Chapter Twenty Nine: Is this the end?

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   The fight was barely even a fight. Halona used every technique she ever learned and yet, Jason managed to dodge each attack so easily. It was as if he did this in his sleep.

  "Is that really all you got? I'm sure father would have at least given me a challenge." He taunted, followed by a small yawn.

  Halona still was not a her full strength. Even if she was, there probably wouldn't have been much of a difference.

  She had no time for talking, the only thing she focused on was killing the man before her.

  The others weren't doing so well either. Sebastian and Undertaker we're struggling to break apart the sphere. But new opponents came in they had no choice but to defend themselves. Grell was also struggling.

   "Get your filthy hands off me! Is that really how you treat a lady!?" She screamed.

  William and Elizabeth eventually joined in the fight. The two made a pretty good team, unexpected but it worked. But they were severely outnumbered. Ciel was doing his best. But he did manage to hold off a few with a headshot. So he wasn't completely useless.

   Overall, their odds weren't looking too good. Jason knew it too.

  "This is getting boring. I'm sorry to say our little playdate will have to end, dear sister." He used the butt of his blades to knock her back. She didn't even have time to recover as he kicked her across the room.

   "You bastard!" The Undertaker lunged at him, a battle of strength between the two as they tried to overcome each other. Fortunately Undertaker held him off long enough to allow Halona to make a cut into his side.

   Jason quickly jumped back, covering his wound. "Well, won't you look at that. You cut me." There was no sign of weakness. Just an unsettling smile on his face.

  "Halona, let me handle him. Help Sebastian with the death scythes."

  "But I can-"

  "JUST GO!" There was no point in arguing. Now wasn't the time for it and she knew it. Halona joined Sebastian in his fight.

   "So father, you think you can still beat me? You have no weapon." Jason asked. Undertaker glared at him with glowing green eyes.

  "I need no weapon." He stated, raising his hands. "And I am not your father."


   Across the room were Lisa and Jade. Jade has various spells up her sleeve. But Lisa was a master in dark magic. Various traps were set in place, at the moment Jade was caught in ice. Actual ice, her body was being engulfed in it.

  "C-c-cold." She gasped for air, she felt as if she was burning and freezing at the same time. She whispered under her breath, a fire spell that quickly melted away the ice before it took over her completely.

  She crumbled to the ground, desperately trying to catch her breath.

  "Aw, did you really think that you had a chance?" She taunted mercilessly. Lisa slowly circled around here.

  "No. . . I just need to buy a little time." Jade replied weakly. Lisa's expression hardened, a bit confused by her statement.

  "Buy a little time? What do you me-"

  "YEAAAAAAAAH HAHAHAHA BITCH!" Grell flew and kicked her to the ground, knocking her out cold.

  Jade staggered but successfully managed to stand. "Thanks Grell."

  "Tch, no need to thank. I need you alive so that I can kill you myself afterwards."

   The young witch smiled. "I look forward to it." Enemies surround them. Jade was in no shape to fight, Grell could tell.

   "What am I gonna do with you?"

   "Buy me some time, I may be able to transfer Lisa's power to me."

  "Don't take too long." Jade nodded and ran towards Lisa's body. Grell used all of her strength to defend the girl.

  "Please, let this work." She placed her forehead against Lisa's and whispered the enchantment. A few seconds went by, and Jade was in fear that she may have messed up the spell.

  A shot of energy filled her veins, she threw her head back and screamed as this was power she had never felt before.  The feeling disappeared, but the power was still there. She felt refreshed, as if she had just woken from the best nap in the world.

  "Ooooh, shit's about to get real."

  "WILL YOU HURRY UP AND-" Jade ran right past Grell, almost knocking her over. Her fists see clenched tightly. Once they were released, a powerful jolt of energy, knocking down all her opponents in a certain range.

   "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!?" Grell screeched. She stood up and tried to regain her composure. "About time. You couldn't have done that a bit earlier!?" Jade turned back and glared at her.

  "I was a bit busy." She said with an evil glare. Grell shifted uncomfortably.

  "Yeah well, we're not done yet so let's get going!"

   Jason saw the fight, he saw that little witch take everyone down. This was when he realized that they were not to be taken lightly. This also gave Undertaker an advantage.

  "PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR OPPONENT!" The old man yelled, knocking the boy over. "I would have assumed that you'd learned that much." Jason stood tall and scowled.

  "Big talk for an old man. Look at yourself!" Undertaker had taken a considerable amount of damage. Miraculously he could still fight. The boy clenched his teeth.

  "I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!" He ran at him with full intent to kill. Undertaker narrowly dodged and grabbed him by the neck, locking him in a deep choke hold.

  "Rage blinds you. How do expect to fight like that?" Jason desperately gasped for air.

  "L-ike this!" He gouged the blade deep into Undertaker's thigh.


  The scream could be heard across the battlefield. Halona searched for the source of the sound.

  "HALONA WATCH OUT!" Ciel grabbed her by the waist and pulled her out of the way of an oncoming attack. Instantly he shot the attacker right in the head. "Stay focused!" He scolded her.

  "Right!" The two of them continued to fight, until ciel eventually ran out of bullets. Then Sebastian had two duties to attend to.

   Things were beginning to look up. Except for Undertaker.

  Jason towered over him, smiling like maniac.

  "Well father, it appears you've lost."


(P.S. sorry this took so long.)

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