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Perrie nodded slightly,turning her head back to meet Jesy's look.They were really close,a few inches apart.They both kept staring into each other's eyes for so long,then they moved onto the lips,examining the shape,the shade,basically everything.They were both too caught up in the moment that none of them dared to interrupt it.It was too perfect.

Perrie couldn't resist the urge anymore,she suddenly leaned in and her lips met Jesy's.The ginger was completely taken by surprise but she didn't back away.She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment as Perrie's hands touched her cheeks,cupping them lovingly.

As the kiss got deeper and deeper,realisation hit Jesy and she backed away interrupting it.Perrie was just sitting there,waiting for an explanation as her anxiety was rising.What if Jesy didn't enjoy the kiss?What if she won't want to talk to her after that?So many questions were running through Perrie's mind.

"Perrie I'm sorry if I gave you fake hopes but I am not looking forward to having a relationship right now."The green eyed girl stated with a shaky voice,getting up from the sofa. 

The blonde just nodded slightly,a fake smile appearing on her face as she leaned back on the sofa and covering her face with the blanket.She was confused,sad,hurt.

Jesy sighed,having an atemption to go hug her friend but she hesitated.Perrie probably wanted and needed time alone.And so did Jesy.

"You can sleep in my room."Perrie whispered in a raspy voice from underneath the blanket.She wasn't planning on moving from the sofa.

Jesy nodded to herself and turned the lights off so the blonde could sleep peacefully.She found pyjamas on the bed and a note tucked in.

I hope it will suit you,it's my size :)

The ginger smiled as she read it and looked at the pyjamas which seemed a bit small for her.Perrie was very kind and caring.And now she had mixed feelings.She didn't know why she acted like that,she didn't know if what she had done was for the best or for the worst.She was more confused than ever.

The next day when Perrie woke up on the sofa the first thought she had was about Jesy.Was she still there?She got up quickly and went to check the bedroom.Empty.The rest of the house seemed empty as well.Jesy had left,her coat and boots weren't on the hallway anymore.Perrie's pyjamas were folded on the bed.

The blonde sighed and threw herself on the bed.She took a sitting position and put her head in her hands.She had screwed it up big time.She picked up the pyjamas to place them in the wardrobe and a little paper fell down.

She unfolded it and she recognised the handwriting straight away.

Thank you for the pj's :)

A little smile creeped on her face.Did that mean that Jesy wasn't mad at her?That there was a chance they could still be friends?Or maybe Jesy just wanted to be nice of her,maybe she did it out of pity.

The sad expression was back on Perrie's face and she decided not to do anything the entire day.She felt sick and all she wanted to do was watch films and eat pizza.

A few hours later she fell asleep on the sofa,in a sitting position with her head thrown back.Her mouth was slightly open and she was drooling a bit.The message alert rang and she jolted up.

Jesy:Hey there,I was wondering if we could meet up?

Perrie's jaw dropped and she was at a loss of words.She had to read the text one more time to make sure she had read it right.She took a few minutes to think about it.Jesy probably just wanted them to hang out as friends and Perrie wasn't sure if she could handle that.And if she brought up the kiss she wouldn't know what to say.

Breathing deeply she started typing quickly,her nails tapping on the screen.

Perrie:I guess we can.

Jesy:Meet me at the cafe.

Perrie grinned.Why would Jesy want to go to the cafe?Literally Perrie's work place?And on a Sunday.

In one hour she arrived at the cafe and noticed the ginger sitting alone at a table.She was on her phone so she didn't notice Perrie walking in.

"Hi."Perrie almost whispered and waved at Jesy as she took a seat across the table."Hey."Jesy smiled watching the blonde making herself comfortable.

"So what's up?"Perrie asked a bit unsure.She didn't know how to act around Jesy and she was extremely  nervous.

"I was bored and I wanted to see you."The ginger smiled and Perrie did the same thing.Then an awkward silence followed.But thank God Jesy broke the ice."So yesterday you showed me your house..."

She made a pause and Perrie's heart skipped a bit thinking she would bring up the kiss.But she didn't and the blonde felt relieved."Now it's my turn to show you mine."

"Uhm I don't-"

"I don't take no as an answer.Plus I did come yesterday so you must accept."Jesy smirked sheepishly knowing she was right.

Perrie sighed and nodded"Fair enough."She breathed out as Jesy squealed in her seat and almost threw herself over the table to huh the blonde."Let's go!"

"Wait you mean right now?"Perrie asked dizzy as Jesy was pulling at her arm to stand up.She got the message and stood up quickly,letting Jesy to drag her outside where a white car was waiting for them.

"Oh okay!"She exclaimed as Jesy literally pushed her inside the car when the chauffeur opened the door.

When the car pulled right at a corner a huge house could be seen among tall trees.It looked royal."Of course it had to be a mansion."Perrie mumbled under her breath.Jesy just giggled and looked outside the window waiting for the car to stop and park in front of the mansion.

As soon as it did the ginger jumped out of the car holding Perrie's hand and dragging her along.Poor girl could barely keep up with Jesy's excitement."Slow down."

"No way,I want to give you a tour of the house."

"Won't you need a map for that?"Perrie rolled her eyes and sassed.She didn't like expensive things.It was too much for her.Jesy's ego was also getting on her nerves.But was that the real reason why she was annoyed?

After Jesy managed to show Perrie half of the house the blonde started complaining about how tired she felt.Jesy found that the best moment to apply her plan."Take a seat on the sofa and I'll bring you a cup of tea."

The blonde nodded and sat down,looking for the remote of the huge telly in front of her.As the minutes passed by and Jesy still hadn't returned,Perrie started wondering what took her so long to pour tea in cups.

She got up and started looking around,trying to figure which way the kitchen was.She heard noise and then her name.

"Perrie,can you please come here for a second?"

She panicked thinking that probably something happened to Jesy."Where are you?"She asked loudly.


Perrie rolled her eyes.There were a lot of rooms upstairs,how was she supposed to find Jesy.But she shut up and sprinted up the stairs.Then she called Jesy's name to see where it came from.If it was a game she didn't like it and Jesy was going to pay for it.

She heard another sound coming from one of the rooms near her.Then all of a sudden one of the doors opened and she was pulled inside.

The room was quite dark but she could see Jesy's smirk glowing.When she was about to ask what was going on the ginger shoved her against the wall and connected their lips.

When they ran out of air they both pulled apart,panting.And once again when Perrie opened her mouth and was about to say something Jesy started leaving kisses all over her neck.The only sound that left Perrie's mouth were moans.Jesy loved them.

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