."

taking one of his hands from the raven's grip, jimin covered his mouth. he was in complete disbelief this was even happening.

nobody's ever done anything like this before.

hell, no one's even taken him on a date before, let alone formally asking him something like this.

he was ready to cry any minute now.

"it took me forever to realize and accept it, but I like you. a lot, even. you'll never have to worry about me liking every ounce of you there is. im ready to give myself to you and offer myself to you.."

and more..

"im ready to have more with you, give more to you.. im ready to be myself and you be yourself with me, im ready for you to be mine and for me to be yours.."

with the pretty boy before him containing nothing but stars in his eyes, jungkook finally mustered up enough courage to say it, finally wanting something more in his life.

"I understand if you're not ready.." the youngest trailed, still hopeful. "I know it's cliché and you've been through a lot, but I don't want you doing this for my sake if you're not ready."

here it was, here it finally was..

"I want you to be my something more, jimin.. will you be my boyfriend?"

jimin couldn't even bring himself to respond.

instead, he slowly brought himself to his knees, resting beneath the raven, taking his bunny smiled face into his small palms.

"jungkook.." the smaller trailed, gazing into his doe-like sparkling orbs. "ive waited so long to finally hear those words.."

then brought the latter's face down, allowing their lips to meet in a small, chaste kiss before nuzzling into his chest.

"of course ill be your boyfriend."

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