Chapter XVI

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Alec's POV

"I've recently been informed about Lucifer's whereabouts," Demetrie said.

"What have you been told?" I said

"He and Athena have been going on a rampage throughout the land all the witches that were in the castle were exterminated and the rest of the coven has been in a frenzy since their clan leader was murdered but it seems that the elders are planning to take over in the meantime while Caroline's successor is chosen and the werewolves have no idea on what has been going"

"What about the vampires and your clan?"

"Lucifer stormed my castle and has detained those loyal to me the ones that remained loyal to him have come out of hiding and are preparing to attack the vampire clan since they are the closest clan; Jax announced that if Lucifer isn't stopped they will disregard the treaty and go to war,"

"This situation is getting worse by the second; the only way to stop the upcoming war and Lucifer from taking over is to get Athena back without her he's powerless," I said.

"How exactly do we do that," Ace voice rang throughout the room; having composed his emotions he had left the hospital shortly after us.

"We need to find a way to snap her back into consciousness and you are the perfect person for the job," I said.

"How is he going to snap her into consciousness," Demetrie questioned.

"It's quite simple we just need to cause such an emotional and phycological shock that it will be enough for her mind to escape the crystals grasps"

"How do we do that?"

"It's pretty simple if you think about it."

When they both stared at me in confusion, I elaborated "She'll only come back from the shock of killing her own mate."

"Wait wait wait what? Why kill me?," Ace exclaimed

"Because whether I like it or not she's come to care for you and addind on the whole mate bond and stuff will have a great impact on her; don't worry about dying though you won't actually be dying I mean technically you won't be dead dead but still dead I've got something to prevent that"

"What is this death prevention you speak of"

"Quite simple just drink some of this upon going into battle"

He took the vile I had shown him and examined its contents with a slight look of disgust.

"That's Athena's blood you can't make a hybrid without it; if you die with this in your system then you'll awaken as a hybrid, but for this plan to work no one is to know of the ingestion of the blood and your death has to happen within 48 hrs after that theirs no saving you from certain death"

Ace nodded quite wary of the plan but with us having no other choice he made no objections. Everything would eventually come together with the clock ticking war urging to erupt there was no time to stray from the goal.

Since my previous pack had gone into hiding and become independent they still had an alpha and highly trained warriors that were willing to assist us in rescuing Athena. They were very grateful to Athena and me as we had helped them to prevail and survive over the years. Demetrie said that the demons that had escaped were on their way to assist as well and Ace had contacted his beta telling him to ready the warriors.

Everything was falling into place and very soon we would be ready to commence our attack. 

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