Things I don't know

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I find Luke exactly where I left him, except he's taking to a tall man in a suit.

"Puzzle!" I shout it at him and he jumps.

"Oh! Thalia! I didn't see you!" He says half laughing. Luke mutters something to the man who nods and walks off.

"That's the word! Puzzle!" I say again. He looks confused and then snaps back to reality.

"Um. Yeah. How'd you find out?"

"Jennifer told me. What was that all about?" I ask, looking around for the man.

"What?" Luke isn't really listening.

"That man! You were talking to a man just now!"

"Yeah, don't worry. Shall we go and find Janet?" A tinge of annoyance creeps up inside of me.


Janet is a room, filled with techie computers and books. When she sees us come in, she waves us over. I can't help but compare her to the Janet I saw last night, in a temper, kicking chairs over and crying.

"Hello, I'm just doing research. Have you seen everything Thalia?"

"Yeah. I think so anyway. I've had a DNA thing-"

"A DNA scan? Yes, everyone has them." She's talking very fast like she's under pressure.

"Janet, I need to talk to you." Luke says. He looks serious.

"I already know." She simply says. Luke frowns.


"Um...I heard from one of the doctors."

"How do they know?"

"Does it matter!? What matters is what we decide."

"Excuse me!" I interrupt. "But what exactly are you two talking about?" Luke and Janet glance at each other. They nod.

"I'll go and talk to Dr. Prince." Luke says. Janet nods.

"That's all very nice but I still don't get what's going on!" I say frustratedly

"You will, just give us a second." She watches Luke walk off and I suddenly get a strange feeling.

"You and Luke," she looks at me.

"Yes?" It suddenly seems very awkward.

"You're not...he's not...your...boyfriend?" There is a moments silence. Then she smiles as if trying not to laugh at me.

"No," She says. "Thalia he's my brother."

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