Chapter I

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The world had been in a state of peace ever since the war ended 5 years ago and the mystical creatures that roamed it decided that the useless bloodshed was only taking the lives of their people and getting them nowhere. It was decided that with the signing of the peace treaty all shall then abide by the rules which were instated by the grand council. Every species had to decide upon the selection of a representative who would be the leader of their clan. They and only them would be able to stand by the other grand council members and oversee all the affairs of the 4 great clans.

The problems that arose from this decision were expected especially from the wolf clan who had not just one representative but several unlike the demon, witch, and vampire clans who were already being overseen by one sole leader.

The werewolves had packs and with every pack came an alpha who was not by all means willing to step down from their position. Due to this, they decided that the best solution would be to hold a fighting tournament and that only the strongest alpha would be able to stand next to the other 3 representatives. The plan was to have them all fight in a civilized manner and all was good an well until 4 men were left standing. Upon those who were left the predictions of who would win was undefined for those 4 men were said to be the strongest warriors of the entire clan. Suprise came to them when a newcomer had who was not among those 4 appeared and slattered them all without mercy and with no effort at all. The wolves were left horrified by the tragic event that had happened before their very eyes. To see their brethren slaughtered by an alpha who had just recently taken command of his pack and was deemed weak due to his lack of experience left not only the werewolves with a sense of dread and uneasiness but also the other 3 council members who had never experienced such power coming from an individual of such a young age.

This man who at the age of 19 took over his fathers broken and weak pack had just slaughtered 4 of the strongest warriors the werewolf clan had to offer without a hint of hesitation and now stood with his head held high looking down at his fellow werewolves with cold unyielding eyes and spoke:

"I am Ace Corleone Alpha of black moon pack and as of now, I am your king! He who dares defy me shall meet the same end these "great warriors" just did."

Silence fell, no one dared to move or make a sound, not even the council members everyone was too shocked and bewildered to even move. It wasn't until a ferocious growl emitted from Ace who's eyes had now changed from a bright silver to a now animalistic gold which was a clear sign that his wolf had manifested. One by one men, women, and children kneeled before him and uttered the words that would seal their impending fate.

"Long live the King" 

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