Chapter XV

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3rd Person's POV

On the other side of the spectrum, Athena and The Demon Lord found themselves rushing towards the sacred resting place having pieced things together. Athena came to a halt as she took in Alec's body lying on the floor with Ace beside him.

The shuffling in the room made Ace snap his neck towards the door. He relaxed slightly as he spotted Athena and Demetrie. That, however, didn't last long as the door to the resting placed closed just as Athena entered leaving Demetrie out. She began to make her way towards Ace and Alec only to stop halfway as the same shadow that attacked Alec made itself visible again.

Her jaw clenched seeing that the "shadow" was actually Lucifer in his demon form. It had slipped her mind that he had the ability to travel within the shadows without being detected. As she was about to attack Lucifer he sunk a silver dagger dangerously close to Ace's heart.

"Ah ah ah if you take another step I'll sink it in his heart, you know his Lycan healing won't help him he'll be dead on the spot," Lucifer snickered.

Athena stayed rooted to her spot knowing full well that one false move and Lucifer wouldn't hesitate to kill the man she had grown to care for. Her wolf and demon screamed for her to end the man's life, but did nothing to take control as they as well knew it wasn't the best course of action.

Lucifer plunged the dagger further into Ace causing him to cough up blood. Athena recoiled in pain as if she could feel what he was feeling no doubt the mate bonds doing. She felt tears swell in her eyes not being able to bear seeing the pain Ace was in. Lucifer laughed darkly clearly enjoying the state of panic the women who sent him to the deepest pits of hell was in. Just enough time had passed that Alec began to gain consciousness again. Alec subtly looked up at the scene before him being careful as to not get caught. Athena glanced his way relief passing before her eyes as she now knew that he was ok and that he would be able to stop Lucifer from harming Ace any further.

Alec's POV

The look in Athena's eyes as she saw her mate being hurt was one I had never seen in all the time I've been with her. It was as if she were in pain as well as if she was the one being daggered

I didn't think twice as I began to slowly creep towards Lucifer in an attempt to free Ace from his clutches. However, as soon as I got closer I was stopped dead in my tracks by what occurred in record time. My eyes widened in horror as I saw the crystal the grand witch Caroline had plunged into Athena's heart. At that moment I lost the sense of what I was supposed to be doing. An internal battle was raging in me on whether to save Ace or help Athena. So consumed by my thoughts I was that I didn't notice when Lucifer had let go of Ace and made his way towards Athena.

He smirked caressing her cheek as he took in her now emotionless expression. It was as if she were an empty shell. Her current state brought back memories of what she used to be like back then. I felt my heart clench and fell to my knees suddenly losing the will to move.

"How does it feel to be the powerless puppet now," He whispered to no one in particular.

"Lucifer you didn't have to hurt Ace so much you know," Caroline wined.

Lucifer turned towards Caroline with a sinister expression. "Caroline darling its been fun but your assistance is no longer needed"

A look of bewilderment took over Carolines features as she asked, "What do you mean by my assistance is no longer needed we're partners remember"

Lucifer doubled over in laughter clearly finding the witch quite amusing. Once he sobered up he turned back towards Athena.

" Sweetheart lets make your first task to kill all the witches starting with that one over there"

Caroline began to back up in horror not being able to fully comprehend this sudden betrayal.

"No you can't do this I command you to stop I am the one who plunged the Crystal into you-you serve me not him" she yelled in desperation.

"Oh dear, it appears you didn't do your research the one who controls the person with the crystal is the one who had covered it with their blood that is me. Now sweetheart be a dear and  exterminate her will you."

With no hesitation, Athena swiped her hand beheading the witch.  Having regained my senses I used the distraction in my favor as I helped Ace out of the room. Yelling could be heard from inside the resting place no doubt Lucifer was sending Athena to eliminate us as well. This pushed me further to escape paying no mind to the pain I was feeling in my heart for my inability to protect her like I had said I would always do.

"Run! We need to leave here immediately," I yelled to Demetre as I ran passed him.

He did as told and proceeded to follow me not questioning once why he had to escape. Having no place to go to where Lucifer wouldn't know of I made my way towards my old pack. They had become independent from other packs and later faded in history to keep themselves safe. They were hidden from others that weren't Athena and myself.

Over the years we would pay them a visit here and there seeing if they needed anything as they didn't want to give themselves out to the other packs.

As we approached the guards that guarded the borders appeared. As they saw me they bowed their heads in submission.

"Master Alec," they muttered.

" I need you to take me to the pack doctor now," I said not bothering to correct them.

They nodded leading the way to the pack doctor. As we approached many of the pack members had stepped out of their homes to see what was emitting such a great source of power. I had forgotten to withdraw my own in my haste to get to the pack and also forgot that I was being accompanied by a Lycan King and Demon Lord.

As we entered the hospital the nurses rushed over with a bed for whoever was being brought in. I set Ace down on the bed and proceeded to follow them towards the doctor. He as well as everyone seemed surprised to see me as I hadn't been back to visit them ever since Athena went into eternal sleep. He snapped out of his shock when I directed him.

"He's been pierced in the chest by a silver dagger that had been in their a fair amount of time as well as dangerously close to his heart"

He nodded knowing immediately what to do and began to direct the nurses for what they would be doing next.

It took about 15 hrs until we received news on Ace's condition. In the meantime, I had filled Demetrie in on what had happened when he was locked out of the sacred resting place.

"The patient is now stable he is resting but you may see him now," the doctor said.

"Where am I and why am I here," Ace asked.

"You were attacked by Lucifer and we had to bring you here"

Realization dawned on him as he began to attempt to get up from the bed making me step forward to stop him.

" What in the world are you doing you can't move around"

"Get off I have to go to her," he yelled in fury.

"Stop you can't and you know it; we need to make a plan. You know that more than anyone I want to help her as well," I responded trying to reason with him.

He slumped in the bed a defeated look overcoming his features. With a final sigh, he nodded in agreement with my words.

"Let him arrange his thoughts; in the meantime, we'll think of what to do about this whole situation war is brewing on the horizon," Spoke Demetrie for the first time since we've been here.

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