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It was almost the end of March and spring had settled for good.The weather had got warmer and you could spot blossoms in almost every tree on either side of the road.But it wasn't that that had Perrie jumping around like a little kid,her heart racing.Within a few hour Jesy would finally come home after a long and exhausting tour around the USA.

"I think I'm gonna faint."The blonde hyperventilated as Leigh-Anne was using a magazine as a fan.Of course she was extremely excited,in the past 2 months she could only catch up with her girlfriend on FaceTime from time to time maybe three or four times a week.And the conversations were short since the ginger had a lot of work to do there.A few times she even fell asleep while on the phone with the younger girl.

"You'll be fine,calm down."The curly said calmly,trying to stay composed when she noticed Perrie pacing around."Jesus Perrie I have never seen you like this before."Indeed,Perrie was a very placid person but it's about time and circumstances she becomes the hectic one.

"It's just that I'm overwhelmed by everything.Her arrival,getting to see her face to face again,to hug her,to touch her,everything!It's like meeting your internet best friend,you so want it to happen but you're really nervous and feel like fainting every now and then.My legs are jelly at the moment."She breathed out,receiving a blink from Leigh who could barely catch a few of the words Perrie had thrown in her face all at once.

"Hey easy,you're not the one who was away from home for almost 3 months."Leigh pointed out and Perrie had to agree.Once she cooled down she grabbed her phone and rang Jesy on FaceTime just to make sure she won't lose the flight.It was night in the USA and the ginger could get quite sleepy,sleepy enough to forget about the flight.

"Hey you."The blonde waved shyly at Jesy through the screen,who was laying lazily in bed,clutching a pillow at her chest."Hi Pezz."She smiled rubbing her eyes and yawning.Leigh shook her head and took a seat next to Perrie so Jesy could see her talking."Oi,get up and pack your things.I refuse to come collect you if there will be any delays because of your lazy ass."She huffed,making Perrie chuckle.

"She's right babe,please don't miss this flight.I'm dying to see you."She whined,pouting at the end."Ugh are you done scolding me,mums?The luggage is right there."She turned the camera around just so the other two girls could see it."Happy?"

"So proud!"They cheered at the same time.

They kept talking until one of the dancers walked in to let Jesy know that they should leave for the airport if they wanted to get there on time.Perrie was getting more and more frustrated so she decided to have a nap.

"Hey wake up!Pezz!"Leigh whisper-yelled while rocking Perrie back and forth in an attempt to wake her up.The blonde's eyelids started fluttering and soon enough she had her eyes wide open."Let's go get your girlfriend."She jolted up from the couch at the hearing of those words.Her heart almost skipped a bit and she didn't know if it was whether because she was going to see Jesy again very soon or because Leigh was the driver.The girl was a disaster at the wheel and everyone knew that.

"Oh my God Leigh I'm so nervous.And excited.I feel like my breath's being taken away.I'm fainting,catch me."She only received back an eyes roll from the older girl who didn't move a finger at Perrie's antics.

"Perrie stop."

As soon as Leigh moved out of Perrie's way,the blonde spotted a woman surrounded by a few men and she knew for a fact that it was her Jesy with the dancers arriving after many hours.She threw away the little card she was holding that's got Jesy's name on it and threw herself in Jesy's arms,pulling her in a tight hug.None of them said a word to each other but the silence was revealing sobs coming from both women.

"I missed you so much."Perrie was the first one to speak,still holding tight onto Jesy,her head resting on her shoulder."Me too baby."Is all that Jesy could say before her voice would crack.They stayed like that for a little while until Leigh-Anne cleared the throat,breaking the silence."I think it's time you two should head home."she suggested as the dancers agreed smiling.

"Aren't you coming too?"The blonde raised an eyebrow,the plan was that Leigh-Anne would spend the night over since Jesy was one of her best friends and they haven't seen each other in months."I'm coming over tomorrow morning but for now,enjoy some time alone."

Jesy's chauffeur pulled over and opened the trunk for Jesy to throw all the luggage in.He helped both of them up before closing the doors and hopping in,heading to Jesy's mansion.

"Are you tired?"Perrie asked out of the blue,her head resting on Jesy's chest.The ginger nodded slowly,causing Perrie to look up at her."I couldn't sleep on the airplane because of Claud's snores."

"Oh God."The blonde giggled getting up."Well you can sleep as much as you want and in peace now."She pecked her girlfriend's lips and leaned back on her chest.As soon as they got home Perrie prepared a relaxing bubble bath and refused to let Jesy unpack."No no no,you go have a bath while I take care of these.Period."The Geordie huffed and snatched the piece of clothing from Jesy's grip.The latter decided not to confront Perrie,who was extremely determined,so she left the room only with a gown hanging on her arm.

When she was finished bathing,she walked in her and Perrie's bedroom,ready to fall asleep.As she was making herself comfortable she could feel the bed buzzing.Her phone was on the nightstand so it must've been the other woman's phone,thrown somewhere on the bed.She pulled the covers and soon the IPhone hit the floor with a thud.

Jesy picked the device up and when the screen lit up a message from someone called Zayn popped up.

Zayn:No you can't come right now.Maybe we can meet tomorrow?

Her heart rate started to rise but she didn't want to jump into conclusions.She attempted to unlock the screen but Perrie had changed the password.Weird.Furthermore she had activated the fingerprint.Was she hiding something?

"Pezz babe,come here please."Jesy said nicely,still holding Perrie's phone.It took the blonde a few minutes to go upstairs and her look landed instantly on Jesy's hand,the one in which she was holding the phone."Have you changed your password?"

Perrie nodded getting closer"Yeah I did.Leigh kept stealing my phone so I had to do something.Why?"She reasoned and tried to take the phone from her girlfriend who at first stepped back reluctantly but the fear of accusing Perrie of something she might not have done took over her in no time.She stretched her hand out,returning Perrie her phone.

"May I know your new password?"She asked bluntly.The blonde was inspecting the message,not paying much attention to the older girl."Uhm yeah sure.It's the date of our first date."Perrie stuttered and left the room,stumbling over in the process.At this point Jesy didn't know if she should start inspecting or just believe the blonde.

"Hey Leigh,have you noticed any weird behaviour at Perrie lately?"The ginger asked anxiously,bitting on her nail while watching the blonde unpacking through the cracked open door.

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