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One stressful hour for Perrie,passed by quite quickly.The blonde couldn't stop thinking of reasons why Jesy needed her.Why her out of everyone.They had been knowing each other for only one day so why would the ginger rely on her.

"I'm here!"Chloe,one of Perrie's colleagues shouted,storming inside the cafe.She had to replace Perrie after her shift was over but she was always late.This time she managed to get there just on time.

The blonde took off the apron which had got her name on it and hung it on the wall then grabbed Chloe's apron and threw it at her."Have fun!"She wished her friend before walking out.

Jesy didn't lie.There was a black car waiting near the cafe.And next to it its chauffeur was holding a paper which said Perry.She couldn't hold back her giggle at the spelling.Still laughing she approached the car and greeted the man."Miss,let me help you."He attempted to open the door for the blonde but she beat him at it and opened it herself."I don't need help with a door,thanks.And by the way,it's P-e-r-r-i-e."

The chauffeur nodded,closing the door after Perrie had got inside the car."Where are we going?"The blonde asked from the backseat,trying to take a peek of the road."I'm afraid that I can't reveal such information."

Perrie rolled her eyes,leaning back in her seat with a pout.The car must've been really expensive,there was leather everywhere.But hey it belonged to a really famous singer,right?

"We're here."The chauffeur announced,parking the car in front of a huge building.It was late and dark outside so Perrie couldn't make out what was written above the entrance.As soon as she got out of the car,she realised where she was.

"Welcome to the Sony Music studio."

The blonde was trying to take it in without putting pressure on herself.What was she doing there?Why would Jesy want her to be there?A lot of questions went flying through Perrie's mind but she had to stay composed.

"Miss Nelson is waiting for you inside."The man's voice snapped Perrie out of her thoughts.Taking a deep breath and biting her lip anxiously,she stepped inside the building.It looked amazing both on the outside and on the inside.It looked luxurious."There."She turned around to see where the chauffeur was pointing to.It was a massive grey door which read "Studio A".Gulping she walked to it and pushed it open with shaky hands.She had never been more nervous and anxious in her entire life.

The door opened and it revealed a few people and the ginger sitting on sofas."Perrie!Come in."Jesy exclaimed happily,walking to Perrie to hug her and sensing her nervousness."How are you?"

"Uhm I'm fine.You?"Perrie asked softly,during all the conversation her look moving around the room,onto the people who were there."Great.I was waiting for you.We were waiting for you,actually."

The blonde looked at Jesy in shock,pointing at herself to make sure they were talking about her."Mhm,yes you.Guys,can you please leave us alone?"Everyone nodded getting up and walking out.

"Jesy what's going on?".Jesy dragged Perrie to one of the sofas and made her sit down."Remember when I said that I really need you?"She received a nod"Well...will you be my model?"She asked holding one of Perrie's hands tightly.Perrie's jaw dropped and she started stuttering."Your w-what?"She blinked a few times in shock and confusion.

"I'm shooting a new music video and I really need a lovely woman to star in it.Everyone dropped us and we dropped everyone because I just didn't feel like working with those people.But I think you'd be great."Perrie let out a sigh and let go of Jesy's hands while shaking her head."Look Jesy,I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't like being in the spotlight.I am just a simple girl who works in a cafe and pays for that customer who always forgets to do it-"Jesy facepalmed herself"I did it again,didn't I?"Chuckling Perrie nodded"I don't play in music videos,I don't like this type of stuff.It makes me anxious."She said the last part on a lower and softer tone.

Jesy got up and grabbed the blonde's hands,pulling her up as well."I'll be right there,holding your hand.I promise it will be fine.Please?Do it for me."Perrie just stood there and didn't make any gesture nor sound for a few minutes.She took her time to think about it.She didn't want to do this at all,it was over her limits.She had never liked television and all the industry behind it.She found most of the celebrities disgusting human beings.But it was for Jesy and there was something about this woman that attracted Perrie.She was actually scared of the feelings she would get around the ginger because she had never felt this before.At least not for a complete stranger.But she felt like she already knew Jesy for years.Was that normal?

"Okay..."She nodded slightly fixing her look on Jesy who squealed like a little child."Thank you so much!"The ginger shouted before wrapping herself around Perrie's neck.For some reason Perrie didn't regret saying yes at all.

"So here's the script.You're my girlfriend and we need to act all lovey dovey.Got it?"Jesy verified to see if she made herself clear.Perrie's eyes widened and once again her jaw dropped.She wasn't expecting that."What?!"

"You heard me."Jesy sang dragging the blonde on the set.She noticed how tensed Perrie became again so she grabbed her hand giving it a slight squeeze."You just need to walk around and keep holding my hand.That's all."The ginger assured her so it would make her less nervous.

Half an hour later Perrie had got a new glamorous outfit that matched perfectly the make-up.She was ready to step on the set.Jesy had just got out of the make-up room and her jaw almost dropped at the sight of Perrie.She was hotter than ever.The fact that she was wearing a tight dress and no bra was low-key a turn on.

"Damn,you're stunning."Jesy exclaimed approaching the blushing blonde."Thanks,you too."Jesy just smiled and nodded,accepting the complement.

"Everyone take your positions!"Dan,the director announced as people were either getting on the set or behind the cameras."And action!"

Jesy grabbed Perrie's hand as they were walking slowly on a green carpet.Jesy didn't like to only mouth the lyrics,she was actually singing them and Perrie's ears were being blessed.Jesy's voice was so unique,she could feel the emotions and it sent chills down her spine.

"Cut!Let's go out."

The team started taking the stuff out as Perrie and Jesy were grabbing the coats for the next scene."This is the kiss scene.Are you ready?"Perrie shook her head smiling"Not at all."

"Hah don't worry I am shaking too.Just think that you're an actress playing a simple role.It may help you."The ginger's tip turned out to be quite helpful.Perrie felt more relieved and her hands weren't shaking anymore.

At Dan's signal the lights in the background started sparkling and the girls took a serious position.They were still holding hands but this time they were strolling on the bridge,the beauty of Thames at night was the only thing that was missing.

The ginger started singing,hitting each note with emotion in such a perfect pitched tone.And then the final line.As Jesy was singing it,she turned around and looked deeply into Perrie's eyes.The blue eyes were sparkling beautifully,they were also holding emotion,it almost seemed like Perrie was about to cry.Jesy finished the song and cupped her face,slowly leaning in and pressing her soft lips on the blonde's.

Perrie was lost in Jesy's touch and kiss,she even forgot that they were on a bloody set so she gripped Jesy's arm tightly,deepening the kiss.It felt so right for both of them that none of them noticed people in the background telling them that they stopped filming and they could stop.

They eventually pulled away,breathing hard and staring at each other starstruck.The blonde brought her hand to her lips and brushed it over them.She already missed Jesy's lips on hers.

"You're a great kisser."The ginger whispered in a playful tone."I could say the same."

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