Chapter III

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Ace's POV

The sight before us was that of dead bodies and a man kneeling before a woman whose whole demeanor screamed authority. The nightgown she wore was covered in what could only be presumed to be blood, not only was her body covered but also her face which was hidden behind the moonlights shadow. In her hand, she held the head of one of the demon kings men by the look on his face. By the look in each others faces it was easy to tell that we were all thinking the same thing. Retreat and regroup but the sound of her voice stopped us in our tracks.

¨I know you are all there, just come out and show yourselves at once,¨ she said without even sparing a glance in our direction and instead made her way up the stairs towards a throne that stood in the middle of the what I now assumed was a throne room. The woman carried herself with great poise, not at all fazed by the bodies that lay at her feet. With a snap of her fingers, the bloodied nightgown had been replaced by a black dress that did well in accentuating her curves and the blood that covered her just seconds ago had disappeared.

 With a snap of her fingers, the bloodied nightgown had been replaced by a black dress that did well in accentuating her curves and the blood that covered her just seconds ago had disappeared

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Once she sat down it made it easier for me to distinguish her features and fully take her in. She had long black silky hair that complemented her fair skin along with a set of bright red eyes that were framed by long lashes. She was breathtaking. To say that she was gorgeous was an understatement. The more I stared the more captivated I felt by her sheer beauty. The sight of her made my heart beat erratically for the first time in a long while.

The man who was kneeling stood up and made his way to the side of the women were he stood with a blank face. It was then that we realize that just maybe this man before us was the one that had entered the forbidden forest without our consent. The snarl that came from the grand witch broke me out of the trance I had found myself in.

¨Who are you!? and how dare you enter a sacred land out of your own free will do you take us for fools? Which clan is it that you belong to?¨ the witch said to the man.

¨No the real question is are you the monster who made this mess! Did you slaughter our people?¨ the demon king exclaimed with furry.

The man neither answered their questions nor did he spare them a glance he simply stared at the women as if waiting for something. This seemed to only add fuel to the fire since all at once the council leaders began to yell out insults and questions. The chaos made it impossible to distinguish who exactly they were referring to.

¨SILENCE!¨ the women yelled.

The power that came from her voice made the entire building shake silencing everyone and pinning them to there spot. She looked down at us with cold arrogant eyes visibly fed up by all the commotion.

She spoke with a flat tone as well as with authority that demanded complete utter attention.

"Why are you all here?"

"We are here to explore and claim the land that has been guarded by a barrier for as long as I've known of this land. Now I demand you to answer my question. Who are you and how is it that you got here before us?" the egotistical witch sneered.

The response and demand for answers did not please the women in the slightest. Her red eyes flashed when she spoke.


3rd Person POV

Caroline the witch fell to her knees with great force making her bones crack as she hit the pavement the dust around her dispersed it was obvious that this occurred unwillingly by the scream of pain she emitted. Tears glazed her eyes on the verge of spilling. Something quite understandable for someone who does not have the healing abilities of a wolf, vampire, or demon. The Vampire king made his way towards Caroline in hopes of extinguishing her pain by feeding her some drops of his blood but was stopped dead in his tracks by the stranger who had not made a move until just now. The man stopped the vampire king by plunging his hand into his chest seconds away from removing his heart but was stopped by the woman who had simply raised her hand to signal him to halt. 

As fast as he had appeared he disappeared only to once more appear at the woman's side. Seeing as the conversation was getting nowhere the women decided to speak. 

"I am Athena Petrova and you have all trespassed onto lands which are meant to be forbidden. Who do you all think you are and what right do you think you have to not only enter my lands but also my Palace and disturb my sleep. Now you shall all kneel and beg for your lives if you intend to leave this place alive or fight trying."

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