Chapter II

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Ace's POV

A month later...

It had been a smooth transition after my big announcement of being the new king of werewolves and although I owe it all to the fact that my people were absolutely terrified of me it, in fact, did not bother me in the slightest. I welcomed their terror for it was the terror they had for me that would keep them in place.

My beta Zack walked in as I continued to recall the passing events.

"You have to meet up with the council today, apparently they have finally brought the protection spell down from the border of the forbidden land. They want all 4 clans to be present to take the next step and infiltrate. 

Hearing this piqued my interest no one has ever been in the forbidden land since I've known about it is has always been protected with a spell denying access to anyone who has ever tried to cross. 

"Finally something interesting is about to happen I can feel it maybe the days of boring council work are about to come to an end. I sure hope so I can't take another boring meeting discussing absolute nothingness and having to see the face of the grand witch making googly eyes at me," I said shivering at the memory of the annoying witch that can't seem to take a hint.

Zack simply laughed taking joy in my discomfort if it weren't for the fact that he was my best friend he would have already received a punch to the face. That being said I informed him that he should begin to make preparations to leave for the council meeting at once and to inform the best warriors in the pack that they would be coming along. The clans' leaders and I decided that it would be best to set up base outside of the forbidden land and that once we all had established ourselves we would then have a strategy meeting on how we would proceed. It wasn't until midnight when everyone had finally settled and we found ourselves in the biggest tent which we considered are base. 

Once inside the grand witch addressed us, "Demon Lord, Vampire King, Lycan King, and trusted advisors it is a pleasure to have you all here, as you all know we are gathered here to discuss how we shall proceed with the exploration of the forbidden land since we do not know what lurks inside. Unfortunately, our strategy meeting has to be cut short since I have been informed that they saw a man of great stature enter the  forbidden land."

Whispers were heard all around. I for one was most intrigued by the sudden news. Who would be so reckless as to enter an unknown land and have no fear for there safety especially since if what was behind these borders didn't finish him off one of the clan's members would have the honor of doing so for trespassing. 

"Grand witch have you by any chance sent anyone to catch this mysterious man with the purpose to interrogate him?"

"Lycan king, believe me, as much as I did want to when I was informed of the incident I found that it was best to simply discuss these matters with you all in order to calculate our next step."

"Very well I suppose you are right to be cautious. So now that that is settled what is our next step," I inquired. 

"I believe it is about time we enter this mysterious land instead of continuing this pointless chatter. If we intend to find this man we better start now before anything else goes wrong," the demon king said. 

With that being said we all decided that we would enter together and stay close once inside depending on the findings we would then proceed from there. 

The forest had this mystical and tenebrous feeling to it although nothing special for some reason it did feel like something out of this world. As we all proceeded forward one of the demon kings men spotted a castle at the top of a hill. 

Everyone knew that this was it this was what we were searching for

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Everyone knew that this was it this was what we were searching for. Once we got close it was decided that each clan leader would take their people and split up to cover more ground. Like the exterior, the interior was elegant and luxurious, but it seemed as if no one lived in this extravagant castle there was no soul in sight and no sign of habitation either.

 Like the exterior, the interior was elegant and luxurious, but it seemed as if no one lived in this extravagant castle there was no soul in sight and no sign of habitation either

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Once I found myself deeper in the castle my wolf began to get anxious repeating "It's close". Annoyingly he wouldn't elaborate on what was close so I simply decided to push him to the furthest part of my mind. I had told my pack members to go on ahead since we could simply mind link if anything were to happen thus leaving me on my own. I found out soon that I wasn't the only one who had the same idea since minutes later I encountered the other 3 clans leader and we decided to continue on forward together. 

Not once did we encounter any of our people giving us an unsettling feeling in our stomachs. The silence we had found ourselves in was broken by the ear pitching screams of what we could only assume to be our people. Hastening our pace in hopes of stopping the sounds of agony that filled our ears we were met with a room that had two tall doors that were wide open, but as soon as we got close the screams which terrorized us stopped and a deafening silence took its place. I tried to mind link my warriors but came up empty and decided that the best course of action was to remain hidden from whatever was in that room. 

"I believe it is best for us to remain hidden since we have no idea what we are up against," Ace whispered. 

The 3 clans leaders nodded their heads in agreement with that being said we proceeded with caution. Never in the entirety of my life have I ever been scared of anything I was always the one doing the scaring, but the sight before me had given me my first taste of fear. 

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