Strangers in the house

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I drop my pen in shock as the front door is ripped apart. My whole body is shaking and a small stupid part of me hopes they can't hear my heartbeat thumping louder than a drum.

"Hey, Jesus it's cold. Tea please." I hear a voice echoing down the hall. It doesn't exactly sound like anything dangerous so I open the door and creep down the corridor. Peeping through a crack in the door, this is what I see: Janet-who hasn't gone missing, thank god-is passing a small purple mug-my mug!-to a boy sitting in an armchair wearing a coat and winter boots. He has a hat on and some green glasses so I can't tell what he looks like.

"Thanks Jan." he says, lifting the mug (mine!) to his lips.

"What's going on!" I step out into the living room and stare menacingly at the boy.

"What are you doing in my house?" I demand. He smiles and pulls off his hat and glasses. He has brown hair and a cute freckly face, with blue sparkling eyes-that's not the point! He's in MY house!

"Nice to meet you, I'm Luke." He says. I throw him a nasty look.

"I don't care who you are!" I shout. Then I turn to Janet. "Why have you let him in here?"

"Calm down! Does he look like a psychopath who wants to kill us?" I look at him. He raises his eyebrows and smiles, smugly.

"No. He looks like an idiot." That wipes the smile off his arrogant face.

"Anyway..." Janet says rolling her eyes. "You want to know why he's here?"

I say nothing but it doesn't matter because her is already standing.

"We are here today, in the gathering of-"

"Luke!" Janet hits him on the shoulder. He laughs.

"Ok! Ok!" He turns to me. "You are in danger." I wait for more.

"That's it? You are in danger?" I walk right up to him until I feel his breath on my nose (he's tall ok?!).
"You rip down my door, sit in my house, take my favourite mug and all you can say is: you are in danger! I want to know what is going on and I want to know now! If you aren't going to tell me, give me back my mug and leave." I don't know what made me do it. I guess all the adrenaline hasn't gone away yet. My anger was slowly building up and I didn't realise it.

Luke turns and looks at Janet then back at me.

"I like this girl."

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